press releases
[2007.08.15 19:09:19] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2007.08.15 19:09:19] shopa has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:09:20] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2007.08.15 19:09:52] MarcCP: we havent done this for a while, so I'm open to ANY PR question - basic beginner, or advanced
[2007.08.15 19:09:55] Tshirt d'Art has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:10:04] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:10:34] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:10:56] MarcCP: So .... it seems Sara's having quite a bit of trouble gettig connected - So we'll hold off on her introduction and jump right into the re-intro of the SK PR program
[2007.08.15 19:11:19] MarcCP: Do any of you remember it? Used it?
[2007.08.15 19:11:20] John has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:11:33] Andrei Monkey Theatre: We're almost starting
[2007.08.15 19:11:49] Winter: I'm not sure what it is.
[2007.08.15 19:11:51] MarcCP: I'll take the lack of responses as a no -
[2007.08.15 19:11:59] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:12:06] shopa: what PR program?
[2007.08.15 19:12:12] jembie has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:12:32] MarcCP: we started this about a year ago
[2007.08.15 19:12:47] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:13:10] MarcCP: and the idea behind it is to help you with publicity, and recognize your acheivements when you succeed
[2007.08.15 19:13:30] MarcCP: it includes some cool stuff
[2007.08.15 19:13:46] MarcCP: 1. - we post press release written by SK's (selectively of course)
[2007.08.15 19:13:57] linda has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:14:33] MarcCP: have a look
[2007.08.15 19:15:12] MarcCP: basically, the idea is that if you have some sort of announcement about what you're doing with your shop, and you write a press release we'll help you get the word out there with a press release posting
[2007.08.15 19:15:29] MarcCP: it's pretty cool, isn't it britta?
[2007.08.15 19:15:36] BrittaCP: it's awesome
[2007.08.15 19:15:41] maryo has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:15:51] MaxMuhlin has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:16:30] MarcCP: the process is pretty simple - you write a press release (and we have some templates you can use) and we edit a bit (with your permission) and we post it
[2007.08.15 19:16:31] BrittaCP: have any of you written press releases for your shops or products?
[2007.08.15 19:16:43] maryo: I have
[2007.08.15 19:16:49] SaraCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:16:54] cancercrusader: I did a few weeks ago
[2007.08.15 19:16:57] Fricka: Not yet... /hangs head in shame
[2007.08.15 19:17:00] Andrei Monkey Theatre: I can do one
[2007.08.15 19:17:04] maryo: They've been pretty successful - I got a radio interview and lots of blog mentions
[2007.08.15 19:17:08] MarcCP: and - its free - yay for publicity!
[2007.08.15 19:17:10] BrittaCP: that's great, maryo
[2007.08.15 19:17:14] MarcCP: nice!
[2007.08.15 19:17:27] Winter: I've done it for another business...
[2007.08.15 19:17:29] Bigmoust: I haven't done it yet
[2007.08.15 19:17:42] SaraCP: hello
[2007.08.15 19:18:01] MarcCP: Hey - there She is!
[2007.08.15 19:18:25] SaraCP: sorry for being late..i had a computer problems
[2007.08.15 19:18:26] Andrei Monkey Theatre: hi
[2007.08.15 19:18:27] MarcCP: Ah - so here it is - my introduction. Everyone - it is my pleasure to introduce you to Sara D.
[2007.08.15 19:18:29] WildInk: Hello Sara!
[2007.08.15 19:18:41] SaraCP: hello everyone
[2007.08.15 19:19:00] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:19:05] MarcCP: She has been with CP for about 2 months, she joins us from the wild world of PR agencies
[2007.08.15 19:19:28] me has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:19:30] MarcCP: She, is going to be the main SK contact goig forward!
[2007.08.15 19:19:51] MarcCP: She has some great ideas, love CP, and tons of PR knowledge to back her up
[2007.08.15 19:19:58] jean / rotem gear: Hi Sara! Let me say -- Sara works like lightning!
[2007.08.15 19:19:58] SaraCP: Thanks Marc for the intro. It's great to be here at CafePress :)
[2007.08.15 19:20:20] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:20:22] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:20:23] Andrei Monkey Theatre: ok. thank you, Mark
[2007.08.15 19:20:25] SaraCP: Hello jean
[2007.08.15 19:20:26] MarcCP: She will be heading up the SK PR program - which I alread started talking about a bit
[2007.08.15 19:20:36] SaraCP: glad you made it
[2007.08.15 19:21:21] me has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:21:26] MarcCP: Sara - please continue
[2007.08.15 19:21:36] SaraCP: ok here we go
[2007.08.15 19:21:40] SaraCP: Press Coverage Featured in the CafePress Press Center
[2007.08.15 19:21:53] SaraCP: This is a great opportunity to honk your own horn.
[2007.08.15 19:21:58] xx has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:22:33] SaraCP: Once your store receives media coverage we would love to hear all about it.
[2007.08.15 19:22:44] SaraCP: Email us the article and we will post an excerpt from it on the CafePress Press Center.
[2007.08.15 19:22:51] Bigmoust has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:23:01] Bigmoust has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:23:09] SaraCP: Another example
[2007.08.15 19:23:33] Andrei Monkey Theatre: Thank you
[2007.08.15 19:23:33] Sophie has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:23:37] SaraCP: Shopkeeper "In the news..." Portal
[2007.08.15 19:23:53] SaraCP: Shopkeepers are often featured or highlighted in online media, newspapers, on TV, in movies and magazines all over the world.
[2007.08.15 19:24:06] xx has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:24:10] SaraCP: When one or more of your products are coverage in a feature story, you may be eligible to have that product included in this portal.
[2007.08.15 19:24:23] SaraCP: Send us your coverage and we will work on uploading your feature story on the CafePress site.
[2007.08.15 19:24:25] teesbysusan has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:24:26] AJ has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:24:45] SaraCP: Example
[2007.08.15 19:24:57] Photo Girl has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:25:02] SaraCP: Blog Feature Stories
[2007.08.15 19:25:17] SaraCP: I don’t have any good examples of this right now – but if you have ideas let us know.
[2007.08.15 19:25:21] Shawn - pristinephoto has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:25:41] Bigmoust has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:25:44] dem: i did a press release that you you posted on the CP press release page
[2007.08.15 19:25:44] MarcCP: you can fill out a Press Center Request for most of this stuff at
[2007.08.15 19:25:46] Bigmoust has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:26:03] SaraCP: We’re planning some work on our Blog soon – so more to come in the next coming month
[2007.08.15 19:26:07] MarcCP: these request come right to Sara - and we review them regularly
[2007.08.15 19:26:16] SaraCP: Online PR Chats
[2007.08.15 19:26:31] SaraCP: There are some example of past chats in our archives -
[2007.08.15 19:26:42] SaraCP:
[2007.08.15 19:26:43] has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:26:57] AJ: where does the press realease get posted?
[2007.08.15 19:26:57] MarcCP: they're posted here:
[2007.08.15 19:27:07] SaraCP: If there’s a PR or publicity subject you’d like to have us host a chat on or even do workshop on let us know.
[2007.08.15 19:27:17] SaraCP: Learning Center Tools
[2007.08.15 19:27:32] Squirrelinabox has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:27:34] SaraCP: We worked on putting together lots of useful tips and tutorials to help you better manage and market your shop.
[2007.08.15 19:27:46] SaraCP: It’s good to check in regularly to see what new!
[2007.08.15 19:27:57] SaraCP: Here’s what we’ve done so far
[2007.08.15 19:28:05] Andrei Monkey Theatre: where do you plan to send them?
[2007.08.15 19:28:05] MarcCP: For Sk release we dont send them out for you - we post them. You can still go out and send them out through free press release distribution sites - PR Web is a great example
[2007.08.15 19:28:31] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:28:53] rasael has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:28:58] Bigmoust: who actually sees your press releases?
[2007.08.15 19:28:58] MarcCP: ONe of the first things a reporter does when researching a company is visit the "about us" page - having your recent news and announcement posted in the press center - within the about us page - is a good place to be
[2007.08.15 19:29:57] dem: i notice only 2 SK releases have been posted in 2007 on that page; is that from a lack of well-written releases?
[2007.08.15 19:29:57] SaraCP: hi
[2007.08.15 19:30:01] prettees has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:30:27] prettees has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:30:53] SaraCP: part of the reason was that we were not actively promoting the program
[2007.08.15 19:31:02] Photo Girl: What are the events that justify a release of news?
[2007.08.15 19:31:02] MarcCP: well, there are quite a few ideas I can give you, new products, new shop, somethign newsworthy - actually, I wrote about that here - have a look
[2007.08.15 19:31:04] BrittaCP: and here's a link:
[2007.08.15 19:32:25] SaraCP: but part of the problem was that not many people were submitting press releases
[2007.08.15 19:32:28] truecanuck has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:32:32] Bigmoust has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:32:36] Misfit Designs: How would a potential customer browsing the marketplace come upon these press releases?
[2007.08.15 19:32:44] Bigmoust: How exactly does the media and TV see the press releases?
[2007.08.15 19:32:44] MarcCP: good question - posting on our site is only part of it. it gets exposure when reporters are researching CP. The other part is getting the word out to the rest of the world
[2007.08.15 19:32:54] rasael has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:33:18] Colleen (pembrokewcorgi) has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:33:42] BrittaCP: @ misfit: press releases aren't neccissarly intended for buyer use, bu rather for publicity
[2007.08.15 19:33:44] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:33:50] SaraCP: soplease start sending them our way. We don't necessarly post all the press release that are sent to us as we are selective
[2007.08.15 19:33:50] Andrei Monkey Theatre: If somebody presents me on her blog, this presentation might also be posted here?
[2007.08.15 19:33:50] MarcCP: it could potentially be posted in the SK's in the news section
[2007.08.15 19:33:52] MarcCP:
[2007.08.15 19:33:59] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:34:17] Fricka: Do you want even old mentions? Like I have one before the press center started for instance, but it's for a major magazine.
[2007.08.15 19:34:17] SaraCP: hi fricka
[2007.08.15 19:34:28] SaraCP: depends how far back it was
[2007.08.15 19:34:35] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:34:37] Misfit Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:34:39] shopa: do you give a list of sites we can send them to?
[2007.08.15 19:34:39] MarcCP: I recomend PR WEB - there's a free service there
[2007.08.15 19:34:45] MarcCP: and there are TONS more
[2007.08.15 19:34:45] SaraCP: if it was last month, then yes please send it to us
[2007.08.15 19:34:57] little milky shop: will this be chargable?
[2007.08.15 19:34:58] BrittaCP: it is free, although marc will accept donations :)
[2007.08.15 19:35:03] Bigmoust has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:35:54] maryo: I don't think PR web is free anymore - though you can get good distribution for around $30 or $40 - it's worth it to pay a little to get wider distribution and better stats
[2007.08.15 19:35:54] MarcCP: hmm - I dont like the sound of not free, but $30 is pretty good
[2007.08.15 19:36:00] Misfit Designs: I will be the featured artist for September in an online magazine (Equestrian Network Magazine), I will be happy to send the link.
[2007.08.15 19:36:00] SaraCP: well done Misfit on getting featured in the magazine :) good for you. Please send us the link when it is published
[2007.08.15 19:36:18] Misfit Designs: Hey moderators - I have to leave (horses need feeding) but I'll be sure to research and participate in the PR program, I hadn't heard of it before. I've got lots of stuff happening that's worth reporting. Thanks for the tips, catch you next time. Jody Lynne
[2007.08.15 19:36:19] BrittaCP: see you next time!
[2007.08.15 19:36:31] SaraCP: hi andrei
[2007.08.15 19:37:26] MarcCP: theres also PR Leap - I have never used them, but I hear they're pretty good
[2007.08.15 19:37:39] SaraCP: please go to to find out more information
[2007.08.15 19:38:01] MarcCP: I use PR Newswire and Business Wire mostly, but the cost difference is significant
[2007.08.15 19:38:06] jean / rotem gear: besides releases, are articles or features posted on a more regular basis now?
[2007.08.15 19:38:06] SaraCP: hi jean
[2007.08.15 19:38:45] SaraCP: we look and post them as they come in
[2007.08.15 19:38:50] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:39:41] shopa: marc do you give suggestions on places we can send the press release too
[2007.08.15 19:39:41] MarcCP: I think maybe we should schedule a chat about releases and distribution
[2007.08.15 19:39:48] MarcCP: ho's that sound?
[2007.08.15 19:39:55] SaraCP: yes that's a great idea
[2007.08.15 19:40:00] MarcCP: how's that sounds - thats what i meant
[2007.08.15 19:40:01] Bigmoust: great
[2007.08.15 19:40:03] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:40:12] MarcCP: britta - can you set that up?
[2007.08.15 19:40:15] shopa: sounds good but i leave for germany in 5 days and i wont be back till xmas LOL
[2007.08.15 19:40:17] Blonde Designs: lol Marc
[2007.08.15 19:40:31] SaraCP: have fun in germany
[2007.08.15 19:40:35] BrittaCP: i sure can
[2007.08.15 19:40:36] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:40:42] little milky shop: that's fun
[2007.08.15 19:40:51] John: Correct me if I am wrong, but if I get a Press Release listed on CP, and then submit it to PR Web... Won't that help with my store SEO in some way?
[2007.08.15 19:40:51] MarcCP: yes - great point!
[2007.08.15 19:40:59] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:41:04] MarcCP: PR is a good thing!
[2007.08.15 19:41:37] Fricka: You can attend the chat while in Germany still, just set your alarm clock
[2007.08.15 19:41:38] Michigal: chat ...or workshop?
[2007.08.15 19:41:38] MarcCP: I'm thinking workshop - that sound good?
[2007.08.15 19:41:57] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:42:11] Michigal: workshop is MUCH better, I have been hoping for one for two years at least...that would be great
[2007.08.15 19:42:13] Sophie: what if we had one that we were told would be on the press page, but someone forgot to post it there? It's a pretty big mention, IMHO, of course, but can we send older ones?
[2007.08.15 19:42:13] MarcCP: send it along, we dont usually go back, but I'd be happy to have a look
[2007.08.15 19:42:25] truecanuck has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:42:32] little milky shop: online workshop?
[2007.08.15 19:42:32] MarcCP: for now - yes
[2007.08.15 19:43:00] SaraCP: workshops are great as you can learn lot's of useful questions
[2007.08.15 19:43:14] NiftyGaloot has left the room
[2007.08.15 19:43:35] John has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:44:11] jean / rotem gear: is the CP "About Us" page getting many visits from media, as far as you can tell? And how many of those find stories on individual SKs rather than CP as a company?
[2007.08.15 19:44:11] MarcCP: its hard to say exactly who visits these pages, but yes - it is vsited regularly. Some SK press comes from here. Also, I think one of the benefits is letting Sara and I know is that we canhear your story and remember SK when opportunities come up
[2007.08.15 19:44:18] Andrei Monkey Theatre: How can I make the images be more visible on my front page. Or this is not available for the basic shops? My shop is monkeytheatre
[2007.08.15 19:44:19] BrittaCP: that's a good question Andrei... i would actually recommend posting that on our Community Forums where you can get peer-to-peer support from other shopkeepers. or you can hang around after this chat and ask the other SK's
[2007.08.15 19:44:22] little milky shop: that would be great, marc
[2007.08.15 19:44:47] Tshirt d'Art has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:44:54] Shannon (hazeleyes7) has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:44:55] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:45:01] ShelfLife has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 19:45:38] jean / rotem gear: does the CP forum have a spot where people offering press release services may list ourselves (like the graphics section has for designers) ?
[2007.08.15 19:45:39] BrittaCP: No, we don't. But we can look into setting that up in the PR forum
[2007.08.15 19:45:42] Andrei Monkey Theatre: thanks
[2007.08.15 19:45:54] shopa: after the chat if you leave amnd come back you can go into the lobby and we will help you andrei
[2007.08.15 19:45:59] MarcCP: also, if you have ideas for other chats or workshops now is a good time to mention them
[2007.08.15 19:46:13] doh / depresident has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:46:36] Michigal: If other shopkeepers are like me, the difficulty with press releases comes from not knowing what is "newsworthy". Separating the "here's a plug for my store" from "being newsworthy" is difficult. For me anyway. I'd love a workshop that looks into that a bit.
[2007.08.15 19:46:36] MarcCP: lets also plan a newsworthy workshop
[2007.08.15 19:46:48] Andrei Monkey Theatre: yeeey
[2007.08.15 19:47:12] MarcCP: it can be hard - and I'd love to talk about it - britta, can we schedule one of those too?
[2007.08.15 19:47:48] Michigal: that last thing i sent was meant for jean/rotem gear, sorry!
[2007.08.15 19:48:16] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:49:10] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:49:19] Sophie has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:50:06] MarcCP: i'd lik eto recommend a little reading - it might clear up some questions
[2007.08.15 19:50:58] ShelfLife has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:51:06] shopa: yeah i am not really sure what is newsworthy - i mean i add a new section and a few hundred designs a week - so what may be newsworthy from someone else - is everyday for me
[2007.08.15 19:51:06] MarcCP: right - have a look at
[2007.08.15 19:51:40] jean / rotem gear: its hard for me too -- when it's for myself! lol, but often an outsider can see something fresh in someone else's products and hook it into a newsworthy story.
[2007.08.15 19:51:40] MarcCP: you're right - getting insight from others helps a lot
[2007.08.15 19:52:05] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:52:07] little milky shop: will there be any limit on the number of press releases we can submit to CP?
[2007.08.15 19:52:07] MarcCP: ther's no limit, but we're unlikely to most more than on per SK per month
[2007.08.15 19:52:14] shopa: do jean maybe we should trade and write about each otehrs shops LOL
[2007.08.15 19:52:48] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:52:48] Fricka: Agreed Jean, I used to them for others but have the hardest time doing them for my own stuff.
[2007.08.15 19:54:05] Fricka: Would you recommend focusing on yourself (as shopkeeper) for a Press Release?
[2007.08.15 19:54:05] MarcCP: most of the resources we have available are posted in the learning center ( or in the Press Center (
[2007.08.15 19:54:40] Blonde Designs: well i am not very good at blogging for goodness sake, i think i'd need pointers to do this!
[2007.08.15 19:55:11] BrittaCP: So perhaps a chat on how to use blogs for your business?
[2007.08.15 19:55:28] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:55:33] shopa: britta that would be great
[2007.08.15 19:55:44] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:55:47] CYIdo: Marc, I don't think thse links are working.
[2007.08.15 19:55:49] BrittaCP: they'll be up in a transcript later
[2007.08.15 19:56:03] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:56:13] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:56:13] Blonde Designs: thats a great idea...glad i helped you think of it britta!
[2007.08.15 19:56:14] BrittaCP: i often need all the help i can get, when it comes to thinking
[2007.08.15 19:56:20] shopa: Cyido - hold ctrl when u click them
[2007.08.15 19:56:24] shopa: and remove the ) from the end
[2007.08.15 19:56:26] Fricka: CYI, I copy and pasted them and took out the extra ) and it works
[2007.08.15 19:56:35] Bigmoust has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:57:02] BrittaCP: ok gang... we've got 5 minutes left here... any other PR questions you my have for Marc and Sara?
[2007.08.15 19:57:13] Sag: Doed CP have a resource center that lists by niche the periodicals and magazines with contact information?
[2007.08.15 19:57:13] MarcCP: no, we dont. Actually google is probably the best bet. However, if you have a periodical in mind we can probably help you out from time to time
[2007.08.15 19:57:14] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 19:57:26] BrittaCP: Or crazy story, you'd like to share?
[2007.08.15 19:57:36] BrittaCP: about PR, that is
[2007.08.15 19:58:28] dem has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:59:29] Andrei Monkey Theatre: Should I send a press release even if it wasn't published or supposing will not be published?
[2007.08.15 19:59:29] MarcCP: let's also schedule a PR 101 workshop - I think this will help clear everything up, and answer A lot of questions
[2007.08.15 19:59:36] teesbysusan has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 19:59:37] shopa: what will CP be doing for the holidays?
[2007.08.15 19:59:46] MarcCP: let's get that one on the list first
[2007.08.15 19:59:50] BrittaCP: it's to early to tell those secrets
[2007.08.15 20:00:26] BrittaCP: Alright everyone, we've got to wrap this one up
[2007.08.15 20:00:29] MarcCP: Ok all - I need to wrap up for tonight
[2007.08.15 20:00:30] little milky shop: Yes, Marc. That would be great.. I'm spending time reading up now.. and so stuffed with info
[2007.08.15 20:00:31] WildInk: Thank you for the info- have a goodnight all!
[2007.08.15 20:00:38] WildInk has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 20:00:42] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 20:00:47] BrittaCP: Thank you for joining us tonight
[2007.08.15 20:00:49] shopa: britta marc sara thanks
[2007.08.15 20:00:50] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 20:00:50] MarcCP: goodnight all, and thank for joining us!
[2007.08.15 20:00:59] Shawn - pristinephoto has left the room
[2007.08.15 20:01:01] SaraCP: it was great meeting all of you and again sorry for being late
[2007.08.15 20:01:03] BrittaCP: Thank you marc, and thank yu Sara.... who jst survived her first chat!
[2007.08.15 20:01:08] BrittaCP: Woo!
[2007.08.15 20:01:18] SaraCP: woo indeed
[2007.08.15 20:01:23] BrittaCP: lobby will open up in t-minus 5 seconds
[2007.08.15 20:01:25] Fricka: Thank you all and nice to meet you Sara :)
[2007.08.15 20:01:27] little milky shop: Thank you.
[2007.08.15 20:01:29] jean / rotem gear: thanks Marc & Sara
[2007.08.15 20:01:29] bridey has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 20:01:30] Andrei Monkey Theatre: Thank you guys. I learn a lot from you
[2007.08.15 20:01:30] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 20:01:43] postmark has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 20:01:45] SaraCP: glad that you all foud this useful..
[2007.08.15 20:01:47] MarcCP has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 20:01:58] CYIdo: Thanks
[2007.08.15 20:02:03] shopa: thanks bitta!!
[2007.08.15 20:02:04] Fricka has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 20:02:05] Blonde Designs: nice to meet ya sara!
[2007.08.15 20:02:07] maryo: thank you CPer's!
[2007.08.15 20:02:25] SaraCP: I look forward to our next chat
[2007.08.15 20:02:42] Blonde Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 20:02:43] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.08.15 20:02:52] postmark has left the room (logged out)
[2007.08.15 20:03:06] SaraCP: BYE
[2007.08.15 20:03:07] Uncle Frog has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.08.15 20:03:11] BrittaCP: I will be locking up this chat room now, please feel free to hang out in the lobby!
[2007.08.15 20:03:17] The room has been closed by the system
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