Cafe Chatter

Welcome to Cafe Chatter - Grab a cup of coffee or a nice glass of tea and pull up a comfy chair while we talk about our lives, our relationships, what it's like to return to school, how much we love (or hate) our jobs and how great (or miserable) our online stores are doing!! Cafepress brought us together as friends and now we are inviting you to join us!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Cafepress meeting (tagging) 10/4/07

[2007.10.04 18:59:19] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2007.10.04 18:59:19] Blonde Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 18:59:19] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2007.10.04 18:59:31] kiwi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 18:59:47] jdp has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 18:59:51] AngelaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:00:02] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.10.04 19:00:06] bridey: hello everyone
[2007.10.04 19:00:07] Blonde Designs: hello everyone!
[2007.10.04 19:00:16] AngelaCP: Hi everyone!
[2007.10.04 19:00:23] Ne' at 1512BLVD: hi
[2007.10.04 19:00:39] dreamup has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:00:49] kiwi: Hey, y'all!
[2007.10.04 19:00:51] kippy: hi!
[2007.10.04 19:00:52] jdp: Hi
[2007.10.04 19:00:54] og has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:00:59] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:01:03] AngelaCP: We'll be ready to start in a few minutes....
[2007.10.04 19:01:03] Sag has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:01:08] Carl (absolutecotton): Hello, people and cpeople!
[2007.10.04 19:01:12] NiftyGaloot has left the room
[2007.10.04 19:01:15] AngelaCP: hi carl
[2007.10.04 19:01:19] Daedreem: HI ALL!!! hope I can stay!
[2007.10.04 19:01:21] BrittaCP: Greetings and Salutations everyone!
[2007.10.04 19:01:24] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:01:28] AngelaCP: I hope so too!
[2007.10.04 19:01:30] jdp: Let's get this party started!
[2007.10.04 19:01:40] Sag: Hello, All!
[2007.10.04 19:01:49] AngelaCP: hi sag
[2007.10.04 19:01:52] rasael has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:02:14] BrittaCP: I've got my part hat on.... and it's tagged with the word "Image"
[2007.10.04 19:02:16] BrittaCP: har har
[2007.10.04 19:02:16] Top Tee Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:02:26] AngelaCP: Thank you for coming to the Tagging Roundtable Discussion chat. The objective of today’s chat is to openly discuss the dos and don’ts of Tagging with the community.
[2007.10.04 19:02:38] Daedreem: PartY! partY! partY!
[2007.10.04 19:02:41] Sag: Hi, Angela!
[2007.10.04 19:02:41] jdp: My party hat says "Tags"
[2007.10.04 19:02:55] AngelaCP: As you know, it’s a roundtable discussion so we will not have the usual workshop format for this chat. A roundtable discussion means everyone in this chat will get to participate.
[2007.10.04 19:03:23] chm has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:03:27] Carl (absolutecotton): you spelled "D'oh" wrong, Angela. :)
[2007.10.04 19:03:31] dreamup: Mine says "You're It" :P
[2007.10.04 19:03:49] Mr. Spaceman has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:03:58] AngelaCP: Based on previous feedback, Shopkeepers prefer moderated chats so it’s easier to keep up with so we’ll keep this chat moderated. For those who haven’t attended a moderated chat, you will not immediately see your responses posted. They will go into a queue and we do our best to get all the response posted live.
[2007.10.04 19:04:18] AngelaCP: Okay, so let’s get started with today’s Roundtable Discussion: Tagging
[2007.10.04 19:04:30] AngelaCP: The real main takeaway from today’s chat is to understand the “best practices of Tagging”… so we’ll cover a few main topics:
[2007.10.04 19:04:44] AngelaCP: 1. How to Effectively Tag your Images
2. Beware of Tag Spam
3. Community responsibility for tagging relevant keywords
[2007.10.04 19:04:55] M158 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:04:56] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:05:10] AngelaCP: This is a RT discussion... so please chime in at anytime with your tips, experiences, advice, etc…
[2007.10.04 19:05:19] bizarre has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:05:30] AngelaCP: Let’s start with effectively Tagging your images. I’ll start.
[2007.10.04 19:05:31] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:05:39] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:05:56] bridey has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:05:56] AngelaCP: When tagging your images, be sure to think like a buyer. Use keywords your buyer would use to find your image. For example, if you have a design of a decorated Christmas tree, the right Tags might be: Christmas tree, holiday, festive
[2007.10.04 19:06:04] Syzygy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:06:07] kiwi has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:06:13] AngelaCP: Tags that might not be so right might be: ornament, happy new years, gift, Hanukah
[2007.10.04 19:06:21] AngelaCP: Why? If someone searching for designs using the keyword happy new years, gift, Hanukah, or ornament would not expect to find your design because it’s not what they are looking for.
[2007.10.04 19:06:34] AngelaCP: Adding these Tags to your image to get your design to show up creates a bad user experience. It’s also Tag Spam. We can share more about that later.
[2007.10.04 19:06:37] Photo Girl has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:06:46] NiftyGaloot: Don't forget alternate spellings, xmas, etc.
[2007.10.04 19:06:48] y0kkles has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:07:11] kiwi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:07:18] AngelaCP: does anyone have something to share? We're keeping this open... that was my tip ;)
[2007.10.04 19:07:23] rasael: Why wouldn't gift be a good tag word?
[2007.10.04 19:07:31] scarebaby: I thought "gift" was almost always a good tag:-o
[2007.10.04 19:07:44] AngelaCP: Because it does not descript the image... a christmas tree
[2007.10.04 19:07:57] jgoode: because everything can be a gift...
[2007.10.04 19:08:00] BrittaCP: right, jen
[2007.10.04 19:08:17] AngelaCP: please note: keyword optimization for Tags on an image for the CP Marketplace is different than for SEO
[2007.10.04 19:08:25] AngelaCP: In the case of SEO, gifts would be good
[2007.10.04 19:08:29] NiftyGaloot: Gift is a good keyword for SEO but doesn't describe the what the design is.
[2007.10.04 19:08:34] BrittaCP: exactly
[2007.10.04 19:08:37] AngelaCP: In this case, it does not describe the this image
[2007.10.04 19:08:41] scarebaby: but isn't it thinking like a consumer?
[2007.10.04 19:09:10] BrittaCP: chances, are teh consumer may be there for a gift already... we need to create tags to describe that gift
[2007.10.04 19:09:25] lekker jen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:09:29] BrittaCP: like purple, monkey.... if you have a purple monkey image, of course
[2007.10.04 19:09:38] lekker jen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:10:11] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:10:20] AngelaCP: scarebaby, gift is almost always a good SEO keyword :D
[2007.10.04 19:10:32] Carl (absolutecotton): Describe the image, not the market. :)
[2007.10.04 19:10:44] jdp: How about tagging names of items offered. Such as Christmas T-shirts, Christmas shirts, etc. Is it bad to keep using Christmas? Or should you use Christmas 2 or 3 times and then use items names such as mugs, coasters, etc.
[2007.10.04 19:10:57] jgoode: i always tag my images as if i were searching for them using the google image search.. what words would i use to find the images i have... 'm never going to search for an image name gift, unless im looking for a package with a bow
[2007.10.04 19:11:16] NiftyGaloot: Now, if there were gifts under the tree in the design, gifts would be a good tag.
[2007.10.04 19:11:23] Daedreem: a shirt that says 'Gods gift to women' could have 'gift' though.
[2007.10.04 19:11:32] Uncle Frog has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:11:34] AngelaCP: There's no need to use Christmas more than once. There's also no need to enter products
[2007.10.04 19:11:49] lekker jen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:12:05] lekker jen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:12:08] kiwi: Is it better to use all 20 tags, or focus on the key few that best describe the image?
[2007.10.04 19:12:25] Daedreem: and more keywords lowers your image in the list anyway, right?
[2007.10.04 19:13:11] rasael: do more keywords lower your image in the list or is that a rumor?
[2007.10.04 19:13:20] AngelaCP: So technically that is not true... but looking at the big picture if you entered all 20 tags for your image and a big portion are not relevant, in the end that will "ding" your ranking
[2007.10.04 19:13:26] AngelaCP: Does that make sense
[2007.10.04 19:14:04] AngelaCP: if technically all 20 Tags are highly relevant the answer would be no.... but it is my believe that 5 tags are probably sufficient to describe your image
[2007.10.04 19:14:15] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:14:21] scarebaby: can you define "ding"?:)
[2007.10.04 19:14:22] Carl (absolutecotton): can you explain "dinging" a little more?
[2007.10.04 19:14:40] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.10.04 19:14:42] 1billiam has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:15:07] AngelaCP: If you used irrelevant Tags, over time your image will not rank high
[2007.10.04 19:15:37] AngelaCP: that's what I mean by dinging... kind of the opposite of doing all the right things to get to page one...dinging is anti that
[2007.10.04 19:15:37] BIGNUMPT has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:15:44] AngelaCP: does that make sense?
[2007.10.04 19:16:06] Daedreem: I don't use irelevant tags, but how?? wouldn't it only rank low in the ones it was irelevant for?
[2007.10.04 19:16:13] rasael: 20 relevant keywords is good
[2007.10.04 19:16:21] Daedreem: no.. how?
[2007.10.04 19:16:22] Daedreem: ding dong!!! LOL
[2007.10.04 19:16:25] Mr. Spaceman: Makes sense. I don't think any of my images have 20 tags. Maybe 12-15 or something like that.
[2007.10.04 19:16:27] AngelaCP: It is an overall equation for your image
[2007.10.04 19:16:37] Blonde Designs: boy oh boy...looks like i have lots of tags to fix!
[2007.10.04 19:16:40] AngelaCP: the algothrym
[2007.10.04 19:16:50] tanith has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:17:09] Uncle Frog: If irrelevant tags can cause an image to rank lower over time, does this mean that shop-identifying tags would be harmful to sales?
[2007.10.04 19:17:19] M158: Is that because people don't click on the image if it shows up under an irrelevant tag? Is that what causes it to go lower?
[2007.10.04 19:18:07] AngelaCP: Let me not cause a panic... there are many factors involved in how an image rank...similar to the Google's unknown.
[2007.10.04 19:18:14] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:18:30] AngelaCP: However, if you use a popular Tag to "get seen" that might hurt you
[2007.10.04 19:19:02] AngelaCP: I do think if it's a unique Tag that's not highly searched but for specific *might* be fine
[2007.10.04 19:19:02] priesthoodz has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:19:13] Alan (deadhippo) has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:19:20] BrittaCP: that would be a good reason M158... why would i click on a fluffy kitten when i specifically did a search for a zombie... and it't not even a zombie kitten
[2007.10.04 19:19:36] Carl (absolutecotton): I think I understand, but let me get this right: Irrelevant tags will reduce your "overall" rankings on many different pages, but may still be unaffected for the few relevant tags that you DO have?
[2007.10.04 19:20:08] Uncle Frog: aaahhhhh *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* I got it now
[2007.10.04 19:20:27] Photo Girl has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:20:32] AngelaCP: correct Carl... there may be a small effect for even relevant searches...because it is the overall ranking
[2007.10.04 19:20:34] Ne' at 1512BLVD: Even if we don't understand how it hurts us, we know it hurts the ones who tagged correctly, so that is good enough reason for me to tag correctly!
[2007.10.04 19:20:34] AngelaCP: but not much
[2007.10.04 19:20:37] Mi Ty Design has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:20:45] AngelaCP: that is correct Ne!
[2007.10.04 19:20:52] Sag: We need to get rid of the tons of designs with every name in the phone book with a "Personalization Offered" on it.
[2007.10.04 19:20:57] AngelaCP: So let's address this....
[2007.10.04 19:21:13] AngelaCP: Let me ask you guys... what are some suggestions?
[2007.10.04 19:21:15] dd has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:21:17] scarebaby: amen
[2007.10.04 19:21:30] scarebaby: a separate marketplace? for personalization?
[2007.10.04 19:21:32] Top Tee Designs: yep, what Sag said
[2007.10.04 19:21:37] Jer has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:21:42] Ne' at 1512BLVD: I agree with sag to a certain extent!
[2007.10.04 19:21:45] Mousecrafter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:21:47] Carl (absolutecotton): For bulk designs? Product groupings, with a link to see more.
[2007.10.04 19:21:49] AngelaCP: This one is tricky
[2007.10.04 19:21:57] AngelaCP: it doesn't mean the tags are wrong...
[2007.10.04 19:22:07] AngelaCP: it just means there's tons of it taking over pages of search
[2007.10.04 19:22:24] kiwi: Give shopkeepers a box they can check for "personalization available" and display that in the MP for their designs.
[2007.10.04 19:22:30] AngelaCP: This isn't something that we can address immediately
[2007.10.04 19:22:39] AngelaCP: but definitely something to think about
[2007.10.04 19:22:45] rasael: And making it very hard for affiliates to find good unique images
[2007.10.04 19:22:45] dreamz has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:23:00] rasael: Great idea kivi
[2007.10.04 19:23:05] Sag: Tag one design with personalization offered on the design in some manner, and let the other 9,000 designs go untagged
[2007.10.04 19:23:13] AngelaCP: Great ideas!
[2007.10.04 19:23:59] AngelaCP: I'm passing the feedback on... there's no quick suggestions on my end so let's move on to the next topic
[2007.10.04 19:24:22] Ne' at 1512BLVD: What also annoys me is getting anti- design when trying to find the right designs. If I want Jesus images for a Christian affiliate site, I can't find them for all the anti-Jesus or Jesus jokes images
[2007.10.04 19:24:38] kiwi-two has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:24:48] AngelaCP: I agree Ne. We need the community to take responsibility when tagging.
[2007.10.04 19:24:53] Rnt has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:25:12] AngelaCP: People doing this are trying to get their designs seen and it is affecting the quality of the user experience.
[2007.10.04 19:25:41] AngelaCP: Did you know in our marketplace search we can subtract Tags from a search?
[2007.10.04 19:26:38] AngelaCP: For example... if we create a special Jesus portal and link to a jesus search we can subtract all the anti-jesus tags from the search
[2007.10.04 19:26:56] Rnt: Would anti-blah be subtracting? like anti-bush
[2007.10.04 19:27:08] AngelaCP: what does that mean? Well, it will start hurting people that are tagging incorrectly because their jesus design will not show up
[2007.10.04 19:27:34] Top Tee Designs: Do our customers know that? Is it made clear to them when shopping the marketplace?
[2007.10.04 19:27:50] Daedreem: didn't know about the tag-subtract... COOL!
[2007.10.04 19:27:59] AngelaCP: I'm not sure if customers know that... but this really helps in links we can direct people to
[2007.10.04 19:28:22] kiwi has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:28:33] AngelaCP: most marketplaces has the same functionality so we have seen people using negatives to remove irrelevant designs
[2007.10.04 19:28:43] Daedreem: great angela!! get the word out to cuastomers! help them use it!
[2007.10.04 19:29:17] AngelaCP: We can do that! I'm trying to spread the word to SKs so they are discouraged from using both anti and pro because it can hurt them but not being seen in our portals
[2007.10.04 19:29:24] Mousecrafter: The Christian market buyer in particular is very easily turned away by anti-Christian stuff, thanks for the tip
[2007.10.04 19:29:25] lekker jen: but we can't do that in our own searches.. right?
[2007.10.04 19:29:37] mouse has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:30:06] AngelaCP: You can. I think it'll look something like this
[2007.10.04 19:30:07] AngelaCP: bush -antibush
[2007.10.04 19:30:13] AngelaCP: i just tried it and it worked
[2007.10.04 19:30:43] AngelaCP: so if you try to be sly and put bush and anti bush in your image... it will not show up in our election portal
[2007.10.04 19:30:47] AngelaCP: makes sense?
[2007.10.04 19:31:22] kiwi-two has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:31:36] Rnt: Thanjks Angela. Makes sense now :)
[2007.10.04 19:31:37] Aqua has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:31:38] lekker jen: I just tried "bull -pit" and still got pit bull designs
[2007.10.04 19:32:00] AngelaCP: I'm not sure Jen... We did some testing it worked for almost all the ones we tried... I'm not sure what may be different w/pitbull
[2007.10.04 19:32:04] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:32:11] Daedreem: PERFECT sense... I have one or two images that'll actually work for either side of an issue.. good thing i've never double-tagged them.. that I remember. :)
[2007.10.04 19:32:18] cowpie has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:32:35] Ne' at 1512BLVD: try bull -pitbull
[2007.10.04 19:32:37] AngelaCP: maybe....
[2007.10.04 19:32:41] Jer: Am I here? No one is answering me
[2007.10.04 19:32:50] AngelaCP: This is a moderated chat Jer....
[2007.10.04 19:33:07] AngelaCP: Please note... there are tons of responses in the queue and we're doing our best....
[2007.10.04 19:33:07] Jer: What about the plural tags, are they still active or should I tag plural as well...t-shirt and t-shirts?
[2007.10.04 19:33:08] AngelaCP: :D
[2007.10.04 19:33:26] BrittaCP: There isn't a need for plurals
[2007.10.04 19:33:45] BrittaCP: For instance if you have a holiday wreath image, you should use “wreath”.
[2007.10.04 19:33:48] AngelaCP: and no need to enter t-shirt as a tag.....
[2007.10.04 19:33:57] BrittaCP: But you don’t need to use “wreaths.” The marketplace search is intuitive, and will recognize your “wreath” is a customer searches for “wreaths.”
[2007.10.04 19:34:09] BrittaCP: Adding plural versions will also take away from the maximum amount of tags you can use.
[2007.10.04 19:34:18] BrittaCP: You should, however, use variations of words that have different cores. So “mouse” and “mice” or “goose” and “geese” will work.
[2007.10.04 19:34:36] Carl (absolutecotton): Okay, we've all obviously got a few tags to fix. :) Does changing the tag set still cause an image to disappear from the marketplace? If so, when's the next scheduled refresh?
[2007.10.04 19:35:32] AngelaCP: if you're adding a tag or removing tags, that will update on the next refresh. However, for an existing tag that hasn't changed it should still show up. There is currently a bug where they are disappearing and the team is aware. That is scheduled to be fixed next week.
[2007.10.04 19:35:38] Jer: I see
[2007.10.04 19:35:45] Mi Ty Design: but what about baby vs. babies?
[2007.10.04 19:35:56] AngelaCP: In that case, you should put both
[2007.10.04 19:36:12] Top Tee Designs: Someone mentioned in the forums that tagging can be case sensitive??
[2007.10.04 19:36:36] AngelaCP: It's not supposed to be... however we have seen a different ordering when that happens. The team is looking into this;.
[2007.10.04 19:36:39] og: re: the maximum amount of tags you can use.??? What is that?
[2007.10.04 19:36:49] BrittaCP: you can add a maximum of 20 tags per image
[2007.10.04 19:37:03] Mi Ty Design: How about child vs. children?
[2007.10.04 19:37:06] BrittaCP: that would work
[2007.10.04 19:37:17] Rnt: What about white mouse, grey mouse? or should it just be mouse, grey etc
[2007.10.04 19:37:23] BrittaCP: mouse, grey
[2007.10.04 19:37:48] kippy has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:37:58] Daedreem: I never do this.. but out of curiousity, is there any benefit or drawback to duplicating keywords? IE... "bush,bush,bush,bush"
[2007.10.04 19:38:03] BrittaCP: no, not at all
[2007.10.04 19:38:07] kippy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:38:14] NiftyGaloot: Does everyone here have a special tag for their designs?
[2007.10.04 19:38:28] Jer: I use my shop ID as a tag
[2007.10.04 19:38:45] Daedreem: yes, nifty... I don't always use it, but I have a special tag.
[2007.10.04 19:39:01] Jer: and gray :)
[2007.10.04 19:39:08] BrittaCP: if your mouse is gray, of course
[2007.10.04 19:39:13] Carl (absolutecotton): i do, nifty... and a few special tags for affiliates using the api
[2007.10.04 19:39:16] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.10.04 19:39:16] og: I use my shop ID as a tag...why?
[2007.10.04 19:39:23] Blonde Designs: is it a good idea to use your store id as a tag?
[2007.10.04 19:39:25] AngelaCP: I know many Sks do that... however, please use unique tags when doing this. I saw a search that was completely overtaken by a SK that did this (unintentionally) because her Shop Id had a common tag. For example, dog pound.
[2007.10.04 19:39:46] AngelaCP: In that case, all the designs for that shop will show up under a dog search
[2007.10.04 19:40:09] kippy: Britta, the tagging best practises specifically say "Do: Use words and phrases in your design as separate Tags. For example: Free Katie, free, Katie "
[2007.10.04 19:40:10] Ne' at 1512BLVD: I just started using 1512blvd for all images even the ones for my other shop IDs
[2007.10.04 19:40:18] AngelaCP: We're working on updating that... that's one of the things we're removing....
[2007.10.04 19:40:20] Daedreem: no one else will unintentionally use mine. :)
[2007.10.04 19:40:24] Daedreem: it's daedreem. :D
[2007.10.04 19:40:29] AngelaCP: that's good to hear :)
[2007.10.04 19:40:30] dreamup: whats the benefit of a special tag if a customer doesnt know about it, for example I used to use my shop id but a customers may not search for that in the marketplace
[2007.10.04 19:40:48] AngelaCP: oh, I know most of you would be happy to get rid of the Related Tags used feature in the Tagging Tool... objections?
[2007.10.04 19:41:05] NiftyGaloot: Special tags are also good for using some of the third party tools.
[2007.10.04 19:41:11] Jer: I tag my ID so I can see when my images are inthe MP
[2007.10.04 19:41:15] NiftyGaloot: If you have a special tag it's easy to finf your own designs.
[2007.10.04 19:41:21] Sag: I use my special tag to generated product content and information with Jgoode wonderful tool for my blog. works like a charm! hugs to Jen!
[2007.10.04 19:41:27] Rnt: I like the tagging tool :)
[2007.10.04 19:41:28] Daedreem: the benefit is so you can have a person or tool pull up all your designs with a simple search.
[2007.10.04 19:41:30] og: I LOVE the realted tags...use it to add ones I is VERYvaluable!!!
[2007.10.04 19:41:44] rasael: Free Katie, or Free, Katie? Which is better please
[2007.10.04 19:42:08] AngelaCP: they are the same which is why we're removing that link from the tutorial
[2007.10.04 19:42:37] kippy: so essentially all of our tags should be solely single words?
[2007.10.04 19:42:43] AngelaCP: pretty much
[2007.10.04 19:42:51] Alan (deadhippo): I also like the related tags so I object.
[2007.10.04 19:42:54] Buttox Chin has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:42:56] dd has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:43:55] og: NO one answered my earlier question about tagging old designs from before tagging started??
[2007.10.04 19:44:09] Mi Ty Design has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:44:16] BrittaCP: if image doesn't have tags on it... you'll want to go ahead and do that
[2007.10.04 19:44:25] AngelaCP: The reason why I asked... most Sks feel this tool is no longer needed. For one, unique tags do show up here. So say your unique tag is xqa and you associate this w/your dog designs... it will show up as related. Other SKs may start using this unique tag
[2007.10.04 19:44:26] BrittaCP: if you want them to be in the MP, of course
[2007.10.04 19:44:52] AngelaCP: Also, Sks who work hard to come up with Tags do not like that it's being shared with others...
[2007.10.04 19:45:06] Alan (deadhippo): I have a question..If I update my tags will that image lose its ranking
[2007.10.04 19:45:10] AngelaCP: It will not
[2007.10.04 19:45:50] AngelaCP: Quickly...back to the related Tags feature...I'm only hearing supports of this feature. Before I heard from a lot that wanted to get this feature removed....
[2007.10.04 19:45:59] AngelaCP: Anyone here that would like to see it go away?
[2007.10.04 19:46:25] og: We're talking about 1000s of designs that were created before there was tagging...when it was introduced we were told we didn't need to tag those. Is that no longer true? That's weeks of work!
[2007.10.04 19:46:52] butterfly has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:48:04] BrittaCP: oh... I see what you're saying now. Back when we introduced tags, we scraped words from the descriptions that were currently being used for the MP and created tags for those folk. However, should you ever be up for it, you may want to go back and check those tags to make sure they are what you want.
[2007.10.04 19:48:10] tanith: I would LOVE the related tags feature to go away
[2007.10.04 19:48:13] dreamup: arent we all here to help each other? so why would we take it away
[2007.10.04 19:48:14] M158: I vote to keep the Related Tags feature.
[2007.10.04 19:48:21] lekker jen: ME!!!
[2007.10.04 19:48:34] rasael: There are places online where you can find related tag words, like word traker and
[2007.10.04 19:48:39] Aqua: I would like to see it go away
[2007.10.04 19:48:41] Daedreem: (hopeing there are no 'yes's)
[2007.10.04 19:48:43] Top Tee Designs: I have mixed feelings about it. So I'm not much help ;)
[2007.10.04 19:48:45] rasael: I would like to see it go away. It's using resources that could be used elsewhere isn't it?
[2007.10.04 19:48:53] y0kkles: I feel it slows down tagging sometimes because its waiting to load.
[2007.10.04 19:49:03] AngelaCP: So in this chat it's split
[2007.10.04 19:49:27] AngelaCP: In the community we're seeing a lot of no's... we'll have to do more surveying but many believe it contributes to tag spamming
[2007.10.04 19:49:32] Sag: amen sista! my special tag was coming up under some of the related tags and spooked the dickens out of me. couldn't figure out how the heck I got in there.:-D:bow:
[2007.10.04 19:49:41] Carl (absolutecotton): I feel i'm in one of those "dropped call" commercials, and I'm screaming "Drop the tags!" but no one can hear me.
[2007.10.04 19:49:43] AngelaCP: I hear ya
[2007.10.04 19:49:46] Alan (deadhippo): I vote keep
[2007.10.04 19:49:54] lekker jen: In all honesty, I came to CP to make money, not help people. I enjoy the helping, but not just giving away my hard work (tags or otherwise)
[2007.10.04 19:49:57] Mr. Spaceman: I don't really see any major drawbacks to the "related tags" feature, except for an SKs personal tag popping up in the marketplace as mention earlier.
[2007.10.04 19:49:58] Alan (deadhippo): This is like the presidential election . . some votes are not heard
[2007.10.04 19:50:01] Alan (deadhippo): I take that back
[2007.10.04 19:50:03] AngelaCP: haha
[2007.10.04 19:50:11] AngelaCP: we're pushing as fast as we can....
[2007.10.04 19:50:15] Ne' at 1512BLVD: could we have a tag generator that pulls it from an outside source?
[2007.10.04 19:50:37] BrittaCP: so gang...we need to end a few minutes early today
[2007.10.04 19:50:39] AngelaCP: There's only 10 minutes left....but unfortunately britta and I have carpool :(
[2007.10.04 19:50:46] AngelaCP: looks like we'll need another chat like this
[2007.10.04 19:50:50] AngelaCP: seem slike there's a lot of debate
[2007.10.04 19:50:52] shewolfdesigns has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.04 19:50:53] AngelaCP: lots of feedback
[2007.10.04 19:50:53] BrittaCP: but encourage evribe to keep chating in the looby
[2007.10.04 19:50:57] BrittaCP: lobby
[2007.10.04 19:51:04] AngelaCP: everyone is interestede
[2007.10.04 19:51:19] BrittaCP: which is open
[2007.10.04 19:51:19] AngelaCP: we'll do another chat on this and start early and spend more time
[2007.10.04 19:51:29] BrittaCP: and unmoderated
[2007.10.04 19:51:30] AngelaCP: next time....
[2007.10.04 19:51:34] Jer: who is th designated driver then?
[2007.10.04 19:51:36] BrittaCP: take care!
[2007.10.04 19:51:44] AngelaCP: bye everyone
[2007.10.04 19:51:48] Top Tee Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:51:54] Aqua has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:51:58] cowpie has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.04 19:51:59] The room has been closed by the system


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