Cafe Chatter

Welcome to Cafe Chatter - Grab a cup of coffee or a nice glass of tea and pull up a comfy chair while we talk about our lives, our relationships, what it's like to return to school, how much we love (or hate) our jobs and how great (or miserable) our online stores are doing!! Cafepress brought us together as friends and now we are inviting you to join us!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Holiday Prep CP Chat 11=06-2007

[2007.11.06 19:10:49] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2007.11.06 19:10:49] Dooni Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:10:50] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2007.11.06 19:10:54] Michigal has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:11:01] cyi has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:11:03] michigal has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:11:10] cyi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:11:15] AngelaCP has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:11:15] ClermontKid: Hello
[2007.11.06 19:11:15] brenbe: I would like to take my new online templated premium store, and download the HTML source to my computer as a whole, to work with it in my WSWYG editor and reupload via FTP. There seems to be no way to do this?
[2007.11.06 19:11:15] Alan (deadhippo): I think one of the most important things about holiday prep is to get our designs up there but bacause of the import feature not working properly this has become a very time consuming task.
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Alan (deadhippo): If you don't see your comment pop up at all that's why.
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Timewarp: I have 100 designs ready for upload when the import feature is fixed, any news on that?
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] ClermontKid: Is it possible to change the meta tags on each page, not just the home page for a shop?
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Alan (deadhippo): Can we have a summary of what will be covered in this chat?
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Abigail: did we freeze?
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] goatlady: did you guys fall asleep?
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Bird Face: Britta, still there?
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Sherry: I'm already seeing the beginning of Holiday shopping at Would love to see the import bug fixed, though. It's SLOW going with it messed up.
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] goatlady: Hellooooo ??
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] Alan (deadhippo): It's very quiet in here. Has anything been said since Britta said "We'll cover that"
[2007.11.06 19:11:16] PetsPrevail: ??
[2007.11.06 19:11:17] Loler: what's going on?
[2007.11.06 19:11:17] maryo: wow - musical chat logins
[2007.11.06 19:11:17] electricgreen: Uhhhh..Hello?
[2007.11.06 19:11:17] BrittaCP has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:11:17] AngelaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:11:19] BrittaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:11:22] AngelaCP: Sorry everyone....
[2007.11.06 19:11:28] AngelaCP: Britta and I got disconnected
[2007.11.06 19:11:47] AngelaCP: If you asked a question, please ask again
[2007.11.06 19:11:54] bluesy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:12:15] Romy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:12:27] shawn - pristinephoto has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:12:39] Alan (deadhippo): I think one of the most important things about holiday prep is to get our designs up there but bacause of the import feature not working properly this has become a very time consuming task. When can we see this getting fixed?
[2007.11.06 19:12:55] AngelaCP: I was in the middle of answering Deadhippo's comment about the import tool - we understand. This is getting fixed next week... scheduled for next Tuesday.
[2007.11.06 19:13:10] Alan (deadhippo): Thanks.
[2007.11.06 19:13:25] AngelaCP: You can continue to add new designs, but yes - a bit more time consuming... we hear you and it will be fixed :)
[2007.11.06 19:13:32] BrittaCP: Alright, so back to Shop Promotion...
[2007.11.06 19:13:51] BrittaCP: There are several different ways that you can promote your Holiday ready shop, both free and paid.
[2007.11.06 19:13:56] lazykagen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:14:02] BrittaCP: Let’s start with the free… since that is usually the preferred method.
[2007.11.06 19:14:31] Lekker Jen: Thanks Ang and Brittta! (for hearing us) :D
[2007.11.06 19:14:36] AngelaCP: our pleasure :)
[2007.11.06 19:14:51] hi has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:14:52] BrittaCP: As I said before, now is the time to let the world know that you have what thier looking for this Holiday season
[2007.11.06 19:14:59] BrittaCP: Add banners to your main website
[2007.11.06 19:15:00] Stef has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:15:10] BrittaCP: Many of you have your website in addition to your CafePress shops.
[2007.11.06 19:15:30] hi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:15:30] BrittaCP: Often this is the first place where your customers are going to land, so it’s important to let them know right away that they are just another click away from finding the perfect gift for the Holidays
[2007.11.06 19:15:47] rasael has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:15:47] AngelaCP: We'll have some banners for those that do not have any designed. These will be holiday themed and general.... but it's better than nothing
[2007.11.06 19:15:57] CKrawesky has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:16:09] Alan (deadhippo): I have used Kaboodle a bit recently for promotion. It is free but they automaically add their affiliate. Very easy to use especially if you get the Firefox plugin.
[2007.11.06 19:16:17] AngelaCP: What is that? Thanks for sharing that alan.
[2007.11.06 19:16:21] BrittaCP: I love Kaboodle
[2007.11.06 19:16:51] JaZilla has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:17:03] Alan (deadhippo): It is a place to promote products or shops. Apart from that I odn't know too much.
[2007.11.06 19:17:17] The Shadow: Kaboodle is pretty easy to do and fairly quick
[2007.11.06 19:17:31] artbyjane: what is kaboodle
[2007.11.06 19:17:34] Alan (deadhippo):
[2007.11.06 19:17:35] riahsworld_2 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:17:36] BrittaCP: Kaboodle is an online wish list/ social search engine
[2007.11.06 19:17:39] me has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:17:45] goatlady: Twitter too not much content but a good outlet for URLs
[2007.11.06 19:17:52] BrittaCP: And, as Alan said it's free
[2007.11.06 19:18:03] CKrawesky has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:18:05] PhotoGirl has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:18:25] AngelaCP: Back to banners on your website... does everyone here have their own website?
[2007.11.06 19:19:13] AngelaCP: If most of your traffic goes to your site, be sure the placement of your banner is prominent
[2007.11.06 19:19:33] AngelaCP: Starting now... get holiday shopping in the mind of your visitors.
[2007.11.06 19:19:56] AngelaCP: This holiday season is going to be competitive... do what you can to be seen.
[2007.11.06 19:20:00] BrittaCP: We'll talk more about Kaboodle and similar sites in a few
[2007.11.06 19:20:11] BrittaCP: Let's move on to another form of free promotion
[2007.11.06 19:20:22] BrittaCP: Send an email
[2007.11.06 19:20:24] Mi Ty Design has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:20:48] Stef has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:21:03] BrittaCP: Emails are a great way to communicate, and now is the right time to let them know you have what they’re looking for this Holiday season.
[2007.11.06 19:21:24] BrittaCP: You can use the newsletter system in your account, or a 3rd party service for newsletters and emails subscription lists.
[2007.11.06 19:21:40] BrittaCP: I’m sure some of you can recommend a few good sites.
[2007.11.06 19:21:41] I'm Here has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:21:57] BrittaCP: One good idea is to include “Tell a friend” which can prompt your reader to forward the email or newsletter to a buddy who may be interested.
[2007.11.06 19:22:23] Alan (deadhippo): I know a great service that promises to send emails to 10 million people for just $49.99
[2007.11.06 19:22:32] AngelaCP: What is that great service Alan?
[2007.11.06 19:22:46] BrittaCP: To help you, we've also included some email scripts (which you can personalize) in our Holiday Prep Guide. That should be live, for all of you fine folk next week
[2007.11.06 19:22:52] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.11.06 19:23:12] maryo: constant contact and mailchimp are good for newsletter sending
[2007.11.06 19:23:18] BrittaCP: I also recommend checking out this archived chat transcript from june
[2007.11.06 19:23:19] BrittaCP:
[2007.11.06 19:23:24] michigal: those email services aren't considered spamming?
[2007.11.06 19:23:35] BrittaCP: It talks about emailing ettiquite and getting started
[2007.11.06 19:23:36] Alan (deadhippo): Sorry, I was being ironic. There are many of these services but they should be avoided as you can get in serious trouble for spamming.
[2007.11.06 19:23:59] AngelaCP: Back to the previous topic... there are a few comments and questions that came into the queue.
[2007.11.06 19:24:15] PetsPrevail: Im not expecting a huge sale to traffic ratio but I use Stat counter to track when people visit where they come from etc, and for every 40 people who visit my main page i get about 3 who visit the shop an di have it plastered everywhere
[2007.11.06 19:24:26] gmonte34: I have used Google Base and it has worked for me alot
[2007.11.06 19:24:28] riahsworld_2: i have myspace
[2007.11.06 19:24:36] Timewarp: Is anyone actually making sales from Kaboodle? THe links are cloaked so theres no SEO.
[2007.11.06 19:24:45] bluesy: does it actually bring people in?
[2007.11.06 19:25:16] Sherry: LOL! You're right! I look for prominent placement on OTHER sites, but on my own the banner is at the bottom :-)
[2007.11.06 19:25:25] AngelaCP: Push that banner up Sherry! :)
[2007.11.06 19:25:36] Renee: I was using Google Base, but the bulk upload function hasn't worked for ages.
[2007.11.06 19:25:49] The Shadow: Timewarp.... there referrer is hidden from Kaboodle?
[2007.11.06 19:26:00] JaZilla: Kaboodle would bring people in if we agreed to go to each other's stores and Kaboodle items we liked. I think it takes more than just one person picking a design to make a difference.
[2007.11.06 19:26:30] AngelaCP: Thanks for the great discussion, we'll be opening up the chatroom after chat so you can continue to chat about this... great topic
[2007.11.06 19:26:36] Gee Gee has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:26:42] Th_RiPPeR has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:26:50] BrittaCP: Next method...
[2007.11.06 19:26:53] BrittaCP: Buy Ad Space on Websites
[2007.11.06 19:27:08] BrittaCP: Where does your target market hang out on the web?
[2007.11.06 19:27:40] BrittaCP: I forgot to mention we're moving onto paid promotion now
[2007.11.06 19:27:44] Alan (deadhippo): I haven't made a sale that I know of but if you are confident about your product being attractive I think that you should try Kaboodle, Kaboodle itself has good SEO so it gives your product another chance of being found.
[2007.11.06 19:27:50] chm has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:27:54] BrittaCP: Is your shop all about dogs? Look into ad space on the Daily Puppy, or other similar sites.
[2007.11.06 19:28:20] BrittaCP: Popular blogs and forums are great for this sort of thing. Anywhere people will go daily to for their online fix of whatever.
[2007.11.06 19:28:23] michigal: I just purchased a paid 1 month ad on a popular kids blog which will run til mid December, also started running google adwords with a limited budget of $2.00 a day which I plan to do through the holiday season. Wondering what others do in the line of paid promotion?
[2007.11.06 19:28:33] riahsworld_2: paid promotion?
what is that
[2007.11.06 19:28:41] AngelaCP: Ads.
[2007.11.06 19:28:42] BrittaCP: Well, things like ads
[2007.11.06 19:28:47] AngelaCP: promotions you pay for ;)
[2007.11.06 19:28:48] BrittaCP: you have to pay to get noticed
[2007.11.06 19:28:58] mousecrafter: I used Google Base this past weekend and the bulk upload worked fine, the CP utility for cafetoolbox was down last week but it is now OK.
[2007.11.06 19:29:06] riahsworld_2: i would like a banner to work for me...but i can't get it to work. anyone know of a site that creates banners well
[2007.11.06 19:29:16] AngelaCP: Does anyone know or can help riahsworld?
[2007.11.06 19:29:22] Alan (deadhippo): Usually ad space is prohibitively expensive.
[2007.11.06 19:29:56] AngelaCP: It depends on your budget. I have seen several SKs advertise on a few blogs I read daily.
[2007.11.06 19:30:09] PhotoGirl: I started google adwords at $2 per day for one of my shops too:)
[2007.11.06 19:30:16] riahsworld_2: how much does ad space cost?
[2007.11.06 19:30:17] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:30:33] AngelaCP: It depends... does anyone have any numbers to share?
[2007.11.06 19:30:43] maryo: a note about ad copy - make your ads as specific as possible and send people to a specific landing page not just the front page of your site for better conversion
[2007.11.06 19:30:46] JaZilla: I got free advertising again this year from my husband handing out cards to the other anthropologists at a regional conference last week. He gave a presentation on a special database that he developed and of course I get free ad space on the site when it's up, again my target audience for Shovel Test.
[2007.11.06 19:30:50] Alan (deadhippo): Facebook also has an advertising program although I think it may be changing. I tried the Facebook flyers but I didn't get any sales that I know of.
[2007.11.06 19:30:56] goatlady: make contributions to people in your line of traffic for shows, displays, etc
[2007.11.06 19:31:04] AngelaCP: Definitely partner up.
[2007.11.06 19:31:08] michigal: I paid $168 for a month on the was reduced otherwise would have been $60 a week.
[2007.11.06 19:31:12] AngelaCP: Team up with a nonprofit or a club and donate a design to them in return for a link back to your shop.
[2007.11.06 19:31:28] gmonte34: I have never paid for advertising and my shop does great. I add my shop url to all my merchandise and I seem to get alot of repeat customers that way. I also use instacafe to upload my store to google base.
[2007.11.06 19:31:32] Fricka: I bought an ad for $8 once, it was on a pirate game site, ran the whole month I got good traffic from it and a few sales. But the game died out (it was a free thing) and the site is gone now. just an example it's possible to find stuff though.
[2007.11.06 19:31:40] Fricka: I'm running google adword campaigns. I may run a banner ad as well and do other text system ads.
[2007.11.06 19:31:44] The Shadow: ads vary alot on blogs... it can range from a few dollars.... I have spent $60 to $100 for ads that ran for a week before
[2007.11.06 19:31:48] riahsworld_2: never thought of that thanks
[2007.11.06 19:32:00] AngelaCP: great ideas being thrown out...thank you everyone for sharing!
[2007.11.06 19:32:04] riahsworld_2: i advertise on live journal
[2007.11.06 19:32:07] Alan (deadhippo): I paid for a post on a blog using Blogsvertise. It wasn't a good experience for me. I have yet to try PayPerPost
[2007.11.06 19:32:12] michigal: Although i sometimes can't attribute direct sales from paid for ads, i do notice my sales overall seem better during and immediately after i run a paid for ad.
[2007.11.06 19:32:21] The Shadow: I seem to be getting alot of emails offering advertising lately... 4 magazines and a radio station
[2007.11.06 19:32:25] Renee: You can e-mail us about a banner
[2007.11.06 19:32:42] maryo: yeah I get those too Shadow
[2007.11.06 19:32:45] BrittaCP: Next method: Buy As Space in Magazines
[2007.11.06 19:33:04] Mi Ty Design has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:33:16] BrittaCP: Just like websites, what kind of magazines are your customers reading?
[2007.11.06 19:33:17] artbyjane has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:33:30] BrittaCP: Is your shop pop culture humor?
[2007.11.06 19:33:38] BrittaCP: Maybe Rolling Stone is the place for you.
[2007.11.06 19:33:39] MamaD. has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:33:44] BrittaCP: Inquire about unsold ad space (remnant space) which may be available at a discount.
[2007.11.06 19:33:50] me has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:33:57] riahsworld_2: oooooooooooo in magazines....I CAN BE A STAR
[2007.11.06 19:34:05] Fricka: General note on ads: I didn't pay for advertising at first but when I finally did I did notice a difference and also it's a business expense write off :)
[2007.11.06 19:34:07] jgoode has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:34:39] BrittaCP: Exactly... you can write it off!
[2007.11.06 19:34:48] The Shadow: loves write offs...
[2007.11.06 19:34:51] AngelaCP: Buy keywords on search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
[2007.11.06 19:34:59] AngelaCP: Search Engine Marketing business increases during the Holidays. If you have the budget, it’s worth buying keywords for your niche to help drive more traffic
[2007.11.06 19:35:04] riahsworld_2 has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:35:13] AngelaCP: There is a correlation between search engine marketing and organic search so if you want to focus on marketing through the search engine channels – adwords is a great complement with your SEO efforts.
[2007.11.06 19:35:29] AngelaCP: For more information, please read the Adword Basics transcript:
[2007.11.06 19:35:36] goatlady: ??how to buy keywords Angela?
[2007.11.06 19:35:44] deloresclark55 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:36:05] AngelaCP: Goatlady - read the transcript provided....
[2007.11.06 19:36:17] AngelaCP: or go to Google. Anyone here know?
[2007.11.06 19:36:21] The Shadow: if you do use attention to your landing page qulaity.... you will pay less if your landing page matches the keywords you target
[2007.11.06 19:36:23] JaZilla: <--- doesn't make enough for write-offs, or paid promotion
[2007.11.06 19:36:29] Lekker Jen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:36:39] maryo: adwords has a blog with good info
[2007.11.06 19:36:45] AngelaCP: It's not for everyone... but can be a big pay off for some.
[2007.11.06 19:36:45] The Shadow:'s google's AdWords
[2007.11.06 19:37:00] CKrawesky has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:37:06] Timewarp: adwords could be a whole chat, theres lots to read out there
[2007.11.06 19:37:36] goatlady: ahh thanks.. I didn't get it (keywords):)
[2007.11.06 19:38:13] The Shadow: Adwords does have a keyword tool which will show you advertiser competition... the less competition the cheaper you can get ads for .... better payoff target specific keywords instead of broad ones
[2007.11.06 19:39:13] Timewarp: yes, and use phrase and exact match and don't bid more then .20 when youre starting
[2007.11.06 19:39:14] AngelaCP: Thanks Shadow!
[2007.11.06 19:39:22] jgoode has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:39:30] The Shadow: yw Angela
[2007.11.06 19:39:31] AngelaCP: Frequent Message Boards where your target shoppers hang out
[2007.11.06 19:39:38] AngelaCP: Those of you that know your target audience… be sure to visit Message Boards they visit and make friends with them so they can help spread the word about your shop!
[2007.11.06 19:39:45] AngelaCP: If your shop is all about Shih Tzus – find sites, yahoo groups, forums, Flickr/MySpace/Facebook groups for Shih Tzus and have a presence. Introduce yourself – make friends, share your products, designs, etc.
[2007.11.06 19:39:55] MaxMuhlin has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:39:58] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:40:01] AngelaCP: A note of caution(TM) – do not simply go to these Message Boards to SPAM. That will get you off on the wrong foot with your target audience immediately. Instead, put your shop/site link in your signature – similar to your CafePress Community Forum signature.
[2007.11.06 19:40:14] JaZilla: Another free thing I did to promote my anthropology t shirt store was to create a highly targeted search engine for Anthropology, Archaeology, & cultural Resource Management job openings. I used my husband+my common sense to choose reputable, focused sites that listed job openings in the field. It's a Google labs thing. There's a spot for a graphic/logo. I Squidoo'd the search engine, too.
[2007.11.06 19:40:18] maryo: other good marketing resources: and and
[2007.11.06 19:40:31] AngelaCP: Wow - this is great... thanks everyone for contributing!
[2007.11.06 19:40:52] The Shadow: some forums does have a particular place where you can post about your store...but some don't
[2007.11.06 19:41:14] AngelaCP: Yup -- but you should be safe having it in your signature... but definitely read the forum guidelines
[2007.11.06 19:41:33] AngelaCP: it's good web etiquettes
[2007.11.06 19:41:38] Sherry: Message board links account for a major portion of my sales - Just a sig link when I respond to a topic I'm truly interested in.
[2007.11.06 19:41:40] deloresclark55 has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:41:51] AngelaCP: Distribute fliers locally
[2007.11.06 19:42:01] cowpie has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:42:07] electricgreen: There are some that don't allow ANY commercial links, so if you're not sure, PM a moderator and ask.
[2007.11.06 19:42:09] AngelaCP: Print up fliers and leave them on bulletin boards, coffee shops, college hangouts, crafts fairs, etc… advertise your shop. If you have a specific niche, be sure to distribute where your target audience shops.
[2007.11.06 19:42:21] AngelaCP: Distribute fliers at your local vet, pet shop, pet adoption fair if your shop is pet/dog related.
[2007.11.06 19:42:27] PhotoGirl has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:42:28] jerseygirl has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:42:31] Renee: Don't know if everyone does this, but I found it's helpful to have a web counter on my store, so I can see where the hits are coming from.
[2007.11.06 19:42:35] Ne at 1512BLD has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:42:42] AngelaCP: Definitely... it can help you target your customers...
[2007.11.06 19:42:45] maryo: writing a good press release can also get you listed on a lot of blogs - just make sure it's newsworthy
[2007.11.06 19:42:53] AngelaCP: I agree Maryo.
[2007.11.06 19:43:31] MaxMuhlin has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:43:44] BrittaCP: check out PR 101 for more on press releases... MarcCP and Sara explain a lot
[2007.11.06 19:43:45] BrittaCP:
[2007.11.06 19:43:55] AngelaCP: Or the general PR 101 tutorial
[2007.11.06 19:43:56] AngelaCP:
[2007.11.06 19:44:02] gmonte34: I leave my business cards at local restaruants I frequent, its good to get to know the owner or manager so they will let you do that.
[2007.11.06 19:44:08] AngelaCP: I pick those up!
[2007.11.06 19:44:09] Sherry: Any suggestions for people who just can't seem to write a good press release for themselves?
[2007.11.06 19:44:23] AngelaCP: Hey everyone... i have to leave early for carpool.
[2007.11.06 19:44:34] AngelaCP: Britta will stay for the remainder 10 minutes....
[2007.11.06 19:44:41] AngelaCP: thank you -- happy selling this holiday season.
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] AngelaCP has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] ClermontKid: Is it possible to change the meta tags on each page, not just the home page for a shop?
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] Alan (deadhippo): That's great to know.
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] foxvox: Yeah - what Jen said. :-)
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] brenbe: brenbe: I would like to take my new online templated premium store, and download the HTML source to my computer as a whole, to work with it in my WSWYG editor and reupload via FTP. There seems to be no way to do this?
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] riahsworld_2: hello everyone
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] goatlady: yup
[2007.11.06 19:44:47] MamaD.: i do
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] riahsworld_2: but the banners are not working on myspace
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] JaZilla: Not really. I have a redirect to my store.
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] foxvox: Way too many, in fact. ;)
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] tanith: Remember that for holiday "sections" you have the choice of redirecting instead of duplicating content by importing
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] electricgreen: I just have a redirect set up-learning script is on next year's list!
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] MamaD.: i do
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] PetsPrevail: I do
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] Alan (deadhippo): Several
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] julie: yes have website
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] artbyjane: what is the best way to use the mega tags for shop promotion?
[2007.11.06 19:44:48] MamaD.: why do my messages keep getting sent to the moderator instead of being posted?
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] tanith: I have my own websites :) - but I'm not everybody :P
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] riahsworld_2: everytime i get the code for the banners the code does not show up properly
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] goatlady: Has anyone done any research on colors used in websites/banners/ads to make people buy?
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] riahsworld_2: does the codes not work properly for people who use firefox?
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] goatlady: email who?
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] PetsPrevail: Do we email spam, most people dont look twice if they think its a promotion
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] PetsPrevail: What if we dont have subscribers, new shops
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] Dooni Designs: when will the featured product feature work again in the cp newsletters
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] MamaD.: but are they legit=not spamming
[2007.11.06 19:44:49] tanith: Gosh - I hope you don't have the words "CafePress" in any of those 10 million - I hate to get a bad reputation
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] The Shadow: how many of the 10 milllion get stopped by spam filters
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] maryo: constant contact and mailchimp are just software for sending out the newsletter - they aren't mail lists
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] riahsworld_2: agrees with jazilla
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] Alan (deadhippo): Porn sites.
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] riahsworld_2: got it
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] riahsworld_2: thanks
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] riahsworld_2: lol
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] riahsworld_2: especially on myspace....i am having trouble linking it to my cafepress site
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] bluesy: what are the ways to get better promotion from within... in the marketplace?
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] gmonte34: I have a couple of paid sponsors on my site that pay me to put thier link on my site.
[2007.11.06 19:44:50] riahsworld_2: i am in google
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] JaZilla: I have Google Alerts set to tell me when my store gets mentioned on message boards and blogs. You can then sign up for where it's mentioned and then respond with a thanks for mentioning you. I don't know about sales but it's good PR.
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] ClermontKid: I bought 5000 Business cards in full color two side for $75 at When I go to the grocery store I park at the far end of the lot and put the cards on the drivers side window.
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] goatlady: Squidoo I almost forgot that one
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] The Shadow: thanks Angela
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] maryo: PRweb has tutorials for writing press releases
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] Sag: write articles for article banks so niche sites can grab them and also you can bank press releases there for sites to grab. Include shop link in author bio.
[2007.11.06 19:44:51] BrittaCP: Sherry, in the tutorial Ang threw out... I believe there are some scripts you can use
[2007.11.06 19:45:07] Timewarp: Thanks Angela
[2007.11.06 19:46:29] BrittaCP: I also believe there are some agencies out there that you can hire to help you
[2007.11.06 19:46:48] BrittaCP: However, I do not know how worth it is
[2007.11.06 19:46:52] goatlady: Sag whats an article bank?
[2007.11.06 19:47:09] Fricka: Jean of rotemgear is doing them for a fee I think
[2007.11.06 19:47:17] BrittaCP: and FREE is GOOD
[2007.11.06 19:47:24] Ne at 1512BLD: You could probably hire someone at to write one for you for cheaper
[2007.11.06 19:47:29] Sag: It's a site you submit written articles about niche topics too that other sites go to for content
[2007.11.06 19:48:25] BrittaCP: Alright... so does anyone else have any other methods that hasn't been mentioned?
[2007.11.06 19:48:27] goatlady: :) thanks PM
[2007.11.06 19:48:45] goatlady: squidoo
[2007.11.06 19:48:46] Sag: welcome
[2007.11.06 19:49:08] BrittaCP: I think we started a good bit on Kaboodle and other social search engines, earlier
[2007.11.06 19:49:12] gmonte34: put your url on a t-shirt and wear it around like i do for advertising
[2007.11.06 19:49:31] BrittaCP: Oh yeah... wearing your merch is always a good method
[2007.11.06 19:49:49] BrittaCP: not only do you get to wear one of your awesome shirts, but other people will see and possibly ask
[2007.11.06 19:49:52] goatlady: Bebo
[2007.11.06 19:50:10] Ne at 1512BLD: I entered late and do not know if it hs been mentioned. But, I just created a blog two days ago that is already getting Google hits! I am sure we would capitalie on creating Christmas themed blogs?
[2007.11.06 19:50:15] gmonte34: i also carry my business cards at all times
[2007.11.06 19:50:24] goatlady: I watch news stories on TV and when someone has a story on my topic (goats) I send them a personalized T-shirt
[2007.11.06 19:50:37] Ne at 1512BLD: We can take advantage of this sale tomorrow!
[2007.11.06 19:50:39] BrittaCP: for sure
[2007.11.06 19:50:49] gmonte34: yup
[2007.11.06 19:51:00] Fricka: great idea goatlady!
[2007.11.06 19:51:20] Ne at 1512BLD: yes, goralady that could work for a lot of people!
[2007.11.06 19:52:00] BrittaCP: To clarify... do you send the items to the news station? Or somehow get the address of the person who the story is about?
[2007.11.06 19:52:14] Ne at 1512BLD: I was thinking about giving out it's a girl and it's a boy buttons to the hospital to give to the new moms that are having Christmas babies
[2007.11.06 19:52:16] cowpie has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:52:25] goatlady: I go to the website they speak of then go from there.. I send it to them
[2007.11.06 19:52:28] Cltoria has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.11.06 19:52:52] maryo: lol - we could all make yard signs with our urls on them
[2007.11.06 19:52:54] Ne at 1512BLD: Christmasy it's a girl buttons of course!
[2007.11.06 19:53:21] brainlint has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:53:24] goatlady: Very Cool idea Ne
[2007.11.06 19:53:29] foxvox: Maryo - I could do that, but only the cows would see it, and they can't read! ;) Good idea though.
[2007.11.06 19:53:38] gmonte34: I was thinking of tyhe yard signs as advertisement tools can also do postcards
[2007.11.06 19:53:50] MP has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:53:51] julie: kuddos to you SK's that work so hard at this, I am learning I have to work alot harder
[2007.11.06 19:54:03] electricgreen: Donate baskets to chinese auctions for charities, and include a business card
[2007.11.06 19:54:07] goatlady: LOL foxvox- you need goats they CAN read!
[2007.11.06 19:54:17] Fricka: I do alot of social network marketing, even make a few videos etc. it's not a lot but it adds up, and my market is into the web2.0 stuff so they are out there
[2007.11.06 19:54:34] bluesy has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:54:43] Ne at 1512BLD: Maybe fill a tote bag with goodies for aChristmas contest at a restaurant?
[2007.11.06 19:54:47] goatlady: chinese auctions ? Why Chinese?
[2007.11.06 19:55:17] gmonte34: you can also do a video about your shop and show your merch and put it on youtube
[2007.11.06 19:55:18] Bird Face has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:55:31] Sherry has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:55:36] mousecrafter: Many cities and homeowner associations ban advertising yard signs, so check before ordering
[2007.11.06 19:55:39] BrittaCP: good thought
[2007.11.06 19:55:54] Ne at 1512BLD: I just realized that I am so ready for Christmas!!!! 2008 :(
[2007.11.06 19:56:21] BrittaCP: Great... and I hope you all are :)
[2007.11.06 19:56:37] BrittaCP: And with that, the hour is up once again
[2007.11.06 19:56:53] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.11.06 19:57:02] BrittaCP: I'll open up the lobby for you guys, so please feel free to carry on the conversation and great ideas
[2007.11.06 19:57:06] maryo: oh yeah we didn't even talk about viral marketing - youtube is a prime example
[2007.11.06 19:57:12] electricgreen: I don't know why they call them that-it's where you buy tickets (like 5 for $5) then "bid" on the basket you want. They pull one ticket for each basket and that person wins
[2007.11.06 19:57:15] gmonte34: im ready to make sales, Sales sales
[2007.11.06 19:57:24] goatlady: she said 2008! LOL
[2007.11.06 19:57:27] BrittaCP: OH HA!
[2007.11.06 19:57:41] valerie1 has left the room
[2007.11.06 19:57:43] Cltoria has been kicked by BrittaCP (Kicked by Speaker/Moderator)
[2007.11.06 19:57:55] Renee has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:57:58] Pets and Their People has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:58:05] BrittaCP: well... there's nothing wrong with prepping early
[2007.11.06 19:58:28] The Shadow: thanks Britta (as always)
[2007.11.06 19:58:31] maryo: How I use youtube for viral marketing
[2007.11.06 19:58:59] brenbe has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:59:30] BrittaCP: Thanks for stopping by
[2007.11.06 19:59:51] Gee Gee has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 19:59:56] maryo has left the room (logged out)
[2007.11.06 20:00:12] Ne at 1512BLD has left the room (logged out)