[2008.05.21 19:06:28] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2008.05.21 19:06:28] shopa has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:06:28] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2008.05.21 19:06:39] BrittaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:06:41] TexasFiddler has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:06:42] Sag has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:06:45] susanfaye has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:07:09] art1 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:07:14] chm has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:07:41] preggoprincess has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:07:49] BrittaCP: Hello, hello, hello!
[2008.05.21 19:07:51] Sag: Howdy CP shopkeepers!
[2008.05.21 19:08:00] BrittaCP: Thanks for showing up!
[2008.05.21 19:08:09] RickCP: Hey there, hi there, ho there.
[2008.05.21 19:08:18] BrittaCP: Today we've got a topic that's been discussed a few times before
[2008.05.21 19:08:32] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.05.21 19:09:03] BrittaCP: email/ direct marketing... i like to do this one every now and then because it's new to some... while others have new experiences to share
[2008.05.21 19:09:12] BrittaCP: Today we have Rick with us
[2008.05.21 19:09:22] RickCP: that's me
[2008.05.21 19:09:30] BrittaCP: he's an email marketing magic man of sorts
[2008.05.21 19:09:58] TexasFiddler: hi rick!
[2008.05.21 19:10:02] RickCP: email... voodoo... wizardry in general
[2008.05.21 19:10:02] BrittaCP: So... before I hand it over... let me throw out the rules of chat
[2008.05.21 19:10:20] RickCP: Hey Fiddler
[2008.05.21 19:10:43] BrittaCP: The chat is moderated... which means that all your questions and comments go into a queue where it will be reviewed and pushed out by a moderator
[2008.05.21 19:10:53] BrittaCP: So if you don't see your comment right away, that's why
[2008.05.21 19:10:55] Sag: Oooh, now that sounds interesting!
[2008.05.21 19:11:01] BrittaCP: voodoo usually is
[2008.05.21 19:11:15] BrittaCP: alright rick... share the magic
[2008.05.21 19:11:31] RickCP:
[2008.05.21 19:11:55] RickCP: Okay guys, does anybody know the mission of email/direct marketing?
[2008.05.21 19:12:01] Sag: Go for it Rick! Do yer voodoo.
[2008.05.21 19:12:19] Sag: uh huh!
[2008.05.21 19:12:43] BrittaCP: Or should we ask... is there anyone who has no idea what we're talking about?
[2008.05.21 19:12:46] NVRhonda: to get sales
[2008.05.21 19:12:48] Sag: drive traffic and increase conversions of sales
[2008.05.21 19:12:53] facesarewild has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:13:11] TexasFiddler: Depends, actual sale of merchandise, getting folks to the website from which they can buy, PR, establish credibility
[2008.05.21 19:13:24] RickCP: those are both very good answers
[2008.05.21 19:13:27] RickCP: ahhh
[2008.05.21 19:13:31] BarbD has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:13:53] RickCP: Fiddler has hit on a key piece, establish credibility
[2008.05.21 19:14:28] RickCP: In today's flooded market, it's important to try and establish a relationship with your customers
[2008.05.21 19:14:41] RickCP: an emotional attachment, if possible.
[2008.05.21 19:15:25] Scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:15:27] RickCP: Once you have that attachment, there's much more a likelihood of someone making a repeat purchase.
[2008.05.21 19:15:44] RickCP: and believe me.... that makes ALL the difference to your revenue.
[2008.05.21 19:15:58] TexasFiddler: I'm re-reading One Minute Salesperson...sounds like exactly the same thing the author says in there.
[2008.05.21 19:16:20] RickCP: So... I know you're thinking... 'oh direct marketing voodoo, how do I do that?'
[2008.05.21 19:16:48] Scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:17:04] RickCP: @Fiddler... I'm gonna have to read that book. Sounds like a genius may have written it :)
[2008.05.21 19:17:27] BarbD has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:17:36] RickCP: the key thing to do, is treat all of your customers, like they're you're only customer.
[2008.05.21 19:17:57] RickCP: if you can, try to find out more information about them and what they want.
[2008.05.21 19:17:59] Barb D has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:18:12] RickCP: maybe that means setting up a survey on surveymonkey
[2008.05.21 19:18:29] RickCP: or sending out a newsletter requesting some type of response.
[2008.05.21 19:19:10] TexasFiddler: surveymonkey?
[2008.05.21 19:19:32] CAMO BABY has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:19:35] RickCP: if you have a premium shop, maybe you want to set up a section that has a form they can fill out so that you can have automatically email to you.
[2008.05.21 19:20:38] RickCP: the idea is to find out the general consensus amongst your customers so that you can more easily identify avenues
[2008.05.21 19:21:47] RickCP: @fiddler - surveymonkey is a service that allows you to create your own survey. check this page for a a listing of more -
[2008.05.21 19:22:02] TexasFiddler: i use polldaddy
[2008.05.21 19:22:12] TexasFiddler: Can anyone recommend a script, service, or source to generate such a script?
[2008.05.21 19:22:33] RickCP: a script for the form?
[2008.05.21 19:22:44] TexasFiddler: yup
[2008.05.21 19:23:27] facesarewild has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:23:36] RickCP: yep... just a sec
[2008.05.21 19:24:21] RickCP: before I learned how to code, I used
[2008.05.21 19:25:09] TexasFiddler: thanx
[2008.05.21 19:25:24] RickCP: it's free (yay!!) and you can use it to set up your form and request just about any piece of information you could want. but remember, the more questions you ask, the less like someone is to complete the form.
[2008.05.21 19:26:48] TexasFiddler: i'm takin' up too much time...go ahead with the rest of the presentation Rick
[2008.05.21 19:26:48] RickCP: now when it comes to contacting your customers, as a general rule, you shouldn't contact them more than once a week.
[2008.05.21 19:27:45] RickCP: knowing where your customers reside, can have a large effect on the responsiveness of your population
[2008.05.21 19:27:59] Lekker Jen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:28:02] jessica has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:28:45] RickCP: if the majority of your customers live on the east coast, you may want to take that into consideration when you're sending something out.
[2008.05.21 19:29:04] RickCP: is there anybody in here that currently sends out any direct marketing pieces?
[2008.05.21 19:29:36] Sag: Yelp, I do.
[2008.05.21 19:30:01] armymom has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:30:09] mousecrafter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:30:09] RickCP: and how often do you currently send something out, if you don't mind me asking.
[2008.05.21 19:30:10] RickCP: ?
[2008.05.21 19:30:33] Sag: Once a month for a buyers club.
[2008.05.21 19:30:35] TexasFiddler: just starting to get involved with that. once a month.
[2008.05.21 19:31:11] chm: Monthly CafePress newsletter here.
[2008.05.21 19:31:23] RickCP: once a month is good, but 4 weeks is a long time between communications.
[2008.05.21 19:31:37] LittleLizzy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:31:51] RickCP: by the time you contact them again, they may have moved on to something else.
[2008.05.21 19:32:59] susanfaye: I'm a beginner--how does one get a good email list going in the first place?
[2008.05.21 19:32:59] RickCP: email lists can be purchased or rented. you can also do a co-registration with another company.
[2008.05.21 19:33:05] NVRhonda: I did an email flyer through Constant Contact, they let you use their service free for 60 days. They have nice templates etc. and you can put your designs on the email. There are lots of options. It also tells you who opened the email, who visted your site and some other info I don't remember. You can save the flyer you create and use it forever. I was able to change the text on my own too.
[2008.05.21 19:34:04] TexasFiddler: do you suggest weekly?
[2008.05.21 19:34:04] RickCP: Once a week is a good number and is used by most companies. Just try to make sure that you contact them with something new when you do. If you're at the beginning of your program, once every other week maybe be better.
[2008.05.21 19:34:44] RickCP: Rhonda, thanks for sharing that. There are other services out there as well that you can google.
[2008.05.21 19:36:04] susanfaye: Thanks!
[2008.05.21 19:36:31] NVRhonda: I don't understand how you would affect what you are sending out, in what way for example?
[2008.05.21 19:36:31] RickCP: If you're talking about where your customers reside, it really boils down to timing. If I'm on the east coast and I receive an email from you at 12noon (9am pst) then I may not even be at my desk to read it, and I may never even see the email.
[2008.05.21 19:36:35] Renee has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:37:07] RickCP: Thinking about what people are most likely doing when your email hits their desktop, can help in optimizing your communication.
[2008.05.21 19:37:47] Sag: I send out specials on products to shoppers who have signed up for my SagArt Buyer's Club because the discounts are featured for a month at a time. But, they also sign up for my blog to get special announcements on Lightening Specials once a week - so one feeds to the other customer base.
[2008.05.21 19:37:47] RickCP: That's a great idea. I may have to sign up for that... saving money is always a good idea ;-)
[2008.05.21 19:38:19] TexasFiddler: what's your success been with renting and buying email lists? And isn't that better B2B? Most of my contact is B2C.
[2008.05.21 19:38:19] RickCP: We don't rent lists here, at CP.
[2008.05.21 19:38:23] TexasFiddler: cool idea--weekly specials sag
[2008.05.21 19:38:59] RickCP: But outside of that, I've seen some success in other ventures by renting or sharing a list with another company that has a mutual interest.
[2008.05.21 19:39:57] TexasFiddler: and subject lines matter
[2008.05.21 19:39:57] RickCP: YES!!! This is the only thing that most customers look at. A good subject line can make or break your entire email strategy.
[2008.05.21 19:40:19] NVRhonda: I'm sorry, I meant to a specific area like the East Coast
[2008.05.21 19:40:19] RickCP: I was just using the East Coast as an example.
[2008.05.21 19:40:45] RickCP: Bad subject line: Open this and get FREE money!!
[2008.05.21 19:41:04] TexasFiddler: i hate subject lines lik....
[2008.05.21 19:41:11] Big Red has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:41:14] TexasFiddler: you know, the incomplete ones
[2008.05.21 19:41:16] RickCP: Good subject line: Save on summer-themed t-shirts
[2008.05.21 19:41:57] BrittaCP: The first one just looks like SPAM, which a reader will most likely delete
[2008.05.21 19:42:01] RickCP: First off, putting 'free' in your subject line can often get your email blocked at the ESP level (email service provider)
[2008.05.21 19:42:38] RickCP: True Britta, but with ever-tightening standards of most esp's, the reader may never even see it.
[2008.05.21 19:43:27] RickCP: Putting words in ALL CAPS is also an easy way to get your email sent straight to the SPAM glue factory
[2008.05.21 19:44:35] RickCP: The tone of your subject line should really speak to the general disposition of your customers, whenever possible.
[2008.05.21 19:45:31] RickCP: Also... while it's bad grammar, using as little punctuation in a subject line as possible, is also another way to keep your email from being blocked.
[2008.05.21 19:45:45] Beelzebeth has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:46:18] RickCP: Try and keepy your subject line down to 40 characters since a lot of esp's show the header preview.
[2008.05.21 19:47:51] CAMO BABY has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:48:18] Barb D: Speaking of spam, we should probably let the customers know the from address so they can put it on a safe list too, huh?
[2008.05.21 19:48:18] RickCP: Absolutely right. As a matter of fact, the first thing you should put is a link to a live HTML version of your email (if you sent an html email). Secondly, a statement asking them to add you to their safe list so that you won't get blocked or end up on the SPAM tram. Third, it's also a good idea to place an unsubscribe link fairly high on the communication.
[2008.05.21 19:50:53] TexasFiddler: Your example..."Save on summer-themed t-shirts" is pretty specific. And I guess saving is emotional. What are your thoughts on a "Look good this summer with...." or a "Don't get caught wearing a shabby..." with some appropriate ending? Is straight-forward more effective than something cute or creative?
[2008.05.21 19:50:53] RickCP: It's tough finding that balance. It really depends on your crowd. If you don't know your audience that well, I'd say stick to the clear, concise version. If the people on your list have been around awhile, you can afford to put a little more zing on the subject line.
[2008.05.21 19:51:52] RickCP: Also, try to remember the 40 character rule. Try to push the main point of your subject line as close to the front as possible.
[2008.05.21 19:52:53] Lekker Jen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:53:21] thinkytees has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:53:23] TexasFiddler: And is text or html email better?
[2008.05.21 19:53:23] RickCP: HTML usually responses better but text is always accepted
[2008.05.21 19:53:31] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:53:32] RickCP: kinda like visa
[2008.05.21 19:54:11] RickCP: and cash
[2008.05.21 19:54:18] RickCP: actually, just cash.
[2008.05.21 19:54:30] brev87 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 19:54:47] Renee has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:55:00] RickCP: HTML, by default, is often blocked so make sure that if your email is heavy on images, fill out those alt tags!
[2008.05.21 19:55:12] RickCP: sometimes, that's just about the only thing a person sees.
[2008.05.21 19:55:31] brev87 has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:55:56] thinkytees has left the room (logged out)
[2008.05.21 19:55:58] TexasFiddler: What are your ideas on getting folks to click once they've opened the email?
[2008.05.21 19:55:58] RickCP: Basically, get to the point, show them images first.
[2008.05.21 19:56:52] RickCP: Whether it be your designs or a picture of someone wearing your t-shirt. People normally don't respond well to a block of text right at the beginning. Most people filter it out and breeze on past it.
[2008.05.21 19:57:09] BrittaCP: We're at the final ten minutes... who's got questions they've been holding back?
[2008.05.21 19:58:42] armymom: it seems the only way to really promote ur shop is to spend a lot of money to actually get it going. like buying a domain name, web hosting and purchasing a contact email list. its a bit over whelming for the beginner shop keeper to take in and accomplish.
[2008.05.21 19:58:42] RickCP: Well, it CAN cost you money but some hard work, research and effort will go a lot further than the money, at our level.
[2008.05.21 19:59:19] TexasFiddler: Do you have any resources on email marketing that you can recommend?
[2008.05.21 19:59:19] RickCP: Sure... you can subscribe to the Email Sherpa newsletter
[2008.05.21 19:59:27] BrittaCP: Oh... i think this may have been covered... but this question came in from TexasArt, who couldn't be here today. Perhaps some of you may have an answer...
[2008.05.21 19:59:34] BrittaCP: Could you ask folks what scripts, services, etc., they are using to gather e-mail addresses on their own websites, independent of the newsletter system on the CP site? I'm sure there are a ton of them out there...many of them even freebies...but I really don't know which ones are working well, easy to implement, etc.
[2008.05.21 19:59:45] RickCP: Try "Effective E-Mail Marketing" by H. G. Lewis
[2008.05.21 20:00:02] RickCP: or "Permission-Based E-Mail Marketing That Works!" by Kim MacPherson"
[2008.05.21 20:00:19] NVRhonda: are those books?
[2008.05.21 20:00:31] RickCP: si
[2008.05.21 20:00:45] Sag: Not a question, but a comment. I have never figured out why 4 or 5 niche specific shopkeepers don't get together and co-op out things like email marketing, newletters, blogs. Get more exposure with less effort on a frequent and consistant basis. Just makes sense.
[2008.05.21 20:01:05] RickCP: The email sherpa newsletter is a great source to help keep up on trends.
[2008.05.21 20:01:09] matisse has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.05.21 20:01:23] BrittaCP: is this an open call for participants, sag?
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