Cafe Chatter

Welcome to Cafe Chatter - Grab a cup of coffee or a nice glass of tea and pull up a comfy chair while we talk about our lives, our relationships, what it's like to return to school, how much we love (or hate) our jobs and how great (or miserable) our online stores are doing!! Cafepress brought us together as friends and now we are inviting you to join us!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

sk 2 sk

[2008.11.05 18:00:56] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2008.11.05 18:00:56] shopaholic chick has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:00:56] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2008.11.05 18:01:08] wheedesign has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:01:08] DafnaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:01:09] Suzzie has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:01:15] NotReallyHere has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:01:22] barbd has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:01:35] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:01:49] JeffsPress: hello all
[2008.11.05 18:01:53] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:01:53] bappa: hai
[2008.11.05 18:01:58] shopaholic chick: hi jeff
[2008.11.05 18:02:12] shopaholic chick: hi dafna - not sure everyone realized the time change on chat....seems a bit slow so far
[2008.11.05 18:02:25] DafnaCP: Hi all, I'm substituting for Britta as she's super busy today
[2008.11.05 18:02:44] DafnaCP: so this does look a little small, I know the time changed on y'all a few times
[2008.11.05 18:03:05] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:03:11] shopaholic chick: will this be moderated or open chat?
[2008.11.05 18:03:18] DDKnight has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:03:27] DafnaCP: this will be a moderated chat; it makes it much easier to read
[2008.11.05 18:03:46] DafnaCP: I'll push everything out as quickly as possible but go easy on me, it's my first time modding : )
[2008.11.05 18:04:00] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:04:06] shopaholic chick: and they left you all alone!!!
[2008.11.05 18:04:14] DafnaCP: haha, we'll get through it together!
[2008.11.05 18:04:51] DafnaCP: So today's chat is open. This is a great time for you all to ask eachother questions, share your shops etc...
[2008.11.05 18:04:56] DDKnight: Dafna! my hero! :)
[2008.11.05 18:05:02] saucepot: Hello, I have a quick question. I have a premium shop. Last week I I have a premium shop. Last week I noticed a product carousel on the item description pages that I thought was great. It's no longer there and the only reference I find to a carousel is in the information about the recent makeover of basic shops. Is the product carousel no longer available for premium shop items?
[2008.11.05 18:05:32] preggoprincess has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:05:42] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:05:51] shopaholic chick: it was never available on premium shops as an option - some people write their own code for can lag your page though if you want shoppers on dial up yo are losing them all
[2008.11.05 18:06:14] barbd: Teesed offers a great one as a substitution. Though it isn'at a carousel. Cafewish Likewise.
[2008.11.05 18:06:20] Bacon has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:06:31] DafnaCP: So the product carousel wasn't exactly what we wanted out of it. We're working on some kinks and hope to put it out again as an option in the future.
[2008.11.05 18:07:12] DafnaCP: Barb, can you explain a little more what is available through 3rd parties?
[2008.11.05 18:08:00] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:08:13] shopaholic chick: if you look in the third parties thread on the forum there are a lot of third party tools to "pimp out" your shop - just keep in mind they also lag your shop
[2008.11.05 18:08:46] barbd: Teesed offers CafeWish likewise. Any easy copy-paste script you put in the html. When someone clicks on a product in your store, you get this nifty little feature that puts up other products the design is on. I have seen lots of hits from it.
[2008.11.05 18:09:15] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:09:23] shopaholic chick: another note - little flashing lights or snowflakes look pretty on your site - but are a turn off to many shoppers including those on dial up who get lagged - and those with eye problems or seizure disorder
[2008.11.05 18:10:11] DafnaCP: that's a good point shopa -- customization looks nice but it's not worth it if it interferes with the performance of the site
[2008.11.05 18:10:32] barbd: Other 3rd Party tools I have: Teesed replacement dropdown menu as a top nav bar. Anything to help customers find what they want. -- my store if you want to see some of these in action. Just don't pay attention too closely, I'm switching from fall to christmas colors. ;)
[2008.11.05 18:10:44] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:11:03] shopaholic chick: adding a flat snowflake background and holiday colros is nice - but nothing moving blinking or flashing
[2008.11.05 18:11:45] DDKnight: I believe Teesed also offers an easy to add code that will take a shopper directly to the product they click on in the market place...right now when a shopper clicks your link in the MP it goes to the shop front. With the code added it takes them right to the product in your shop
[2008.11.05 18:12:25] barbd: I was just typing that one DDKnight. Too fast for me!
[2008.11.05 18:12:34] preggoprincess: I wish Cp could do something with the dropdown menu - MAT-Dark T aint' pretty :-)
[2008.11.05 18:12:35] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:12:38] DDKnight: lol
[2008.11.05 18:12:55] Tropicando has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:12:55] shopaholic chick: also rememebr placing your url or HTML in the product description will prevent many people from affilaiting you
[2008.11.05 18:13:32] barbd: Use Teesed drop down. It doesn't have to be spread out like mine! There is a simple, one line replacement drop down one. And super easy to install.
[2008.11.05 18:14:13] wheedesign: Actually, I was wondering if the ability to put HTML in the product desc has been turned off. Any time I tried, even to add bold or something I couldn't save it.
[2008.11.05 18:15:37] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:15:49] Tropicando: Hi
[2008.11.05 18:15:54] barbd: I thought you could only do that for section descriptions, not products.
[2008.11.05 18:16:41] DafnaCP: at one time we allowed html in product descriptions but we no longer do
[2008.11.05 18:16:46] Suzzie: there was a thread about that, you can't put HTML in product desc any more
[2008.11.05 18:17:02] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:17:34] shopaholic chick: there are a few people with HTML in thier product decription - i find them when affilaiting and a lot of people type their url in there without html
[2008.11.05 18:18:41] preggoprincess: Still want CP to change theirs :-) I do not like to be dependant on others - and I think it's easy for CP to do that if they want to do so :-)
[2008.11.05 18:19:27] wheedesign: I think I still have some old descriptions with the HTML still there. I was linking back and forth between paired designs (TRICK and TREAT for Halloween for example). But I stopped doing that a while ago.
[2008.11.05 18:19:36] wheedesign: Now I need to remove the old ones.
[2008.11.05 18:20:06] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:20:16] shopaholic chick: old designs or descriptions
[2008.11.05 18:20:32] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:20:39] shopaholic chick: i dont remove anything unless it has a date on t - unless i NEED the space
[2008.11.05 18:21:18] wheedesign: Old descriptions. I need to get the HTML out of them, so if/when someone comes by and wants to affiliate, they won't be totally put off.
[2008.11.05 18:21:50] DDKnight: same here, I'v had designs from when I first started Cp(4 yrs ago next month) sell...its surprising! lol
[2008.11.05 18:21:58] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:22:02] shopaholic chick: yeah i have been doing a lot of affilaiting and i either delete the html or if i am in a pissy move i just skip the design and go to the next one - even if i really like the design
[2008.11.05 18:22:43] wheedesign: Yeah. NEVER delete an old item. I actually sold a Clinton/Obama ticket button just a few days before the election. You never know what someone might want to buy.
[2008.11.05 18:22:56] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:23:00] shopaholic chick: i sold an obama today LMAO
[2008.11.05 18:23:17] DafnaCP: Are we all seeing the post-election upswing today?
[2008.11.05 18:23:33] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:23:36] DDKnight: again..same here shoppa! I have 7 offsites for affiliating CP....I pass up on some really good designs becuase of stuff like description...image no fitted right...etc...frustrating!
[2008.11.05 18:23:45] shopaholic chick: no dafna - i am seeing the same as i have for a weeek
[2008.11.05 18:24:12] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:24:22] DDKnight: yeaterday was good for me, 21 products sold
[2008.11.05 18:24:26] barbd: I have sold a few election things today.
[2008.11.05 18:24:37] DDKnight: but..i have 14 prem shops LOL
[2008.11.05 18:24:43] wheedesign: I got nothing today. The election was HUGE for me. Mostly one design. Things have slowed down a LOT.
[2008.11.05 18:24:45] shopaholic chick: oj and if everyone comes to the lobby afterchat i have an affiate site needing designs so stick around to find out how LOL
[2008.11.05 18:25:04] Tropicando: low activity here. sold halloween-obama mini buttons today
[2008.11.05 18:25:12] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:25:18] shopaholic chick: oh and everyone please excuse my typos - the typo fairy hates me apparently
[2008.11.05 18:25:21] has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:26:18] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:26:21] DafnaCP: Do consider adding Obama victory designs as I suspect we'll see sales for those items for the next week or so
[2008.11.05 18:26:33] barbd: so, when can I expect the holiday sales rush? Economy not with-standing of course
[2008.11.05 18:26:46] DDKnight: i did one today and put it up in a basic
[2008.11.05 18:26:53] barbd: Ahem, some of us are adding anti-Obama victory stuff
[2008.11.05 18:26:58] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:27:11] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:27:16] DafnaCP: either way Barb! I'm an equal opportunity t-shirt seller!
[2008.11.05 18:27:23] shopaholic chick: honestly i swore i was not going to add any poltiical then in sept i was inspired and made a line for each candidate and make like $3000 off them - even making them late
[2008.11.05 18:27:28] Tropicando: I seen those selling in the news- homemade obama tees
[2008.11.05 18:27:41] DDKnight: agreed! hope you sell millions! lol
[2008.11.05 18:27:43] Tropicando: I was putting the finishing touches on an Obama Vday tee myself
[2008.11.05 18:27:51] wheedesign: From what I've been readin gin the forums, it looks like holiday sales should pick up i nthe next week or so. I sure hope so.
[2008.11.05 18:27:53] shopaholic chick: barb starting soon hopefully
[2008.11.05 18:28:03] NotReallyHere has left the room (logged out)
[2008.11.05 18:28:51] Tropicando: wow shoppa, mai frend, mai monied frend
[2008.11.05 18:28:55] barbd: Oh tip: if you use the copy section to put up new designs, it seems to take longer than a new section. I tested it out. Some items one day with the copy section. New section, next day -- designs were up before the older section.
[2008.11.05 18:29:26] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:29:34] shopaholic chick: lol actually i would liek to take this time to say thank you mccain for my new wacon intuos3 pen-pad LOL
[2008.11.05 18:29:54] electricgreen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:30:20] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:30:25] shopaholic chick: barb do you mean in the MP or in your shop?
[2008.11.05 18:31:08] barbd: in the MP. Sorry should have been more specific.
[2008.11.05 18:31:52] Tropicando: am i the only one to have sold a mccain-palin thong and matching camisole?
[2008.11.05 18:32:14] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:32:19] shopaholic chick: i sold a thong i dont thin they patched it with a top thouh
[2008.11.05 18:32:31] barbd: LOL Tropicando. I've sold some odd items, but not that.
[2008.11.05 18:32:46] barbd: I did sell a dog bowl with a Clinton theme.
[2008.11.05 18:32:59] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:33:08] Tropicando: I sold a mccain dog bowl
[2008.11.05 18:33:12] Gandalf Parker has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:33:30] shopaholic chick: i can only hope that a stripper was wearing some of them LOL
[2008.11.05 18:34:08] Tropicando: What do you think about Obama/Thanksgiving themes
[2008.11.05 18:34:32] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:34:38] shopaholic chick: i think i am dun with political for 3 1/2 more years
[2008.11.05 18:34:50] barbd: I think if you can find a unique way, there will be someone who REALLY like Obama to buy them.
[2008.11.05 18:35:33] DafnaCP: Tropicando, I might try holiday cards instead
[2008.11.05 18:35:38] Tropicando: Well I thought it was the end. But I think you cannot understimate the Obama post election afterglow
[2008.11.05 18:36:15] Tropicando: You mean thanksgiving cards?
[2008.11.05 18:36:27] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:36:30] DafnaCP: Nope, I mean I'd skip Thanksgiving and do Holiday instead
[2008.11.05 18:36:33] shopaholic chick: i am not underestimating it - i am tired of it lol
[2008.11.05 18:37:03] Tropicando: You mean December then
[2008.11.05 18:37:08] DafnaCP: Yup!
[2008.11.05 18:37:29] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:37:36] shopaholic chick: ohhh big tip tedn out your holiday cards thanksgiving week - with your bsness card in them so they arrive immediatly after black friday for all those shoppers who cant fidn what they like in the stores on that day!!!
[2008.11.05 18:37:44] barbd: Actually, for Christmas cards, you'd want them out soon -- most mail them early December. That means they'll order within the next few weeks.
[2008.11.05 18:38:24] DafnaCP: Yeah, this is the time to get those Holiday cards up and available, they're an early-sell product
[2008.11.05 18:38:31] Tropicando: I had a close one die xmas week so it's tuff, but I'll give it a shot this year for xmas designs
[2008.11.05 18:38:46] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:39:12] Suzzie: i couldn't put a business card in a christmas card.. i think i would be smited from above.
[2008.11.05 18:39:25] shopaholic chick: i dont sell a lot of holiday cards to be honest - prolly cuz of the cost - we buy ours the day after xmas for next year and spend like $.99 for a 20 pack at target
[2008.11.05 18:39:49] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:39:56] shopaholic chick: LMAO - i just got a donot for an obama while we are in chat
[2008.11.05 18:40:32] Tropicando: right on
[2008.11.05 18:40:36] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:40:43] shopaholic chick: suzzie i put them with a note that says "hope your family is doing well, this year my shop is doing good, please keep it in mind for those hard to find gifts"
[2008.11.05 18:40:53] barbd: I always do a newsletter with mine. So I'm including my url (and maybe business card) with a "This is what I've been doing" aspect.
[2008.11.05 18:41:24] cole has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:42:40] Tropicando: I have a question. I notice some shops have ordering phone numbers; do you need permission from CP to use them or can you post them on your own?
[2008.11.05 18:43:16] barbd: I think I remember hearing the numbers were on old templates and not new ones.
[2008.11.05 18:43:23] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:43:31] alicethelna has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:43:33] DafnaCP: go ahead and post 'em! Do keep in mind that phone orders will usually be counted as an MP sale (unless the customer has a cart number).
[2008.11.05 18:43:41] shopaholic chick: that is CP's number that is built into the CP templates - rememebr call in order means it gets marked marhetplace not shop
[2008.11.05 18:44:38] barbd: I think it's important to have them as there are occasionally bugs in the system. Rather have an MP sale than none at all!
[2008.11.05 18:44:42] BrittaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:44:51] Tropicando: That's not a problem, most of my sales are MP. Until I begin promotions on youtube...
[2008.11.05 18:45:00] DafnaCP: Some customers just prefer to order by phone.
[2008.11.05 18:45:01] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:45:05] shopaholic chick: britta your late:-p
[2008.11.05 18:45:17] alicethelna: is the place where Britta is hosting the chat 4pm?
[2008.11.05 18:45:18] BrittaCP: Hi Alice... yes it is. However it was bumped to 3pm at the last minute
[2008.11.05 18:45:29] BrittaCP: I apoligize for the last minute change
[2008.11.05 18:45:46] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:46:13] wheedesign: I suppose that has to be weighted against, either making a marketplace sale or not making any sale though. Hmmm.... Now I'm wondering if I should remove the number from my site. It's small, so I don't think I'm actually driving anyone to call instead of buy online.
[2008.11.05 18:46:16] BrittaCP: but worth the wait ;)
[2008.11.05 18:46:45] barbd: Youtube huh? How is that working for you?
[2008.11.05 18:46:51] wheedesign: I see I missed barbs comment while I was typing. Makes sense. So the phone number stays.
[2008.11.05 18:47:08] Tropicando: By the way is that phone line 24hrs?
[2008.11.05 18:47:36] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:47:54] Tropicando: I'm guessing yes
[2008.11.05 18:47:56] shopaholic chick: i dont think it is....
[2008.11.05 18:48:22] Bacon has left the room (logged out)
[2008.11.05 18:48:35] cole: no its not
[2008.11.05 18:48:57] DafnaCP: nope, hours are 9am to 9pm Eastern Monday through Saturday
[2008.11.05 18:49:02] wheedesign: Monday - Saturday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm EST.
[2008.11.05 18:49:12] cole: what is the difference on our end if the sale is marketplace or shop? we get a bonus if its stright from the shop?
[2008.11.05 18:49:39] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:49:44] shopaholic chick: we only get bonus on sales from shop not from MP
[2008.11.05 18:49:48] Tropicando: youtube, I have not actually uploaded anything, but in the past I have sent animated greeting to my friends, so why not use it commercially :)
[2008.11.05 18:49:59] alicethelna: will you be in seattle on saturday?
[2008.11.05 18:50:01] alicethelna: or can I come by the offices in San Mateo when I'm in the Bay Area for Thanksgiving
[2008.11.05 18:50:03] alicethelna: I have LOTS of questions
[2008.11.05 18:50:24] BrittaCP: Yes... both dafna and I will be in seattle on saturday
[2008.11.05 18:50:28] BrittaCP: we look foward to seeing you
[2008.11.05 18:50:34] DafnaCP: ome find me and I'll be happy to answer your questions.
[2008.11.05 18:50:35] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:50:41] shopaholic chick: alice feel free to come to the lobby after this chat ends and there are a lot of us shopkeepers who can help you out
[2008.11.05 18:50:47] bignumpt has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.11.05 18:50:53] cole: How is teh bonus worked out, a percentage, a flat rate? Sorry I dont know how this works
[2008.11.05 18:51:02] alicethelna: ok - thanks!
[2008.11.05 18:51:23] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:51:40] Gandalf Parker has left the room (logged out)
[2008.11.05 18:51:41] alicethelna: it should read: alicethelma
[2008.11.05 18:51:42] alicethelna: but my name is really Chris
[2008.11.05 18:51:45] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:51:49] alicethelna: and the shop is "I LOVE KNITTING"
[2008.11.05 18:51:55] BrittaCP: i recall that from the RSVP lsit
[2008.11.05 18:52:01] alicethelna: confusing I know
[2008.11.05 18:52:03] shopaholic chick: alice u can ask here too that way others can profit from the answers
[2008.11.05 18:52:08] Tropicando: shopa is very informative
[2008.11.05 18:52:11] shopaholic chick: cole it is a % of your base shop sales once you reach $100 in base shop sales....and the % goes up the more base shop you have
[2008.11.05 18:52:19] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:52:24] shopaholic chick: thanks trop....but even i learn new things every dayu
[2008.11.05 18:52:42] cole: Ah, got it! Thanks so much.
[2008.11.05 18:52:46] alicethelna: well one question is this: Why is the graphic on my mugs offset - cockeyed.
[2008.11.05 18:52:55] Suzzie has left the room (logged out)
[2008.11.05 18:53:00] alicethelna: off to one side
[2008.11.05 18:53:29] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:53:29] BrittaCP: but yes... i recommend also haning out in the lonny after this chat. we will reopen it
[2008.11.05 18:53:34] BrittaCP: *lobby
[2008.11.05 18:53:43] shopaholic chick: oh you can set it to print right left or center - if you want it to wrap around you have to make it like a bumper sticker
[2008.11.05 18:53:44] Tropicando: I've noticed that on embroidery
[2008.11.05 18:53:54] alicethelna: how can i get in touch with "Chairman Meow" ....
[2008.11.05 18:54:26] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:54:37] BrittaCP: i here he is quite busy these days... with his royal kitty duties
[2008.11.05 18:54:49] BrittaCP: but there maybe contact info in the shop
[2008.11.05 18:54:54] bignumpt: Are you using the correct Mug Template?
[2008.11.05 18:54:58] alicethelna: I greatly admire his shop...
[2008.11.05 18:55:00] Tropicando: I love chairman meow
[2008.11.05 18:55:06] barbd: you meant loony... as in loony bin, admit it Britta! ;)
[2008.11.05 18:55:12] bignumpt has left the room (logged out)
[2008.11.05 18:55:14] BrittaCP: my brain often belongs there
[2008.11.05 18:55:18] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:55:18] shopaholic chick: you cant contact other shop keepers unless they have their email posted - or on the forums you can try to right click on their name and invite them to a private topic
[2008.11.05 18:55:22] alicethelna: I feel stymied by my lack of hardcore html coding skills
[2008.11.05 18:55:26] Tropicando: If i was versed in afiliation I would affiliate it- chairman meow that is
[2008.11.05 18:55:30] shopaholic chick: barb we are all loony
[2008.11.05 18:55:43] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:55:59] BrittaCP: Alright gagn... well thanks for taking it easy for Dafna
[2008.11.05 18:56:05] electricgreen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.11.05 18:56:10] BrittaCP: *gang
[2008.11.05 18:56:12] shopaholic chick: alice i have NO html coding skills unless you count me copying and pasting other peoples code LOL
[2008.11.05 18:56:16] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:56:18] Tropicando: i am one of the sane ones
[2008.11.05 18:56:22] shopaholic chick: britta i think u and ang owe dafna a beer for leavig her alone with us!!
[2008.11.05 18:56:46] BrittaCP: agreed
[2008.11.05 18:56:49] DafnaCP: mmmm, beer
[2008.11.05 18:56:52] alicethelna: has anyone submitted their url directly to google?
[2008.11.05 18:57:00] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:57:03] BrittaCP: I will open up the lobby now... actually it's already open
[2008.11.05 18:57:09] Tropicando: thanks dafna and master of chats
[2008.11.05 18:57:15] alicethelna: I am driving up to Seattle from Vancouver, WA and there's a possibility of flooding on I5 - it's that time of year...
[2008.11.05 18:57:18] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.11.05 18:57:25] BrittaCP: fingers crossed you can make it
[2008.11.05 18:57:27] shopaholic chick: alice come to the lobby and i will give you a ton of ways to get exposure like that fro free
[2008.11.05 18:57:35] BrittaCP: Thanks for joining!