Halloween CP Chat 9-13-2007
[2007.09.13 18:56:42] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2007.09.13 18:56:42] dooni designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:56:43] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2007.09.13 18:57:20] Cassiopeia has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:57:29] Renee has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:57:43] Blonde Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:58:05] I'm Here has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 18:58:20] I'm Here has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:58:37] Ne' at 1512BLVD has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:59:11] BrittaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:59:12] Sag has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:59:14] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:59:17] dreamup has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:59:21] blip has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 18:59:36] BrittaCP: Hi everyone... we'll be ready to roll in just a minute
[2007.09.13 19:00:00] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:00:15] Bridey has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:00:15] kab has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:00:50] kab has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:01:06] PeggyWvB: Wherez the candy?
[2007.09.13 19:01:08] BrittaCP: it's coming up
[2007.09.13 19:01:11] Shannon (hazeleyes7): Good day everyone!
[2007.09.13 19:01:13] FJS: Hey Britta
[2007.09.13 19:01:36] sat728 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:01:46] Uncle Frog: Trick or Treat?
[2007.09.13 19:01:48] FJS: Is everyone wearing their costumes?
[2007.09.13 19:01:51] gmonte34: hello
[2007.09.13 19:03:34] BrittaCP: ok... ang seems to MIA, but we can get things rolling with out her for now
[2007.09.13 19:03:34] Scalability has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:03:39] Sag: Yep, 365 days a year!
[2007.09.13 19:03:40] Kippy: I came dressed as a kippy
[2007.09.13 19:03:43] cafebrat has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:03:44] espressocup has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:03:52] BrittaCP: and it is quite a nice costume too
[2007.09.13 19:04:06] scarebaby: hi all
[2007.09.13 19:04:07] Ne' at 1512BLVD: i got my supermom costume on
[2007.09.13 19:04:44] BrittaCP: Thanks for joining today.
[2007.09.13 19:04:58] BrittaCP: Today we’ll be talking about (what I think) is one of the best holidays of the year, Halloween.
[2007.09.13 19:05:05] cafebrat: Thank you
[2007.09.13 19:05:27] Renee: I'm apparently dressed as a little fisher price person with no hair or face. I *know* I was able to set an avatar before, but I'm stumped today
[2007.09.13 19:05:30] PeggyWvB: I'm the Donot fairy this year
[2007.09.13 19:06:06] BrittaCP: Most of you already know me, but those who don’t, I’m Britta and then there's Angela who will join shortly. We’re the Community Team, here at CafePress.
[2007.09.13 19:06:26] hi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:06:30] BrittaCP: You’ll usually see us on the forums and in these chats, or other celebrity (j/k) appearances like Meet & Greets.
[2007.09.13 19:06:32] PeggyWvB: waves to Britta
[2007.09.13 19:06:58] FJS: You guys are our favorites, shhhh don't tell the others.
[2007.09.13 19:07:02] BrittaCP: Ha!
[2007.09.13 19:07:18] Marti has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:07:28] BrittaCP: Well, quick little background about me... I've been working with shopkeepers like you for the past 4 years
[2007.09.13 19:07:51] BrittaCP: And been involved with the Community for the last year and a half
[2007.09.13 19:08:01] PeggyWvB: poor thing
[2007.09.13 19:08:10] BrittaCP: no... i love it :)
[2007.09.13 19:08:28] BrittaCP: I've seen a lot of cool things from all of you
[2007.09.13 19:08:34] BrittaCP: espceially around this time of year
[2007.09.13 19:08:40] brev87 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:08:54] BrittaCP: There are so many awesome ideas that many of you Shopkeepers have come up with over the years, in prep for Halloween, especially with cool designs to put on products
[2007.09.13 19:09:07] BrittaCP: We’ll go over some of the things that you guys might want to think about, and then go into sharing Shopkeeper ideas a little later.
[2007.09.13 19:09:38] BrittaCP: Before we start, just as a reminder this chat is moderated, meaning your questions and comments will go into a queue, so don’t worry if you don’t see yours immediately.
[2007.09.13 19:09:43] wave720 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:10:10] BrittaCP: Since we only have an hour, we may not be able to get to all questions, but we’ll try our best.
[2007.09.13 19:10:46] BrittaCP: So who is going to have thier first CafePress Halloween?
[2007.09.13 19:10:56] SDSpanielRescue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:11:05] espressocup: This is my first CP Halloween :)
[2007.09.13 19:11:05] cafebrat has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:11:07] Ne' at 1512BLVD: me
[2007.09.13 19:11:23] dreamup: me!
[2007.09.13 19:11:24] brev87: I have my first Cafepress Halloween designs up
[2007.09.13 19:11:27] wave720: well the first I'll be actually participating in ;-)
[2007.09.13 19:11:28] photographz: me too
[2007.09.13 19:11:34] BrittaCP: YaY!
[2007.09.13 19:11:58] Marti: Me too!
[2007.09.13 19:11:59] FJS: I was really just getting started last Halloween so this is my first one that I'm ready to embrace.
[2007.09.13 19:12:01] Blonde Designs: its my second...im super excited!!
[2007.09.13 19:12:03] BrittaCP: The agenda for the chat will be as follows:
[2007.09.13 19:12:10] BrittaCP: NUMBERS & STUFF
[2007.09.13 19:12:19] BrittaCP: SPOOKING UP THE STOREFRONT
[2007.09.13 19:12:29] BrittaCP: SEO – Search Engine Optimization is not Scary
[2007.09.13 19:12:32] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.09.13 19:12:35] BrittaCP: Creepy Keywords
[2007.09.13 19:12:42] BrittaCP: Macabre Mail
[2007.09.13 19:12:55] BrittaCP: and of course Q&A
[2007.09.13 19:12:59] dooni designs: this my 4th. well technicallymy third halloween
[2007.09.13 19:13:02] SDSpanielRescue: first *real* one
[2007.09.13 19:13:18] BrittaCP: So, let’s start off with some interesting charts and statistics about Halloween spending trends.
[2007.09.13 19:13:34] Gandalf_Parker has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:13:47] BrittaCP: This first chart breaks down the total spending towards Halloween in 2006.
(source: BIG Research, Consumer Intentions & Actions 2006):
[2007.09.13 19:14:29] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.09.13 19:14:37] BrittaCP: I hope you can all see that
[2007.09.13 19:14:45] Haley has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:14:47] brev87: :-o
[2007.09.13 19:14:48] Renee: Cool
[2007.09.13 19:14:53] FJS: Yep looks good
[2007.09.13 19:15:01] BrittaCP: excellent
[2007.09.13 19:15:04] camobabygifts: :bow:
[2007.09.13 19:15:15] Haley has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:15:16] Marti: wow
[2007.09.13 19:15:17] SDSpanielRescue: about what I would have expected, proportionally
[2007.09.13 19:15:33] Butterfly: we need to start selling candy.
[2007.09.13 19:15:36] BrittaCP: Obviously candy isn’t something that we can Print-on-Demand, although that would be pretty fun. Decorations and Greeting Cards are where we, as Shopkeepers, could fall in. Those of you who are really crafty, could fall into costumes.
[2007.09.13 19:16:02] BrittaCP: of course... if we could customize candy, i imagine it would be like willy wonka's factory
[2007.09.13 19:16:10] BrittaCP: i'd make custom snozzberries
[2007.09.13 19:16:29] wave720 has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:16:30] Marti: is that in million?
[2007.09.13 19:16:39] BrittaCP: here's another chart to answer that question
[2007.09.13 19:16:52] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.09.13 19:17:06] PeggyWvB: I have costume designs
[2007.09.13 19:17:08] gmonte34: lol
[2007.09.13 19:17:12] FJS: Maybe we should look into doing personalized candy wrappers. They are a big deal you know.
[2007.09.13 19:17:17] PeggyWvB: As re Barry's post, that's gobzillions
[2007.09.13 19:17:22] brev87: :-c
[2007.09.13 19:17:42] BrittaCP: Next is Average Halloween Spending by Age.
(source: BIG Research, Consumer Intentions & Actions 2006):
[2007.09.13 19:17:55] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.09.13 19:18:06] Marti: thanks. that clarifies my question!
[2007.09.13 19:18:45] BrittaCP: It may be hard to see for some... but from left to right it breaks down buyers ages
[2007.09.13 19:19:24] BrittaCP: starting at the left: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 44-54, 55-64, 65+
[2007.09.13 19:19:33] brev87: wow, my age group rocks
[2007.09.13 19:19:37] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.09.13 19:19:47] Cassiopeia: It looks like we get too old for costumes, but we're never too old for candy!!!!
[2007.09.13 19:20:10] BrittaCP: my thoughts exactly... candy and decorations will always be big sellers
[2007.09.13 19:20:18] patty has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:20:19] dooni designs: why are we seeing these charts? Our products barely fall into these categories
[2007.09.13 19:21:03] BrittaCP: well the charts are to help you to get a perspective of what the average halloween consumer is looking for. from there you can make your shop and products work
[2007.09.13 19:21:07] LittleLizzyLou: if you click on the graph, it will open up a new window & it is easier to see.
[2007.09.13 19:21:10] BrittaCP: thanks for the tip!
[2007.09.13 19:21:17] Marti: Last year I bought so much candy, but had no trick or treaters.....I live in a condo complex...that's bad.
[2007.09.13 19:21:21] PeggyWvB: I just went from the 25-34 bracket to the 35-44 one and my spending isn't any different
[2007.09.13 19:21:23] brev87: decorations fall in our products
[2007.09.13 19:21:25] Marti: I love the charts...thanks!
[2007.09.13 19:21:27] PeggyWvB: b'cause we CAN make decorations ;)
[2007.09.13 19:21:43] BrittaCP: As you can see here, 18 – 44 are big spenders in Halloween. But the greeting cards are big sellers with 18-24 and 55-65.
[2007.09.13 19:22:06] Ne' at 1512BLVD: If you get creative enough, you could actually fall into any of the three. I won't elaborate though.
[2007.09.13 19:22:11] Marti: yeah we can....your coasters are decorates
[2007.09.13 19:22:29] PeggyWvB: no-one in my gen. sends cards?
[2007.09.13 19:22:30] LA has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:22:41] BrittaCP: oh they do.... they're are just more int he other groups
[2007.09.13 19:22:44] Ne' at 1512BLVD: any of the four I meant!
[2007.09.13 19:22:49] blip has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:22:56] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.09.13 19:23:07] Shannon (hazeleyes7): Are those greeting cards like Hallmark or does that stat also include those little cards kids give to each other in school?
[2007.09.13 19:23:21] BrittaCP: that i don't have the specifics on... though it is a great question
[2007.09.13 19:24:16] BrittaCP: i would think it would just be cards in genereal, since I can't say I've ever seen special kids Halloween cards... do you mean like Valentine Cards?
[2007.09.13 19:24:25] Carl (absolutecotton) has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:24:27] Marti: definitely a good question.
[2007.09.13 19:24:58] BrittaCP: So some of you might be thinking “how do t-shirts fit into all of this?”
[2007.09.13 19:25:19] BrittaCP: Believe it or not, there are a lot of folk out who don’t necessarily go all out in full blown costume, but still enjoy celebrating Halloween.
[2007.09.13 19:25:43] BrittaCP: For them, it’s about participating in the party in a much simpler way.
[2007.09.13 19:25:50] AngelaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:25:55] LA has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:26:16] michigal has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:26:48] BrittaCP: Of course there is still room to get inventive with your apparel items, and make something costume like items
[2007.09.13 19:26:55] Ne' at 1512BLVD: Hi, Angela
[2007.09.13 19:27:00] PeggyWvB: Think of all the cashiers/waitresses who wear holiday themed pins and such
[2007.09.13 19:27:05] BrittaCP: right!
[2007.09.13 19:27:09] PeggyWvB: I've already spent $40+ on my sons costume alone *gasps*
[2007.09.13 19:27:12] AngelaCP: hi everyone, sorry for joining you so late...
[2007.09.13 19:27:26] Ne' at 1512BLVD: Don't forget about things to wear to the office, to school, etc. You can't go in costume!
[2007.09.13 19:27:32] BrittaCP: rib cages for skeleton’s, something 80’s themed, blood splatters on an apron for a maniac butcher, etc
[2007.09.13 19:27:38] BrittaCP: … just thinking out loud off the top of my head.
[2007.09.13 19:27:45] Sag: Halloween party invitations, spooky posters, spooky stickers etc. book of the dead journal etc.
[2007.09.13 19:27:49] PeggyWvB: but you CAN wear a t-shirt
[2007.09.13 19:27:52] BrittaCP: for sure!
[2007.09.13 19:28:01] AngelaCP: I saw a shirt that said "this is my costume"
[2007.09.13 19:28:20] AngelaCP: definitely
[2007.09.13 19:28:26] BrittaCP: There are also Halloween themed apparel and decorative items. You see them a lot at retail chains. Shirts that promote and celebrate Halloween, they probably have a fun witch or bat image on them and a phrase to match.
[2007.09.13 19:29:02] BrittaCP: To find something original and unique, that you won’t find at one of those retail chains, people come to CafePress – or your shop.
[2007.09.13 19:29:18] BrittaCP: so that's where you're t-shirts and other products fit in all of this
[2007.09.13 19:29:24] Bridey: I just put one up that promoted genealogy with witch and broom, so it can be done
[2007.09.13 19:29:35] PeggyWvB: can we PLEASE have a halloween portal?
[2007.09.13 19:29:35] BrittaCP: see you guys get the idea
[2007.09.13 19:29:36] Shannon (hazeleyes7) has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:30:08] dreamup has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:30:08] BrittaCP: peggy.. we'll talk more about that later
[2007.09.13 19:30:22] Ne' at 1512BLVD: From looking at the MP, I'd say we got the big stores beat when it comes to cool and unique
[2007.09.13 19:30:24] PeggyWvB: oh goody!
[2007.09.13 19:30:37] BrittaCP: That’s where you start to think about how to incorporate your own shop style with Halloween flare.
[2007.09.13 19:30:52] BrittaCP: People tend to wear these in the days leading up to Halloween, or to small parties. Or in my case… all year, ha!
[2007.09.13 19:31:05] Renee: The mention of costumes reminded me of something I've been meaning to do. My husband did several designs in the sci-fi section that could also work as Haloween wear, so I'm importing those items into the Halloween section http://www.cafepress.com/brainchildshop
[2007.09.13 19:31:09] BrittaCP: excellent!
[2007.09.13 19:31:35] BrittaCP: So to help you out with idea generating for what to stock, here’s a list of the top items that sell at CafePress during Halloween.
[2007.09.13 19:32:03] BrittaCP: APPAREL: DARK TEES, DARK TEES, DARK TEES… that’s a no brainer
[2007.09.13 19:32:07] PeggyWvB: getcher pencils out
[2007.09.13 19:32:25] BrittaCP: along with: Jr. Jerseys, Yellow Tees, Hoodies, and Ringer Tees.
[2007.09.13 19:32:53] BrittaCP: On a related note, people LOVE dressing up their pets, so dog tees are something to keep in mind too.
[2007.09.13 19:32:53] PeggyWvB: How'er we doing with printing issues with the dark tees?
[2007.09.13 19:33:08] michigal has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:33:10] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.09.13 19:33:13] brev87: good question
[2007.09.13 19:33:44] AngelaCP: It's a big improvement. They are looking very good. We made big improvements last spring and the ones today are looking even better than the ones from Spring.
[2007.09.13 19:34:00] AngelaCP: We'll have more information on this coming up....
[2007.09.13 19:34:03] dooni designs: in general or with halloween specific designs britta?
[2007.09.13 19:34:09] BrittaCP: to Halloween
[2007.09.13 19:34:20] Ne' at 1512BLVD: Too bad we don't have an orange tee!
[2007.09.13 19:34:25] BrittaCP: that would be lovely
[2007.09.13 19:34:49] Marti: what about baby and young kid clothes items?
[2007.09.13 19:35:01] BrittaCP: those are always a great thing to include for any holiday
[2007.09.13 19:35:14] kristin has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:35:23] Marti: that's what i thought....thanks.
[2007.09.13 19:35:24] BrittaCP: Ok... next items
Housewares: Mug, Large Mug, Keepsake box, Throw Pillows, Ornaments
[2007.09.13 19:35:38] Ne' at 1512BLVD: Do non-Halloween designs suffer during Halloween?
[2007.09.13 19:36:05] Marti: oooo, good questions Ne' !
[2007.09.13 19:36:21] AngelaCP: They continue to do well at CafePress. Halloween is a great way to spark interest in your shop. Gives you a reason to have some spooky fun :D
[2007.09.13 19:36:25] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.09.13 19:36:31] BrittaCP: Think about Tote bags as well. Not only do they make great bags to collect candy in, but they are reusable too.
[2007.09.13 19:36:34] dooni designs: i can see the tote bags being trick or treat bags... but alot of the others. creative or not are too expensive for consumers to bother with
[2007.09.13 19:36:53] The Amazing Shadow has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:37:20] BrittaCP: Goodies: Stickers, buttons, license plate frames, magnets
[2007.09.13 19:37:21] Ne' at 1512BLVD: I have been working on the tote bags all day for Halloween!
[2007.09.13 19:37:51] Bridey: you can always suggest they use the tote bag for when they go shopping and use it instead of plastic bags
[2007.09.13 19:37:53] PeggyWvB: are the pillows gonna be in stock soon?
[2007.09.13 19:38:15] AngelaCP: We're working on it with the vendor. The last batch that came in was not acceptable...
[2007.09.13 19:38:44] BrittaCP: Buttons and stickers can work well as a supplement for something to give to trick or treaters. Mini buttons can be added to grab bags.
[2007.09.13 19:39:04] Ne' at 1512BLVD: good idea!!!!
[2007.09.13 19:39:32] BrittaCP: Cards & Prints: Greeting Cards/ note cards, posters, framed prints, journals
Posters are great to use for home decoration.
[2007.09.13 19:39:40] BrittaCP: They are fun to hang up on the door, and in even in the windows.
[2007.09.13 19:39:57] BrittaCP: Before moving on, does anyone have any unique product ideas to share with the group?
[2007.09.13 19:40:09] jmgnole has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:40:11] michigal has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:40:14] Butterfly: Attach a mini-button to your business card and give this out with the candy...
[2007.09.13 19:40:32] Ne' at 1512BLVD: I wouldn't want someone to give my kids buttons cause they are sharp, but the other stuff is a good idea.
[2007.09.13 19:40:45] AngelaCP: They are actually popular in grab bags
[2007.09.13 19:40:56] AngelaCP: My daughter got one with a pumpkin last year from school
[2007.09.13 19:41:13] BrittaCP: i thought about that as well before I mentioned it... but i also remembered how i had to have all my candy inspected before eating.... and the idea can still work for parties
[2007.09.13 19:41:27] Sag: The posters can be designed per holiday with cut lines and holiday designs for instant mailbox holiday covers. Betcha' didn't know that! :-D Working on that now.
[2007.09.13 19:42:02] Uncle Frog has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:42:03] Ne' at 1512BLVD: You shouldn't have given that away Sag!!!!
[2007.09.13 19:42:10] Butterfly: Parents usually check their child's goodie bag after trick-or-treat and they'll be the ones finding the mini-button store pin...Hopefully turning them into a curious buyer.
[2007.09.13 19:42:15] PeggyWvB: SAG, the queen of Marketing!:bow:
[2007.09.13 19:42:16] Marti: that's a cool spin to the posters....
[2007.09.13 19:42:19] Ne' at 1512BLVD: explain grab bag
[2007.09.13 19:42:25] AngelaCP: awesome idea Sag :)
[2007.09.13 19:42:33] BrittaCP: grab abgs meaning a mix of candy in a little bag
[2007.09.13 19:42:40] Sag: We are all family, so we share!:-D
[2007.09.13 19:42:42] Marti: i don't think i'm skilled enough for that yet though.....
[2007.09.13 19:43:02] BrittaCP: ok, moving on...
[2007.09.13 19:43:06] BrittaCP: SPOOKING UP THE STOREFRONT
[2007.09.13 19:43:17] kab has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:43:24] BrittaCP: Many brick and mortar shops have got their stores in full Halloween gear.
[2007.09.13 19:43:30] BrittaCP: I walked into a popular candle shop about a month ago, and just about died. It was an orange and black utopia.
[2007.09.13 19:43:47] kristin has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:43:49] BrittaCP: That doesn’t mean you have to do a total shop overhaul though. Just get those seasonal items upfront, so they can’t be missed, and let your customers know upon entry that you have Halloween swag.
[2007.09.13 19:43:55] camobabygifts: I redid my shop to make it halloween themed www.cafepress.com/7577
[2007.09.13 19:44:01] Ne' at 1512BLVD: okay. I wasn't sure how grab bag applied to Halloween. Now I see.
[2007.09.13 19:44:05] PeggyWvB: ya don't want poeple getting the wrong idea if they come into your store and see cobwebs...
[2007.09.13 19:44:17] sat728 has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:44:17] BrittaCP: We all know about being above the fold, right? Is there anyone here who doesn’t?
[2007.09.13 19:44:33] BrittaCP: That’s where you want your Halloween stuff to be. Think about the first half of your storefront being that place that where you will set the mood for your Customers and get them excited about Halloween.
[2007.09.13 19:44:51] BrittaCP: Try creating a banner and putting it at the top of your shop. The banner could then direct them to the Halloween section of your shop.
[2007.09.13 19:44:55] BrittaCP: If you do advertising on the web, you could use that same banner to promote yourself.
[2007.09.13 19:45:03] Uncle Frog has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:45:18] Ne' at 1512BLVD: I am making a Halloween shop with nothing but. I hope it does well. I imagine, it will pay off more next year than this year.
[2007.09.13 19:45:21] BrittaCP: You can get really wild with your banners and section thumbnails. And with those extra images that you add to your shop make sure that you include alt tags on them.
[2007.09.13 19:45:37] The Amazing Shadow: I plan on doing a banner with animated imaged that change
[2007.09.13 19:45:42] BrittaCP: Note that alt tags can’t be applied to the images that you upload into the product designer, or section thumbnails. But if you have images that you display in your shop using HTML that’s where the alt tags will be used.
[2007.09.13 19:45:52] BrittaCP: correction....
[2007.09.13 19:46:42] AngelaCP: so although you can't add alt tags for Section Thumbnails and Product Thumbnails, we do have alt tags automatically there for you... it will match what you're naming your section and product
[2007.09.13 19:47:05] BrittaCP: You can see an example of what and how they work in our Back-2-School Workshop: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_btsworkshop
[2007.09.13 19:47:06] AngelaCP: mouse over your product or section image and you'll notice alt tags popping out
[2007.09.13 19:47:11] AngelaCP: that's to help your SEO
[2007.09.13 19:47:13] camobabygifts: get a count down code for you shop counting down the days until halloween
[2007.09.13 19:47:20] BrittaCP: We’ll talk more about why alt-tags are important in a minute.
[2007.09.13 19:47:27] AngelaCP: That's a great idea
[2007.09.13 19:47:34] BrittaCP: You can create a collage of the new Halloween designs and products that you created, but add some photos of trick or treaters, party go-ers, and even some graphics like bats, pumpkins, and spiders.
[2007.09.13 19:47:36] AngelaCP: anything to keep it fun
[2007.09.13 19:47:48] Marti: i've already seen x-mas stuff...eeekkk
[2007.09.13 19:47:52] BrittaCP: We recently had a chat on shop navigation and how to clean up your storefront. You can check out the transcript for more ideas and a better understanding on the importance of easy to use storefronts.
[2007.09.13 19:47:55] brev87: will there be coupon banners provided by cafepress?
[2007.09.13 19:47:59] BrittaCP: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_shoporg
[2007.09.13 19:48:03] Kamen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:48:13] AngelaCP: We will probably not have a coupon promotion for halloween
[2007.09.13 19:48:21] BrittaCP: Of course tailor all of this to look like something that belongs in your shop theme and niche. You may think that your shop isn’t appropriate for traditional 20th century, pop-culture, American Halloween.
[2007.09.13 19:48:29] Sag: Or, develop a slideshow at http://www.slide.com -
[2007.09.13 19:48:41] BrittaCP: So again, you have to make holiday work for your niche, and that’s almost always possible.
[2007.09.13 19:48:56] BrittaCP: I also want to share with you this interesting article I found on Wikipedia. I thought it might be good for brainstorming ideas for your shop, products, and picking a direction you want to go in to celebrate.
[2007.09.13 19:49:11] BrittaCP: Keep in mind it’s a wiki, so the information documented may not be 100% accurate, but it highlights some interesting facts and tidbits about Halloween, its history, and the different ways it’s practiced.
[2007.09.13 19:49:27] BrittaCP: It also has some great keywords that you may want to think about using.
[2007.09.13 19:49:30] BrittaCP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween
[2007.09.13 19:49:34] stratman has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:49:46] Ne' at 1512BLVD: Will the main CP page be Halloweeny?
[2007.09.13 19:50:02] AngelaCP: Yes, but if time allows...Britta will cover what we're doing for Halloween
[2007.09.13 19:50:13] BrittaCP: after the chat you guys can gather in the lobby and discuss other decorating ideas
[2007.09.13 19:50:29] catchall pickles has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:50:30] BrittaCP: Next Topic:
SEO – Search Engine Optimization is not Scary
[2007.09.13 19:50:40] BrittaCP: We’ve had a lot of chats that have talked about SEO in the past. There is really is no end to stressing how important this is for your shop.
[2007.09.13 19:50:58] BrittaCP: For those who aren’t sure what exactly SEO is, or where to start, take a few moment to go over our tutorials and previous chat transcripts. http://www.cafepress.com/cp/learn/tutorial_seo
[2007.09.13 19:51:03] BrittaCP: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_seo101
[2007.09.13 19:51:07] The Amazing Shadow: Google knows how important it is
[2007.09.13 19:51:11] SDSpanielRescue: maybe a bride doing pumpkin carving? :-D
[2007.09.13 19:51:15] BrittaCP: ha! awesome!
[2007.09.13 19:51:27] BrittaCP: that's actually how i picture my wedding
[2007.09.13 19:51:35] PeggyWvB: lol!
[2007.09.13 19:51:49] BrittaCP: Timing is key when it comes to SEO. For those that started a month ago, excellent. For those who haven’t get cracking now.
[2007.09.13 19:52:03] BrittaCP: Creepy Keywords
[2007.09.13 19:52:22] BrittaCP: I tend to shop for cool Halloweeny stuff year round. In my head, I have a list of particular keywords that I use when I do my searching.
[2007.09.13 19:52:46] trucker379 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:52:52] BrittaCP: There are the obvious key words like “Halloween” “October” “costume” “pumpkin” “witch” but beyond that try using keywords that represent your product and the occasion.
[2007.09.13 19:52:58] kab: i need seo - nearly every visiter i have comes through my store's squidoo lens
[2007.09.13 19:53:13] BrittaCP: Without tag spamming (big No-No) there are words that can be used like “spooky” “creepy” “All Hallows Eve” “haunted.”
[2007.09.13 19:53:25] BrittaCP: Again, you’ll want to make sure that these words are appropriate for your products and shop, as you should be using them with the content/ text of your shop (shop description, section description, prod description, and alt tags.
[2007.09.13 19:53:42] BrittaCP: These same words can be used in your image tags, which will allow for your designs to be searchable in the marketplace. But again, avoid tag spamming.
[2007.09.13 19:54:10] BrittaCP: ok... we're down to 5 minutes.. so i'm going to jam through the rest of this
[2007.09.13 19:54:12] PeggyWvB: and no marketplace spamming plz
[2007.09.13 19:54:23] AngelaCP: Correct - NO TAG SPAMMING
[2007.09.13 19:54:28] BrittaCP: Macabre Mail
[2007.09.13 19:54:36] BZ has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:54:42] AngelaCP: don't add halloween to your image if it doesn't belong there
[2007.09.13 19:54:51] BrittaCP: Newsletters are a wonderful tool. Start getting your newsletter ready to let your customers know that you’ve got Halloween gear, and they are going to dig it. Show off those awesome designs and images, and talk about how they can be used.
[2007.09.13 19:55:10] BrittaCP: You want to let them know that you’re shop has just as many if not more unique items as the major retail specialty shops do. Newsletters are also mood setters. Us it to get your customers excited about the occasion.
[2007.09.13 19:55:14] catchall pickles has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:55:31] Bridey has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 19:55:38] Renee: Marketplace spamming? Is that like when someone does versions of a design using every name in the baby name book?
[2007.09.13 19:55:41] mx-mom has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:55:51] AngelaCP: Kind of... or putting in a tag that is not relevant to the design
[2007.09.13 19:56:08] BrittaCP: And now... for the question that you all are dying to know about.... What we’re (CafePress) doing for Halloween
[2007.09.13 19:56:20] BrittaCP: We’re actually doing pretty much the same things that have been suggested in this chat.
[2007.09.13 19:56:29] BrittaCP: Just like in past years, we will be launching a Halloween portal.
[2007.09.13 19:56:36] BrittaCP: So as you create and add images, be sure to tag them appropriately so they’ll be included.
[2007.09.13 19:56:44] AngelaCP: do not add christmas in your tag if your image is not related to Christmas - because you think it makes a good Christmas gift -- for example
[2007.09.13 19:56:51] LittleLizzyLou: Ooh Renee! I hate that!!!
[2007.09.13 19:56:56] NiftyGaloot has left the room
[2007.09.13 19:57:06] PeggyWvB: A new Portal????
[2007.09.13 19:57:12] AngelaCP: Britta is getting there....
[2007.09.13 19:57:18] AngelaCP: oh, she's there
[2007.09.13 19:57:19] AngelaCP: ha
[2007.09.13 19:57:35] BrittaCP: so yes... a new halloween portal
[2007.09.13 19:57:37] AngelaCP: so yes, we'll be having Halloween portal. The team is putting the finishing touches and then it will be featured
[2007.09.13 19:57:48] PeggyWvB: YAY! (does a happy dance)
[2007.09.13 19:57:56] AngelaCP: yes, it will replace the bride - i know you guys hate to see her go... sorry about that ;)
[2007.09.13 19:58:00] Renee: I was just wondering about that. We sometimes search to see if your new designs are showing up, and get stuck wading through PAGES AND PAGES of essentially the same design. I don't know how one could fix that, but it would be great if it were possible.
[2007.09.13 19:58:03] PeggyWvB: lol- maybe the bride of Frankenstein
[2007.09.13 19:58:18] BrittaCP: that was my costume last year ;)
[2007.09.13 19:58:23] Butterfly: I have that design!
[2007.09.13 19:58:41] Carl (absolutecotton): can we know ahead of time what keyword the portal will promote?
[2007.09.13 19:59:03] Butterfly: nice try, Carl!:-D
[2007.09.13 19:59:06] AngelaCP: No, we don't. What we use also depends on what actually get returned as well
[2007.09.13 19:59:16] AngelaCP: But yeah, nice try ;)
[2007.09.13 19:59:16] bearabull has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.09.13 19:59:21] BrittaCP: And so that’s it. I hope some of you are now inspired to get to work on Halloween.
Questions or ideas to share?
[2007.09.13 19:59:50] The Amazing Shadow: doesn't have that design...but I have no halloween designs anyways ...lol
[2007.09.13 19:59:58] Marti: sneaky
[2007.09.13 20:00:03] bearabull: do you have what you talked about in the chat in notes anywhere?
[2007.09.13 20:00:14] BrittaCP: this will put up in a transcript later
[2007.09.13 20:00:27] AngelaCP: We'll have the chat transcript next week... or someone can send you a copy....
[2007.09.13 20:00:41] Kamen: Is halloween a season where sales go up significantly normally?
[2007.09.13 20:00:47] AngelaCP: Not as much as the other seasons
[2007.09.13 20:00:53] BrittaCP: Please fee free to continue with questions, and the lobby will open in a second
[2007.09.13 20:00:55] AngelaCP: slightly
[2007.09.13 20:01:05] BrittaCP: I've got to jam... thanks for joining!
[2007.09.13 20:01:06] gmonte34: does changing the background to your shop help with customer sales
[2007.09.13 20:01:12] AngelaCP: Probably not if that's all you do
[2007.09.13 20:01:18] kab: not meaning to flood the search, but i usually have a couple versions of a design - one for the clock, one for the mug, one for the oval sticker, one for on darks, and one for on lights.....i would love a way to just link them together so only one shows up in search, and brings you to products with alll of them - i sometimes find my one images knocking my other images off the search results page
[2007.09.13 20:01:31] Butterfly has left the room (logged out)
[2007.09.13 20:01:38] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
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