SEO part 2
[2008.09.11 19:00:44] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2008.09.11 19:00:44] shopa has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:00:44] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2008.09.11 19:00:52] Tropicando has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:00:54] TexasFiddler has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:00:56] Valerie1 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:00:58] Anne_Kunstrxns has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:00:58] PeggyWvB has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:01:02] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.09.11 19:01:07] BrittaCP: Hi everyone
[2008.09.11 19:01:13] preggoprincess has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:01:18] shopa: hi everyone
[2008.09.11 19:01:20] Tropicando: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[2008.09.11 19:01:22] Tropicando: hi all
[2008.09.11 19:01:33] BrittaCP: thanks for joining us this afternoon
[2008.09.11 19:01:50] BrittaCP: as most of you know we've been doing a serises of chats all about SEO
[2008.09.11 19:02:10] BrittaCP: so far we've covered the basics, and then improving your ranking
[2008.09.11 19:02:17] Sag has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:02:35] BrittaCP: for those that may hvae missed them... the transcripts can be found here
[2008.09.11 19:02:36] BrittaCP:
[2008.09.11 19:02:37] Cartwright has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:03:09] BrittaCP: and so today we continue with SEDO and we have the lovely Laura, our SEO manager, with us today
[2008.09.11 19:03:33] BrittaCP: So before i start... let me just quickly cover the chat rules
[2008.09.11 19:03:38] BrittaCP: The chat is moderated
[2008.09.11 19:04:07] BrittaCP: that means all your comments and messages will go into a queue until they are reveiwed by a moderator
[2008.09.11 19:04:19] BrittaCP: since the chat is only an hour, we may not get to all your questions
[2008.09.11 19:04:26] BrittaCP: but we will try our best
[2008.09.11 19:04:46] BrittaCP: afterwards, we'll open the lobby back up... and you guys can continue the conversation there
[2008.09.11 19:04:48] BrittaCP: alright
[2008.09.11 19:04:50] PeggyWvB: hi Laura
[2008.09.11 19:04:58] Renee has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:05:23] BrittaCP: hhhmmmm she does seem to be missing
[2008.09.11 19:05:25] AngelaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:05:30] BrittaCP: i think she lost her connection for a second
[2008.09.11 19:05:53] LauraCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:06:04] BrittaCP: and here she is!
[2008.09.11 19:06:08] TexasFiddler: howdy Laura
[2008.09.11 19:06:10] Tropicando: yay
[2008.09.11 19:06:17] LauraCP: Hi!
[2008.09.11 19:06:28] LauraCP: Glad to see you all :)
[2008.09.11 19:06:54] LauraCP: Ok, so we’re going to chat about resources and things to keep in mind when writing copy for SEO.
[2008.09.11 19:07:08] LauraCP: We covered a little bit of this in the first SEO chat, this is more in depth information.
[2008.09.11 19:07:29] Kippy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:07:31] LauraCP: Content is king in SEO. Content is what makes your stores, sites, and pages interesting and worth visiting from a user perspective and from a search engine perspective
[2008.09.11 19:07:51] LauraCP: For the most part, to a search engine content means words. Search engines like text. They are still somewhat to very challenged when it comes to other types of content like images, video, audio, games, and FLASH.
[2008.09.11 19:08:12] LauraCP: CafePress shops tend to have more images than text. That makes it harder for a search engine to understand what each page is about.
[2008.09.11 19:08:16] ShadowLekker has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:08:48] LauraCP: You face this issue every time you upload a new design. How do you tag it so people can find it? How do you tag it so it is relevant to the right searches? Now imagine how much harder it is for a search engine to understand an image!
[2008.09.11 19:09:13] LauraCP: Let’s take this image below. What tags would you use to describe it?
[2008.09.11 19:09:18] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:09:29] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:09:48] LauraCP: anyone have suggestions>
[2008.09.11 19:09:52] Anne_Kunstrxns: Cat, Warhol, psychedelic
[2008.09.11 19:09:54] PeggyWvB: cat,print, warhol,colors
[2008.09.11 19:10:01] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.09.11 19:10:03] LauraCP: super
[2008.09.11 19:10:10] shopa: art, cat, andy warhol style, kitty, kitten, colorful, color
[2008.09.11 19:10:13] Tropicando: art
[2008.09.11 19:10:27] Ken has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:10:32] Sag: kitten kitty feline pet
[2008.09.11 19:10:33] Tropicando: lolcat?
[2008.09.11 19:10:36] LauraCP: Okay, so imagine is the search engine sees:

[2008.09.11 19:10:39] Kippy: pony.. oh, wait.
[2008.09.11 19:10:41] Cartwright: litho
[2008.09.11 19:11:02] LauraCP: What would distinguish this image from millions of other images on the web? Not much.
[2008.09.11 19:11:25] LauraCP: Okay, so now imagine the search engine saw
[2008.09.11 19:11:58] LauraCP:
Andy Warhol inspired popup of cats

[2008.09.11 19:12:19] Anne_Kunstrxns: Oh yeah! Now I get it.
[2008.09.11 19:12:22] LauraCP: This is better because the image file name, alt text, and nearby text all help describe the content.
[2008.09.11 19:12:39] Cartwright: What about the alt="cat" where does that pull from?
[2008.09.11 19:13:29] LauraCP: It depends on if you are using a template or managing all of your own HTML. But if it is a template from CafePress, then it is going to pull from the product name.
[2008.09.11 19:13:40] LauraCP: We'll talk about product naming in a few min.
[2008.09.11 19:13:43] Tropicando: it doesn't say anything about product
[2008.09.11 19:14:05] Ken has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:14:06] LauraCP: True, for this example, I wanted to keep it straight forward.
[2008.09.11 19:14:12] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.09.11 19:14:25] LauraCP: Now expand this idea to every Web page you create. In order for it to be meaningful to searchers and engines, you have to provide descriptive words and phrases. Strive for at least 50 words per page. 150-300 is ideal.
[2008.09.11 19:14:32] cyi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:15:07] LauraCP: It’s hard to think like an engine
[2008.09.11 19:15:24] LauraCP: is a tool to help you see your site like a search engine.
For example, one of my stores:
[2008.09.11 19:15:46] LauraCP: is the URL
[2008.09.11 19:15:51] LauraCP: of the tool
[2008.09.11 19:15:55] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:16:12] BrittaCP: you can click on the image to see it larger
[2008.09.11 19:16:20] LauraCP: this is a shop to you a person using a browser like IE or FireFox
[2008.09.11 19:16:35] LauraCP: It looks like this to a search engine:
[2008.09.11 19:16:44] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:17:15] brainlint has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:17:52] LauraCP: A quick word about keywords
[2008.09.11 19:18:08] LauraCP: We talked about keywords in the first chat session so I won’t go over that again. But make sure you are taking the keywords and phrases you researched and targeted and are using them as the basis of your content.
[2008.09.11 19:19:11] PeggyWvB: I have very hight relavant content on one site, but I don't see a lot of traffic there, what am i doing wrong?
[2008.09.11 19:19:11] LauraCP: Where?
[2008.09.11 19:19:15] jd has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:19:27] LauraCP: To the best of your ability, use ALL the optional text fields provided in the shop templates and mandatory and optional fields like the ones in the shop management area. This one below is in the marketing area.
[2008.09.11 19:19:33] PeggyWvB:
[2008.09.11 19:20:20] LauraCP: We can take a look at this later or I will email after.
[2008.09.11 19:20:28] PeggyWvB: I do that.
[2008.09.11 19:20:35] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:21:02] LauraCP: Take the time to write unique, meaningful, custom descriptions, design notes, section teasers, image alt tags, section descriptions, and section names.
[2008.09.11 19:21:14] LauraCP: Don’t try to be too cute or catchy. Someone searching for a t-shirt or gift is more likely to use straightforward language
[2008.09.11 19:21:34] LauraCP: Title tags
[2008.09.11 19:21:47] LauraCP: Title tags are the most important piece of content on your shops. See image above for where you customize it. Let’s work through an example of SEO-ing a title tag:
[2008.09.11 19:22:03] LauraCP: Before:
[2008.09.11 19:22:10] LauraCP:
[2008.09.11 19:22:28] LauraCP: After possibilities:
[2008.09.11 19:22:38] LauraCP:
[2008.09.11 19:22:47] LauraCP:
[2008.09.11 19:22:55] LauraCP:
[2008.09.11 19:23:21] Cartwright: 1st question: Can we use the word "Onesie" in our teasers and descriptions?
[2008.09.11 19:23:25] BrittaCP: no, you cannot
[2008.09.11 19:23:28] BrittaCP: it is a TM
[2008.09.11 19:23:44] BrittaCP: you can use either infant bodysuit or creeper
[2008.09.11 19:24:20] LauraCP: ok, here are some reasons for not using the first title tag and picking amongst the others
[2008.09.11 19:24:28] LauraCP: • Length of the ‘before’ is too long. Titles should not be more than 70 characters.
[2008.09.11 19:24:40] LauraCP: • “Chamblee High School Class Reunion” only has ~6000 results in Google so low competition, but my content is only applicable to people interested in the class of 1988. So it should be in my title tag.
[2008.09.11 19:24:56] LauraCP: • My site is not really about the reunion so leaving out the mention of product type makes this link harder for searchers to understand in when they see the search results in Google.
[2008.09.11 19:25:05] LauraCP: • T-shirts and Hats alone are not what this site will rank for – too competitive. The 2nd “after” title also doesn’t work well at the PDP level when the product is not a T-shirt or Hat.
[2008.09.11 19:25:31] LauraCP: • CHS is too broad. Check out the search results for “chs class reunion”
[2008.09.11 19:25:45] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:26:07] LauraCP: “1988 class reunion” has more searches than “class of 1988 reunion”… so that is another point in favor of the shorter Title.
[2008.09.11 19:26:20] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:26:38] LauraCP: Final choice: 1988 Chamblee Class Reunion T-shirts & Gifts :
[2008.09.11 19:27:12] LauraCP: Any questions about title tags?
[2008.09.11 19:27:25] Anne_Kunstrxns: Would it make a difference if we added (TM) after Onesie?
[2008.09.11 19:27:43] BrittaCP: sadly no. unless you are gerber.
[2008.09.11 19:27:44] Cartwright has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:28:12] LauraCP: Other places to add content:
[2008.09.11 19:28:15] Cartwright has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:28:21] LauraCP: Make sure you don’t reuse the same words and sentences and links on every page. If every page has basically the same content, how can a search engine tell them apart?
[2008.09.11 19:28:24] Cartwright has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:28:37] LauraCP: Remember that the text at the top of the page is better than at the bottom. I mentioned last time that text at the beginning of a page will be seen by more visitors so is considered more relevant than text buried at the bottom of the page.
[2008.09.11 19:29:00] LauraCP: This means that you need to put some unique, descriptive text towards the top of the page. Don’t try to hide it all at the bottom of the page. If users don’t see it easily, search engines will discount it too
[2008.09.11 19:29:05] Stratman has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:29:09] Cartwright has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:29:18] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:29:19] LauraCP: Here are some resources to help you learn to write for web audiences:
[2008.09.11 19:29:44] LauraCP: - short and sweet top tips
[2008.09.11 19:29:51] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.09.11 19:29:56] Tropicando: google trends, did not know that existed
[2008.09.11 19:30:07] LauraCP: - expert analysis, insights and guidance from and industry guru Jakob Nielsen.
[2008.09.11 19:30:18] LauraCP: - Very short book by Jill Whalen
[2008.09.11 19:30:28] LauraCP: - Audio file from Webmaster Radio
[2008.09.11 19:30:44] LauraCP: is way cool
[2008.09.11 19:30:57] LauraCP: you can search terms or search websites for popularity
[2008.09.11 19:31:26] LauraCP: And see today's top trends.
[2008.09.11 19:31:37] preggoprincess has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:31:43] LauraCP: Did you know that Houston Hide From the Wind was a popular site today?
[2008.09.11 19:32:18] LauraCP: No one here in this room even knows what it is yet...
[2008.09.11 19:32:21] LauraCP: But Google does
[2008.09.11 19:32:23] Sea Squirrel has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:32:44] LauraCP: Okay, more on content. You can add content to each product name and description.
[2008.09.11 19:32:51] BrittaCP: it's a site reporting wind data
[2008.09.11 19:33:00] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:33:28] shopa: laura text at the top needs to be careful though - i have seen people with 4 paragraphs of text on a section and all thier designs are below the page...i could not even tell it was a store!
[2008.09.11 19:33:53] LauraCP: Yes, I agree. You don't want to hide the designs.
[2008.09.11 19:34:47] Tropicando: Are there any yahoo sites similar to google trends?
[2008.09.11 19:34:51] LauraCP:
[2008.09.11 19:36:24] LauraCP: And this is another set of Yahoo tools, although not metrics focused:
[2008.09.11 19:37:00] Tropicando: I know this is just an example, but wouldn't some schools have a cow if you made unofficial school shirts? is it case by case maybe?
[2008.09.11 19:37:15] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.09.11 19:38:15] Heni has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:38:35] LauraCP: Good point - I could get a C&D letter, but this is for their own charity. And to be safe, you can ask permission.
[2008.09.11 19:38:48] LauraCP: Back to product naming
[2008.09.11 19:38:54] LauraCP: Before
[2008.09.11 19:39:03] LauraCP: CHS 88 Kids Light T-Shirt
[2008.09.11 19:39:22] LauraCP: After: 1988 Chamblee Alumni T-shirt for kids
[2008.09.11 19:39:32] LauraCP: Reasons:
[2008.09.11 19:39:52] LauraCP: We already know CHS is poor choice from research above in google trends
[2008.09.11 19:40:00] LauraCP: People aren’t searching for “light t-shirts” very much and it is also too vague. Does it mean lightweight or light colored or what???
[2008.09.11 19:40:09] LauraCP: This is an opportunistic product – people aren’t looking for kid’s alumni t-shirts as much as they are looking for “alumni t-shirts.”
[2008.09.11 19:40:19] LauraCP: “kid’s alumni t-shirts” doesn’t make much sense when it stands alone. “Alumni T-shirt for kids” can stand alone and be understood.
[2008.09.11 19:40:46] LauraCP: • Product Descriptions are next up
[2008.09.11 19:40:55] Daphne has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:41:12] LauraCP: Before: “Chamblee High School spirit for kids of Chamblee Alumni. Class of 1988 kids and babies can have cool school style for the class reunion. Go bulldogs!”
[2008.09.11 19:41:28] LauraCP: After: “Souvenir t-shirts for kids of Chamblee High Alumni give kids and babies cool school style for the 1988 class reunion. Buy them an “I love Chamblee 88 Tee.”
[2008.09.11 19:41:35] LauraCP: Reasons:
[2008.09.11 19:41:46] LauraCP: You have 200 characters – use them. Remember search engines like text.
[2008.09.11 19:41:56] LauraCP: Bulldogs just don’t match anything else on the page so it isn’t helping relevance
[2008.09.11 19:42:09] LauraCP: 'School' only needs to be mentioned once.
[2008.09.11 19:42:29] LauraCP: "I love ___” is a popular way to search and adds extra reinforcement for the meaning of the image.
[2008.09.11 19:42:39] LauraCP: Souvenir t-shirts provide more unique relevance than just “t-shirts “ and we already used “t-shirts for kids” in the product name.
[2008.09.11 19:43:00] LauraCP: Tips
[2008.09.11 19:43:14] LauraCP: People scan rather than read - use bold, bullets, paragraphs, spacing to make that easier
[2008.09.11 19:43:25] LauraCP: Use short paragraphs
[2008.09.11 19:43:39] LauraCP: The first 2 words in a paragraph or bullet point are key to getting people to keep reading.
[2008.09.11 19:43:50] LauraCP: Use numbers 1, 2, rather than one , two. Engines get it and people like it better.
[2008.09.11 19:44:00] brainlint has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:44:03] Cartwright: any importance to using the words "buy"
[2008.09.11 19:44:53] LauraCP: I tried "get" and "buy" when working on this. Buy attracts people later in the buying cycle. It can be off-putting to "just looking" customers.
[2008.09.11 19:45:12] Cartwright: does google like short Hemmingway-esque sentences...a lot of periods in a paragraph?
[2008.09.11 19:45:54] LauraCP: The number of periods is not so important, but your readers probably do like it better.
[2008.09.11 19:46:15] LauraCP: It is easier to scan
[2008.09.11 19:46:47] NinaPA has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:46:59] LauraCP: They do pay attention to sentence structure, so avoiding long run-on sentences is good.
[2008.09.11 19:47:10] TexasFiddler: For that matter, does Google put any emphasis on actual sentences? Sentences, not punctuated phrases. Words and dots without verbs. etc
[2008.09.11 19:48:27] LauraCP: All the engines are getting better at understanding meaning. Sentences without verbs are less meaningful. So it might make sense in context, but isn't a first choice unless there is good reason.
[2008.09.11 19:48:57] Cartwright: In case I forget to mention it...this has been a very helpful (maybe the best) chat I've participated in here. Thanks!
[2008.09.11 19:49:10] LauraCP: :-) Thank you !!
[2008.09.11 19:49:17] LauraCP: next: Site Design/Architecture based on content
[2008.09.11 19:49:27] LauraCP: The flow of your site and your shop should reinforce your most important keywords and the way people search.
[2008.09.11 19:49:37] LauraCP: Setup your shops so they are organized in a way that supports your topics and keywords and designs.
[2008.09.11 19:50:13] LauraCP: If I had multiple high schools or colleges in my store, I would probably have section for “high school reunion Gifts & T-shirts” and “College Reunion Souvenirs” and then have a separate section for each school.
[2008.09.11 19:50:25] AngelaCP has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:50:37] cowpie has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:50:46] LauraCP: Let’s talk section names and headers:
[2008.09.11 19:50:53] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 19:51:08] LauraCP: •Section Names (title for section page and shows up in the bread crumbs) - really important
[2008.09.11 19:51:14] Cartwright has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:51:31] LauraCP: The breadcrumbs are links so the text in the link is “anchor text.” This is some of the most important text on the page
[2008.09.11 19:51:40] Cartwright has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:51:44] LauraCP: Good: “Chamblee Bulldogs Class of 1988” and “Chamblee 1988 Reunion”
[2008.09.11 19:51:45] Daphne has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:51:57] LauraCP: Bad: “CHS reunion stuff for kids & babies”
[2008.09.11 19:52:02] Sag has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:52:06] LauraCP: Why? CHS is too vague, stuff is not meaningful, relevant, or highly searched. Missing any reference to year, link text is too long, unappealing.
[2008.09.11 19:52:07] The Shadow has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:52:23] LauraCP: Text around links reinforces or dilutes the text in the anchor text. If the text uses similar keywords and adds to the meaning of the link, then the anchor text is more relevant and the image nearby is more relevant to the same set of keywords
[2008.09.11 19:52:48] ShadowLekker: This is great, but it really messes with breadcrumbs since the only text choice we have there is the section name
[2008.09.11 19:53:04] jd has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:53:08] LauraCP: Yes, that's why choosing good section name is key.
[2008.09.11 19:53:17] Tropicando: By sentence structure do you mean semicolons or colons attaching a fragment could be bad?
[2008.09.11 19:54:00] LauraCP: No, not bad. But simple tends to be better.
[2008.09.11 19:54:04] Cartwright: I would tend to write "Chamblee 1988 Reunion T-shirts and gifts" as section name
[2008.09.11 19:54:26] cowpie has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 19:54:37] LauraCP: •Section Teasers (short copy under Section Names)
[2008.09.11 19:54:47] LauraCP: Good:
One cool kid...You or your mini CHS kiddie? It doesn't matter. Sport your Chamblee High School Spirit at the upcoming class reunion
Let your kids show off a bit at the CHS 1988 class reunion. Cute, fun, Chamblee High t-shirts, onesies, hoodies and more!
[2008.09.11 19:55:08] LauraCP: Needs improvement: Chamblee High School Class of 1988 Reunion T-shirts and gifts!
[2008.09.11 19:55:12] TexasFiddler: can't use onesies
[2008.09.11 19:55:21] BrittaCP: that's right! good cathc!
[2008.09.11 19:55:31] LauraCP: T-shirts & gifts for the 1988 Chamblee High Class reunion. Celebrate the bulldog spirit with all your old friends and classmates.
[2008.09.11 19:55:38] MyShop has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.09.11 19:55:52] LauraCP: That's a bit better - and yes, you got me on the Onesie
[2008.09.11 19:56:12] ShadowLekker: Do single quotes - ' - matter or better left unused?
[2008.09.11 19:56:49] LauraCP: Single or double don't matter. I think it can make it easier to read - so it is more of a usability and attracting the click issue.
[2008.09.11 19:56:55] LauraCP: Easy to scan = more clicks
[2008.09.11 19:57:07] Anne_Kunstrxns: This would mainly apply if you were coding rather than using the text entry boxes, am I right?
[2008.09.11 19:57:50] LauraCP: Text entry boxes should be used with an editorial eye. With 200 characters, you have space to make more than one sentence.
[2008.09.11 19:58:00] LauraCP: Another important place for text-rich content is blogs. They can attract both searches and search spiders. If you have one, keep it up to date. Freshness matters with blogs. One entry a month would be a minimum. More is better.
[2008.09.11 19:58:13] LauraCP: Blog tips
[2008.09.11 19:58:23] LauraCP: Blog titles “out of the box” are just the base name of your blog. You want to customize them. That’s very important.
[2008.09.11 19:58:33] LauraCP: This is the address of an excellent WordPress plugin:
[2008.09.11 19:58:46] LauraCP: Putting the title or header into the URL is good. But putting a few relevant keywords separated by dashes is even more useful sometimes
[2008.09.11 19:59:03] LauraCP: Not using the default permalink structure ( ) helps a blog pages quite a lot.
[2008.09.11 19:59:12] LauraCP: Here’s some good screenshots on how to change permalinks:
[2008.09.11 19:59:27] LauraCP: Lots of page views per visitor is not necessarily a good thing, It does not mean that people are reading lots of pages. It ca be heavily influenced by frustrated refinding behaviors. People have a hard time finding again something they found on a blog in the past.
[2008.09.11 19:59:39] LauraCP: Use Google analytics to see what people are using to find your site. Then create blog categories for these keyterms.
[2008.09.11 19:59:58] LauraCP: And for last: Advanced tips on controlling what content gets indexed
[2008.09.11 20:00:08] LauraCP: The robots meta tag helps you control what gets indexed, how it gets indexed, and what doesn’t.
[2008.09.11 20:00:40] LauraCP: If you do all of your own HTML or have a blog or a stand alone site in addition to your store:
[2008.09.11 20:00:43] LauraCP: The following image is cropped from
[2008.09.11 20:00:50] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2008.09.11 20:01:35] LauraCP: That's all I have for today. I enjoyed chatting with you
[2008.09.11 20:01:41] LauraCP: :-)
[2008.09.11 20:02:10] BrittaCP: thanks for coming today. unfortunatly we don't have time for any more questions. however, in a few weeks we will be having a Q&A with laura
[2008.09.11 20:02:24] NiftyGaloot has left the room (logged out)
[2008.09.11 20:02:25] BrittaCP: i urge you to send your questions to
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