[2008.01.10 17:56:07] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2008.01.10 17:56:07] TexasFiddler has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:56:07] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2008.01.10 17:56:35] Message queued in room for moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 17:56:55] ShopaholicChick has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:56:55] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:57:40] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:58:16] mamm has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:58:50] kiwi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:59:15] CYI has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:59:32] JoeCat has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:00:02] boldavenue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:00:33] Janiss has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:01:09] allcreative has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:15] happyface has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:15] BrittaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:18] AngelaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:24] AngelaCP: Hi everyone
[2008.01.10 18:02:36] BrittaCP: Hi gang!
[2008.01.10 18:02:40] happyface: hi
[2008.01.10 18:03:01] ShopaholicChick: hi everyone!!!
[2008.01.10 18:03:04] boldavenue: hi
[2008.01.10 18:03:04] NiftyGaloot: Is this the <3 Chat?
[2008.01.10 18:03:09] AngelaCP: It sure is :D
[2008.01.10 18:03:12] AngelaCP: it's part 2
[2008.01.10 18:03:19] Kippy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:03:25] AngelaCP: The last one was going over the stats and what we will be doing
[2008.01.10 18:03:42] AngelaCP: this one will go over promoting your shop... Britta will explain more
[2008.01.10 18:03:45] allcreative: hi
[2008.01.10 18:03:47] BrittaCP: Welcome to 2008!
[2008.01.10 18:03:59] AngelaCP: Yes, Happy New Year
[2008.01.10 18:04:06] AngelaCP: hope you all had a good one!
[2008.01.10 18:04:17] BrittaCP: We hope you all had a wonderful and successful Holiday
[2008.01.10 18:04:31] BrittaCP: It’s hard to believe 2007 is over, what a ride.
[2008.01.10 18:04:35] happyface: thanks...
[2008.01.10 18:04:50] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:05:00] BrittaCP: Well now that it’s over, we hope that you have all moved on to the next big selling season, Valentine’s Day
[2008.01.10 18:05:04] Heni has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:05:33] BrittaCP: Today, we’ll be discussing ways to promote your shop and new merch for Valentine’s day.
[2008.01.10 18:05:45] BrittaCP: Before we begin, I want to throw out the usual bit about how chat works.
[2008.01.10 18:05:52] pc5303 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:06:03] BrittaCP: The chat is moderated. This means that any comment you send will be put into a queue until a moderator reviews it, and pushes it out to be answered.
[2008.01.10 18:06:10] nanabijou has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:06:22] BrittaCP: Many questions do come in, and we will try our best to answer all of them.
[2008.01.10 18:06:35] BrittaCP: The transcript for this chat will be available within a few days. Anyways… moving on…
[2008.01.10 18:06:50] leah has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:06:53] BrittaCP: If you were with us a few weeks ago, we gave the first half of this workshop: Valentine’s Day Shop Prep.
[2008.01.10 18:07:06] BrittaCP: You can read the transcript here: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_vdayprep
[2008.01.10 18:07:13] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:07:18] BrittaCP: I’ll take a moment to recap what we talked about a few weeks ago.
[2008.01.10 18:07:24] leah has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:07:30] BrittaCP: We mentioned a few key products that you want to make sure to feature for Vday:
[2008.01.10 18:07:31] leah has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:07:41] BrittaCP: • Single Greeting Cards
[2008.01.10 18:07:51] BrittaCP: • Keepsake Box
[2008.01.10 18:07:57] Blonde Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:07:58] BrittaCP: • Dark T (well be featuring Black)
[2008.01.10 18:07:58] brainlint has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:08:09] BrittaCP: • Womens Light T (well be featuring Pink)
[2008.01.10 18:08:42] nanabijou: This is all new to me....so I may do mostly listening
[2008.01.10 18:08:43] BrittaCP: welcome... we hope you enjoy and learn.
[2008.01.10 18:08:53] BrittaCP: There are a few more that we have listed in the transcript…
[2008.01.10 18:09:13] BrittaCP: but these are the few that you really want to make sure and add. Especially those single Greeting Cards.
[2008.01.10 18:09:35] BrittaCP: We also talked about “re-inventing” Valentine ’s Day within your shop, and the types of content you can use for your designs.
[2008.01.10 18:09:54] BrittaCP: While Romantic Love (hearts and flowers) is always a staple… there are so many other directions you can go in.
[2008.01.10 18:10:16] BrittaCP: There’s Anti-Valentine’s day which has always proven to be a success here: I hate Valentines Day, Retired Cupid, Heartbroken, love hurts...
[2008.01.10 18:10:33] BrittaCP: Also, Valentine’s does not need to be something just for couples.
[2008.01.10 18:10:43] BrittaCP: You can create sentiments geared towards family members, best friends, and single friends (celebrate being single).
[2008.01.10 18:11:03] BrittaCP: We also gave out tips on tagging your Vday images, and key wording for SEO.
[2008.01.10 18:11:39] BrittaCP: So again... if you missed that chat, take a few minutes to check out the transcript... it's got some cool factoids in it
[2008.01.10 18:11:40] Romy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:12:02] BrittaCP: So hopefully some of you have already started with these things, and we’re already seeing your designs in the Marketplace.
[2008.01.10 18:12:47] BrittaCP: Remember, the 5th and 6th week of the year are the busiest buying times for Vday Shoppers.
[2008.01.10 18:12:57] BrittaCP: Make sure your images are tagged, and your products are SEO’d by that time.
[2008.01.10 18:13:15] pc5303: can i ask a quick question its been 7 days now and my designs are still not listed on the market place. Ive checked the tags and they have been entered properly also other designs not associated to valentines day have been placed on the market place they were uploaded on the same day
[2008.01.10 18:13:22] AngelaCP: Check to see if your shop is marked private or opt out of the Affiliate Program or in a hidden section.
[2008.01.10 18:13:40] AngelaCP: Designs tagged should show up within 48 hours
[2008.01.10 18:13:57] graphicdeeziner has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:14:01] BrittaCP: Moving on...your next step is now promoting your merch and shop for the buying season.
[2008.01.10 18:14:08] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:14:17] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:14:23] NiftyGaloot: A design put up today showed up in less than an hour
[2008.01.10 18:14:28] BrittaCP: I think with this occasion, you can cook up some really fun and interesting ways to promote.
[2008.01.10 18:14:56] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:14:58] BrittaCP: There are free and paid methods of promoting and advertising your shop.
[2008.01.10 18:15:20] BrittaCP: We discussed some of these ways in a previous holiday chat… and those same methods can apply to your Valentine’s promotion.
[2008.01.10 18:15:34] BrittaCP: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_holidayprep4
[2008.01.10 18:16:11] BrittaCP: Starting with the simple; be sure that you’ve taken your holiday banners, and get ready to replace them with Vday Banners.
[2008.01.10 18:16:18] kiwi2 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:16:23] BrittaCP: *taken your holiday banners down
[2008.01.10 18:16:40] BrittaCP: Banners can be placed on your main site (if you have one separate from your CP shop) and in your Shop.
[2008.01.10 18:17:01] BrittaCP: Also… if you haven’t already, make sure to do something with your holiday sections, either hide them or push them down (lowlight).
[2008.01.10 18:17:21] DDKnight has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:17:38] tropicando has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:17:41] BrittaCP: There’s no need to keep them highlighted. You want your customers to see Vday right away.
[2008.01.10 18:17:48] SD Spaniel Rescue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:18:20] AngelaCP: Is anyone doing this yet?
[2008.01.10 18:18:23] AngelaCP: or plan to?
[2008.01.10 18:18:46] happyface: need to learn all this ...hann't a clue...
[2008.01.10 18:18:56] BrittaCP: that's what we're here for today :)
[2008.01.10 18:18:59] leah: Already done
[2008.01.10 18:19:01] NiftyGaloot: I've put my vday section up top
[2008.01.10 18:19:07] AngelaCP: Yay to leah!
[2008.01.10 18:19:09] AngelaCP: Nifty too
[2008.01.10 18:19:14] AngelaCP: you guys are ahead of the game
[2008.01.10 18:19:26] AngelaCP: any word of advice to the community?
[2008.01.10 18:19:30] KC Graphics has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:19:31] kiwi has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:19:32] graphicdeeziner: I am not sure what you mean by highlighting?
[2008.01.10 18:19:36] BrittaCP: featuring... calling out... bringing attention to
[2008.01.10 18:19:44] AngelaCP: spotlighting
[2008.01.10 18:19:47] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:19:49] kiwi2: I moved my Christmas section to the bottom of the shop, and Vday to the top
[2008.01.10 18:20:09] AngelaCP: it's should be the "highlight" of your shop when someone enters your shop
[2008.01.10 18:20:16] graphicdeeziner: thank you
[2008.01.10 18:20:48] TexasFiddler: Got a valentine's section moved to the top as well as two specific designs up top as well
[2008.01.10 18:20:55] ShopaholicChick: www.cafepress.com/celebratetoday has v-day anti-v-day & wedding ont he top line
[2008.01.10 18:21:22] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:21:28] TexasFiddler: wedding's a good thought here. good move
[2008.01.10 18:21:38] ShopaholicChick: thanks
[2008.01.10 18:22:25] BrittaCP: I would think so... you can do it in one mass VDAY section... but be sure to create subsections for each within
[2008.01.10 18:22:50] BrittaCP: and you could do something creative with the main section TN to show that both are inside
[2008.01.10 18:22:56] kiwi2: is it better to separate v-day and anti-vday into two different sections?
[2008.01.10 18:23:09] BrittaCP: that was to you kiwi... i always do that :-o
[2008.01.10 18:23:14] NiftyGaloot: Put other designs, like wold's best godmother, right after vday. Folks can use that for gifts too.
[2008.01.10 18:23:16] AngelaCP: Agreed. It's also good for SEO... as Britta mentioned earlier and from the last chat... SEO is a great way to bring traffic to your sohp.
[2008.01.10 18:23:30] pc5303: got a marquee on my site advertising my vday
[2008.01.10 18:23:35] AngelaCP: That's good :D
[2008.01.10 18:23:36] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:23:58] ShopaholicChick: i have valentines and anti valentines together in http://www.cafepress.com/shopaholicchick/1184462 - when you click the section it is easily split for peopel to choose
[2008.01.10 18:24:03] AngelaCP: That's another way to do it.
[2008.01.10 18:24:06] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:24:10] AngelaCP: Ideally, you should not put it together...
[2008.01.10 18:24:28] karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:24:38] AngelaCP: you want to separate the love oriented shoppers with those that hate the occasion
[2008.01.10 18:24:56] BrittaCP: Search Engine Optimization
[2008.01.10 18:24:59] nanabijou: What is SEO???
[2008.01.10 18:25:04] BrittaCP: darn... did it again
[2008.01.10 18:25:07] graphicdeeziner: is it still important to hold to the idea of three clicks to a product rule in the thought of one section for Vday with subsections?
[2008.01.10 18:25:36] BrittaCP: check out his tutorial... it's breaks dwon SEO for you
[2008.01.10 18:25:37] BrittaCP: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/learn/tutorial_seo_opt
[2008.01.10 18:26:04] AngelaCP: The less clicks the better... however, there's always exceptions to the rule. If you have more than 3 clicks, but your shop navigates in a customer friendly way... you'll be fine.
[2008.01.10 18:26:21] BrittaCP: Ok... so next promotion method
[2008.01.10 18:26:25] BrittaCP: Blog Away
[2008.01.10 18:26:32] BrittaCP: I have a feeling that many of you have entered the world of blogging.
[2008.01.10 18:26:48] BrittaCP: I’ve heard some shopkeepers mention that they think about it, but don’t know what to talk about…
[2008.01.10 18:27:03] nanabijou: sorry, not me
[2008.01.10 18:27:04] BrittaCP: personally I think with Vday there is TONS to talk about.
[2008.01.10 18:27:18] BrittaCP: It’s a day about love, and that affects everyone in some way.
[2008.01.10 18:27:29] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:27:39] BrittaCP: Start throwing your thoughts on love up on a blog, and work in matching merch.
[2008.01.10 18:27:53] BrittaCP: Say you’ve been heartbroken, create an Anti-Vday design and let it out on your blog.
[2008.01.10 18:28:06] BrittaCP: Or even talk about the world of dating. The ideas are endless.
[2008.01.10 18:28:20] TexasFiddler: anybody running a blog or two that they could share as an example?
[2008.01.10 18:28:33] kiwi2 has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:28:48] AngelaCP: Also, blogging helps your SEO. It's fresh content and if you keep the content relevant... you should get some sales that way.
[2008.01.10 18:28:58] ShopaholicChick: i have a blog about my travels that has a link to my shop i get hits from http://chasingthegnome.blogspot.com
[2008.01.10 18:28:58] nanabijou: don't know how
[2008.01.10 18:29:00] BrittaCP: don't know how to create or start a blog?
[2008.01.10 18:29:34] happyface: where do you do that and who reads it...?
[2008.01.10 18:29:36] nanabijou: yes...don't knowhow to create OR start one
[2008.01.10 18:29:50] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:30:08] riahsworld_2 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:30:10] BrittaCP: Well there are tons of free and easy to use blog sites out there
[2008.01.10 18:30:12] ShopaholicChick: www.blogspot.com it is easy to use and simple - and it indexes well in searchengines - and supplies you with interested parties thru it's own promotion
[2008.01.10 18:30:57] BrittaCP: by creating a blog and using keywords in it... you're creating content to be picked up in search engines
[2008.01.10 18:31:21] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:31:31] matisse has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:31:34] BrittaCP: someone does a search, finds your blog, and your blog interests them and connects them to your shop... boom! you've created a possible cutomer
[2008.01.10 18:31:40] tropicando: When things are sold in the Marketplace, is that independent of SEO tags we enter for our shops?
[2008.01.10 18:31:49] AngelaCP: Showing up in the CafePress Marketplace is purely Tags that you've entered on your images. SEO, is using content on your site/shop optimized in a way it shows up high in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.... Today, these two things are separate... but each important in its own way.
[2008.01.10 18:32:14] Winter: This may be a dumb question, but do you need to pay for a blog if it has "commercial" content in it....would that be considered commercial if we blogged and included our products in it?
[2008.01.10 18:32:44] BrittaCP: anyone... know about this?
[2008.01.10 18:32:51] AngelaCP: There are many blog services that are free
[2008.01.10 18:32:55] ShopaholicChick: you can place ads on your blogspot blog it is free
[2008.01.10 18:32:56] AngelaCP: I believe Blogger is free.
[2008.01.10 18:33:25] Winter: Okay, thanks...I wasn't sure if you had to pay if you included commercial content...good to know
[2008.01.10 18:33:27] brainlint: I use blogger and never had a problem. Wordpress (free) is another story, though. I got booted :(
[2008.01.10 18:33:34] boldavenue: yeah blogger is free and you can put whatever you want in it commercial or not
[2008.01.10 18:33:43] Winter: cool, thanks!
[2008.01.10 18:33:53] AngelaCP: Another other free blog services anyone can throw out?
[2008.01.10 18:33:56] NiftyGaloot: Blogspot - no, Wordpress on their site - no affiliate links, Wordpress on your host - Whatever you want
[2008.01.10 18:34:01] riahsworld_2: whoot
[2008.01.10 18:34:02] AngelaCP: I just know Blogger is pretty good and free.
[2008.01.10 18:34:02] nanabijou: Great into... thanks
[2008.01.10 18:34:13] AngelaCP: There's Squidoo too
[2008.01.10 18:34:23] AngelaCP: Not really a traditional blog
[2008.01.10 18:34:46] riahsworld_2: i use my live journal and the groups i am in to have people take a look
[2008.01.10 18:34:53] AngelaCP: But you can start a lense on Valentine's Day or Anti-Valentine's Day
[2008.01.10 18:34:54] carboneau has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:35:09] riahsworld_2: yeah thats what i am starting to do
[2008.01.10 18:35:14] AngelaCP: and fill it with all the great facts and fun stuff....such as your merchandise
[2008.01.10 18:35:16] SterlingSmith has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:35:18] BrittaCP: Alright... let's move on to the next method...
[2008.01.10 18:36:03] brainlint: There's always the blogs on myspace and such, but blogger seems to get picked up by search engines the most.
[2008.01.10 18:36:12] BrittaCP: Message boards
[2008.01.10 18:36:25] BrittaCP: Wherever your target audience hangs out online, that’s where you want to be.
[2008.01.10 18:36:32] BrittaCP: Get your shop link in a signature and starting making friends.
[2008.01.10 18:36:37] riahsworld_2: yup
[2008.01.10 18:36:38] riahsworld_2: thats just common sense
[2008.01.10 18:36:49] BrittaCP: You know many of those folk have loved ones in their lives that they want to buy for this year.
[2008.01.10 18:37:01] riahsworld_2: i have my signature link in my email
[2008.01.10 18:37:04] NiftyGaloot: Just be careful not to spam!
[2008.01.10 18:37:06] BrittaCP: right
[2008.01.10 18:37:15] riahsworld_2: spam bad
[2008.01.10 18:37:16] BrittaCP: get engaged in a conversation
[2008.01.10 18:37:20] AngelaCP: Definitely bad
[2008.01.10 18:37:34] happyface: please explain how the mess boards work...
[2008.01.10 18:37:58] BrittaCP: we have one here at CafePress... http://forums.cafepress.com/eve/ubb.x
[2008.01.10 18:38:18] BrittaCP: Usually Forums or message boards are used to unite people of a common interest
[2008.01.10 18:38:27] BrittaCP: they talk, aske questions, help each other out
[2008.01.10 18:38:46] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:38:51] BrittaCP: You can find a forum on just about anything
[2008.01.10 18:39:06] happyface: sounds like a helpfull place to be...
[2008.01.10 18:39:18] NiftyGaloot: Whirled Peas ? ? ?
[2008.01.10 18:39:26] BrittaCP: i'll betcha a dollar!
[2008.01.10 18:39:31] SterlingSmith: The Communities are very strong...and loyal
[2008.01.10 18:40:00] BrittaCP: So when you find a forum that's relevant to your shop or section or a place that you think your target market will habg out
[2008.01.10 18:40:33] BrittaCP: everytime you post (not spam) make sure your shop link in is in your siggy... readers will see it and possibly click out of curiousity
[2008.01.10 18:40:40] NiftyGaloot: You're on, Britta!
[2008.01.10 18:40:43] BrittaCP: right-o
[2008.01.10 18:40:55] BrittaCP: On thing that I’ve been think about is dating forums.
[2008.01.10 18:41:21] BrittaCP: Whether it be a forum for giving dating advice, or for finding your soul mate… folk already have love on the brain.
[2008.01.10 18:41:32] riahsworld_2 has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:41:43] BrittaCP: If you have single life designs, or content about dating (looking for Mr. Right), maybe even “online love” this could be a great place to get some exposure.
[2008.01.10 18:42:41] BrittaCP: ok... next idea
[2008.01.10 18:42:46] BrittaCP: Fliers and Business Cards
[2008.01.10 18:42:54] BrittaCP: Print some up and distribute locally.
[2008.01.10 18:43:01] pc5303: ive also placed adverts on the university sites
[2008.01.10 18:43:13] BrittaCP: Think about where do couples and single folk hang out?
[2008.01.10 18:43:46] BrittaCP: Coffee Shops, Laundromats, bars... church?
[2008.01.10 18:44:15] nanabijou: I leave them at restaurants and beauty salons, etc.
[2008.01.10 18:44:55] BrittaCP: ooooh... salons... awesome place to target ladies with mushy love and flowers
[2008.01.10 18:44:57] KC Graphics: don't forget dog parks!
[2008.01.10 18:45:15] ShopaholicChick: i leave them with my tip at reastraunts
[2008.01.10 18:45:34] KC Graphics: man's or woman's best friend can definitely help with finding love.
[2008.01.10 18:45:36] nanabijou: Exactly!
[2008.01.10 18:45:42] JoeCat has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:45:51] Frank has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:45:53] BrittaCP: If you’re a part of a club, or social group take some along and pass to other members, or place them on a table.
[2008.01.10 18:46:10] matisse has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:46:14] happyface: these advert...how are they just directing to your shop? out...like a flyer...? a handbill?
[2008.01.10 18:46:25] NiftyGaloot: You gotta target men, they buy more.
[2008.01.10 18:46:41] AngelaCP: You can do fliers, postcards, post them on bulletin boards
[2008.01.10 18:46:50] AngelaCP: whatever you do, please be sure to check the rules of what you can
[2008.01.10 18:47:04] AngelaCP: some cities may not allow you to simply post on public places
[2008.01.10 18:47:24] AngelaCP: in college dorm or campus...those are great places to post fliers
[2008.01.10 18:47:37] KC Graphics: if you are part of a meetup for a candidate in your area....you may find singles....
[2008.01.10 18:47:42] ShopaholicChick: i leave busines cards
[2008.01.10 18:47:43] Fricka has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:47:44] nanabijou: I travel a lot and always have them to give to about anyone I see
[2008.01.10 18:47:47] nanabijou: Yes, men do buy more. Christmas was an eyeopener for me!
[2008.01.10 18:47:47] NiftyGaloot: Saloon's would work better for targeting men, than salons.
[2008.01.10 18:48:03] BrittaCP: Heh… Slip them into the Romance Section of your local bookstore, video store, or library.
[2008.01.10 18:48:05] Amere Mortal has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:48:12] pc5303 has left the room
[2008.01.10 18:48:40] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:48:41] KC Graphics: it depends. more men are going to salons than saloons or barbar shops.
[2008.01.10 18:48:46] AngelaCP: Lastly, for those that have emails of your customers, send out a communication. Use email as a channel to reach out to your loyal customers and prospects.
[2008.01.10 18:48:58] AngelaCP: Showcase your hot V-day designs.
[2008.01.10 18:48:58] TexasFiddler: Don't you think retailers would get a little upset at that?
[2008.01.10 18:49:05] JoannOS has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:49:24] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:49:27] BrittaCP: probably... it's more of a funny thought
[2008.01.10 18:49:44] TexasFiddler: Why doesn't CP allow us to see the email addresses of folks that sign up for our newsletters?
[2008.01.10 18:49:48] AngelaCP: Privacy policy
[2008.01.10 18:50:07] tropicando: I have seen animal shelter flyers at PETCO. If you can swing it, maybe you can soup up their flyers for URL space on the same flyer. And sell dog shirts.
[2008.01.10 18:50:13] AngelaCP: We have a newsletter subscribing system you can use
[2008.01.10 18:50:20] KC Graphics: how can you check if someone signed up for a newsletter?
[2008.01.10 18:50:28] BrittaCP: you can see how many people have subscribed
[2008.01.10 18:50:35] AngelaCP: or you can subscribe to one... I know there are other services out there that can help you collect email addresses
[2008.01.10 18:50:39] BrittaCP: go into the newseltter section of your account
[2008.01.10 18:50:55] ShopaholicChick: KC there is a link above where you enter the orums from the your account page it will tell u how many subscribers you have
[2008.01.10 18:51:00] KC Graphics: thanks. I'm still new to newsletters.
[2008.01.10 18:51:28] karen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:51:28] AngelaCP: Remind them to purchase for their loved ones, beyond their SO such as BFFs, Sister, Mom, Dad, children’s Teacher, etc…
[2008.01.10 18:51:37] nanabijou: Newsletters are GREAT!
[2008.01.10 18:51:44] AngelaCP: Communicating with customers and prospects is a great way to keep in touch.
[2008.01.10 18:51:50] KC Graphics: lol!
[2008.01.10 18:51:57] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:52:04] AngelaCP: It also keeps you in the mind of your customers... and help you build a brand/awareness
[2008.01.10 18:52:11] JoannOS has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:52:49] AngelaCP: Does anyone have any suggestions for promoting for Vday that we didnt cover?
[2008.01.10 18:53:16] CYI: Will you be announcing what this year's V-Day contest will be soon?
[2008.01.10 18:53:26] BrittaCP: sorry... we don't have one planned for his year
[2008.01.10 18:53:43] AngelaCP: We covered the main areas of promoting your shop this Vday.... we have SKs that do promote in creative and unusual ways... if you're one of those, please share!
[2008.01.10 18:54:12] BrittaCP: *this
[2008.01.10 18:54:30] tropicando: video. I have contemplated making entertaining video relating to a shirt design.
[2008.01.10 18:54:32] Frank has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:54:37] leah has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:54:38] NiftyGaloot: I ain't tellin' my unusual ways! ;)
[2008.01.10 18:54:47] AngelaCP: Ah... using YouTube as a channel for branding and awareness isn't a bad idea.
[2008.01.10 18:54:48] BrittaCP: fair enough ;)
[2008.01.10 18:54:53] tropicando: Like youtube I mean
[2008.01.10 18:55:16] CYI: When will the CP have the V-Day portal up and what will the main tag be?
[2008.01.10 18:55:22] BrittaCP: within the next week or so
[2008.01.10 18:55:48] BrittaCP: There is no special tag. just make sure that you tag your vday designs appropriatly
[2008.01.10 18:55:58] AngelaCP: You should Tag your images to what's appropriate for your design
[2008.01.10 18:56:25] Amere Mortal: I got 'stumbled upon' somehow lol, but it was nothing that I did.
[2008.01.10 18:56:33] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:56:43] nanabijou: What is a Vday portal
[2008.01.10 18:57:13] AngelaCP: It's a sitelet for Valentine's Day designs. Similar to the Election "portal" : http://www.cafepress.com/cp/buy/elections08?cmp=BAC_20071101_elections_smhpban
[2008.01.10 18:57:32] Blonde Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:57:32] mandy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:57:34] NiftyGaloot: I've heard of folks doing a podcast
[2008.01.10 18:57:37] TexasFiddler: does cp police the tagging at all? I see lots of really irrelevant merchandise in the marketplace fairly frequently.
[2008.01.10 17:56:07] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2008.01.10 17:56:07] TexasFiddler has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:56:07] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2008.01.10 17:56:35] Message queued in room for moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 17:56:55] ShopaholicChick has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:56:55] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:57:40] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:58:16] mamm has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:58:50] kiwi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:59:15] CYI has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 17:59:32] JoeCat has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:00:02] boldavenue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:00:33] Janiss has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:01:09] allcreative has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:15] happyface has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:15] BrittaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:18] AngelaCP has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:02:24] AngelaCP: Hi everyone
[2008.01.10 18:02:36] BrittaCP: Hi gang!
[2008.01.10 18:02:40] happyface: hi
[2008.01.10 18:03:01] ShopaholicChick: hi everyone!!!
[2008.01.10 18:03:04] boldavenue: hi
[2008.01.10 18:03:04] NiftyGaloot: Is this the <3 Chat?
[2008.01.10 18:03:09] AngelaCP: It sure is :D
[2008.01.10 18:03:12] AngelaCP: it's part 2
[2008.01.10 18:03:19] Kippy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:03:25] AngelaCP: The last one was going over the stats and what we will be doing
[2008.01.10 18:03:42] AngelaCP: this one will go over promoting your shop... Britta will explain more
[2008.01.10 18:03:45] allcreative: hi
[2008.01.10 18:03:47] BrittaCP: Welcome to 2008!
[2008.01.10 18:03:59] AngelaCP: Yes, Happy New Year
[2008.01.10 18:04:06] AngelaCP: hope you all had a good one!
[2008.01.10 18:04:17] BrittaCP: We hope you all had a wonderful and successful Holiday
[2008.01.10 18:04:31] BrittaCP: It’s hard to believe 2007 is over, what a ride.
[2008.01.10 18:04:35] happyface: thanks...
[2008.01.10 18:04:50] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:05:00] BrittaCP: Well now that it’s over, we hope that you have all moved on to the next big selling season, Valentine’s Day
[2008.01.10 18:05:04] Heni has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:05:33] BrittaCP: Today, we’ll be discussing ways to promote your shop and new merch for Valentine’s day.
[2008.01.10 18:05:45] BrittaCP: Before we begin, I want to throw out the usual bit about how chat works.
[2008.01.10 18:05:52] pc5303 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:06:03] BrittaCP: The chat is moderated. This means that any comment you send will be put into a queue until a moderator reviews it, and pushes it out to be answered.
[2008.01.10 18:06:10] nanabijou has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:06:22] BrittaCP: Many questions do come in, and we will try our best to answer all of them.
[2008.01.10 18:06:35] BrittaCP: The transcript for this chat will be available within a few days. Anyways… moving on…
[2008.01.10 18:06:50] leah has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:06:53] BrittaCP: If you were with us a few weeks ago, we gave the first half of this workshop: Valentine’s Day Shop Prep.
[2008.01.10 18:07:06] BrittaCP: You can read the transcript here: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_vdayprep
[2008.01.10 18:07:13] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:07:18] BrittaCP: I’ll take a moment to recap what we talked about a few weeks ago.
[2008.01.10 18:07:24] leah has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:07:30] BrittaCP: We mentioned a few key products that you want to make sure to feature for Vday:
[2008.01.10 18:07:31] leah has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:07:41] BrittaCP: • Single Greeting Cards
[2008.01.10 18:07:51] BrittaCP: • Keepsake Box
[2008.01.10 18:07:57] Blonde Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:07:58] BrittaCP: • Dark T (well be featuring Black)
[2008.01.10 18:07:58] brainlint has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:08:09] BrittaCP: • Womens Light T (well be featuring Pink)
[2008.01.10 18:08:42] nanabijou: This is all new to me....so I may do mostly listening
[2008.01.10 18:08:43] BrittaCP: welcome... we hope you enjoy and learn.
[2008.01.10 18:08:53] BrittaCP: There are a few more that we have listed in the transcript…
[2008.01.10 18:09:13] BrittaCP: but these are the few that you really want to make sure and add. Especially those single Greeting Cards.
[2008.01.10 18:09:35] BrittaCP: We also talked about “re-inventing” Valentine ’s Day within your shop, and the types of content you can use for your designs.
[2008.01.10 18:09:54] BrittaCP: While Romantic Love (hearts and flowers) is always a staple… there are so many other directions you can go in.
[2008.01.10 18:10:16] BrittaCP: There’s Anti-Valentine’s day which has always proven to be a success here: I hate Valentines Day, Retired Cupid, Heartbroken, love hurts...
[2008.01.10 18:10:33] BrittaCP: Also, Valentine’s does not need to be something just for couples.
[2008.01.10 18:10:43] BrittaCP: You can create sentiments geared towards family members, best friends, and single friends (celebrate being single).
[2008.01.10 18:11:03] BrittaCP: We also gave out tips on tagging your Vday images, and key wording for SEO.
[2008.01.10 18:11:39] BrittaCP: So again... if you missed that chat, take a few minutes to check out the transcript... it's got some cool factoids in it
[2008.01.10 18:11:40] Romy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:12:02] BrittaCP: So hopefully some of you have already started with these things, and we’re already seeing your designs in the Marketplace.
[2008.01.10 18:12:47] BrittaCP: Remember, the 5th and 6th week of the year are the busiest buying times for Vday Shoppers.
[2008.01.10 18:12:57] BrittaCP: Make sure your images are tagged, and your products are SEO’d by that time.
[2008.01.10 18:13:15] pc5303: can i ask a quick question its been 7 days now and my designs are still not listed on the market place. Ive checked the tags and they have been entered properly also other designs not associated to valentines day have been placed on the market place they were uploaded on the same day
[2008.01.10 18:13:22] AngelaCP: Check to see if your shop is marked private or opt out of the Affiliate Program or in a hidden section.
[2008.01.10 18:13:40] AngelaCP: Designs tagged should show up within 48 hours
[2008.01.10 18:13:57] graphicdeeziner has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:14:01] BrittaCP: Moving on...your next step is now promoting your merch and shop for the buying season.
[2008.01.10 18:14:08] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:14:17] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:14:23] NiftyGaloot: A design put up today showed up in less than an hour
[2008.01.10 18:14:28] BrittaCP: I think with this occasion, you can cook up some really fun and interesting ways to promote.
[2008.01.10 18:14:56] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:14:58] BrittaCP: There are free and paid methods of promoting and advertising your shop.
[2008.01.10 18:15:20] BrittaCP: We discussed some of these ways in a previous holiday chat… and those same methods can apply to your Valentine’s promotion.
[2008.01.10 18:15:34] BrittaCP: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/community/workshop_holidayprep4
[2008.01.10 18:16:11] BrittaCP: Starting with the simple; be sure that you’ve taken your holiday banners, and get ready to replace them with Vday Banners.
[2008.01.10 18:16:18] kiwi2 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:16:23] BrittaCP: *taken your holiday banners down
[2008.01.10 18:16:40] BrittaCP: Banners can be placed on your main site (if you have one separate from your CP shop) and in your Shop.
[2008.01.10 18:17:01] BrittaCP: Also… if you haven’t already, make sure to do something with your holiday sections, either hide them or push them down (lowlight).
[2008.01.10 18:17:21] DDKnight has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:17:38] tropicando has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:17:41] BrittaCP: There’s no need to keep them highlighted. You want your customers to see Vday right away.
[2008.01.10 18:17:48] SD Spaniel Rescue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:18:20] AngelaCP: Is anyone doing this yet?
[2008.01.10 18:18:23] AngelaCP: or plan to?
[2008.01.10 18:18:46] happyface: need to learn all this ...hann't a clue...
[2008.01.10 18:18:56] BrittaCP: that's what we're here for today :)
[2008.01.10 18:18:59] leah: Already done
[2008.01.10 18:19:01] NiftyGaloot: I've put my vday section up top
[2008.01.10 18:19:07] AngelaCP: Yay to leah!
[2008.01.10 18:19:09] AngelaCP: Nifty too
[2008.01.10 18:19:14] AngelaCP: you guys are ahead of the game
[2008.01.10 18:19:26] AngelaCP: any word of advice to the community?
[2008.01.10 18:19:30] KC Graphics has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:19:31] kiwi has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:19:32] graphicdeeziner: I am not sure what you mean by highlighting?
[2008.01.10 18:19:36] BrittaCP: featuring... calling out... bringing attention to
[2008.01.10 18:19:44] AngelaCP: spotlighting
[2008.01.10 18:19:47] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:19:49] kiwi2: I moved my Christmas section to the bottom of the shop, and Vday to the top
[2008.01.10 18:20:09] AngelaCP: it's should be the "highlight" of your shop when someone enters your shop
[2008.01.10 18:20:16] graphicdeeziner: thank you
[2008.01.10 18:20:48] TexasFiddler: Got a valentine's section moved to the top as well as two specific designs up top as well
[2008.01.10 18:20:55] ShopaholicChick: www.cafepress.com/celebratetoday has v-day anti-v-day & wedding ont he top line
[2008.01.10 18:21:22] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:21:28] TexasFiddler: wedding's a good thought here. good move
[2008.01.10 18:21:38] ShopaholicChick: thanks
[2008.01.10 18:22:25] BrittaCP: I would think so... you can do it in one mass VDAY section... but be sure to create subsections for each within
[2008.01.10 18:22:50] BrittaCP: and you could do something creative with the main section TN to show that both are inside
[2008.01.10 18:22:56] kiwi2: is it better to separate v-day and anti-vday into two different sections?
[2008.01.10 18:23:09] BrittaCP: that was to you kiwi... i always do that :-o
[2008.01.10 18:23:14] NiftyGaloot: Put other designs, like wold's best godmother, right after vday. Folks can use that for gifts too.
[2008.01.10 18:23:16] AngelaCP: Agreed. It's also good for SEO... as Britta mentioned earlier and from the last chat... SEO is a great way to bring traffic to your sohp.
[2008.01.10 18:23:30] pc5303: got a marquee on my site advertising my vday
[2008.01.10 18:23:35] AngelaCP: That's good :D
[2008.01.10 18:23:36] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:23:58] ShopaholicChick: i have valentines and anti valentines together in http://www.cafepress.com/shopaholicchick/1184462 - when you click the section it is easily split for peopel to choose
[2008.01.10 18:24:03] AngelaCP: That's another way to do it.
[2008.01.10 18:24:06] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:24:10] AngelaCP: Ideally, you should not put it together...
[2008.01.10 18:24:28] karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:24:38] AngelaCP: you want to separate the love oriented shoppers with those that hate the occasion
[2008.01.10 18:24:56] BrittaCP: Search Engine Optimization
[2008.01.10 18:24:59] nanabijou: What is SEO???
[2008.01.10 18:25:04] BrittaCP: darn... did it again
[2008.01.10 18:25:07] graphicdeeziner: is it still important to hold to the idea of three clicks to a product rule in the thought of one section for Vday with subsections?
[2008.01.10 18:25:36] BrittaCP: check out his tutorial... it's breaks dwon SEO for you
[2008.01.10 18:25:37] BrittaCP: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/learn/tutorial_seo_opt
[2008.01.10 18:26:04] AngelaCP: The less clicks the better... however, there's always exceptions to the rule. If you have more than 3 clicks, but your shop navigates in a customer friendly way... you'll be fine.
[2008.01.10 18:26:21] BrittaCP: Ok... so next promotion method
[2008.01.10 18:26:25] BrittaCP: Blog Away
[2008.01.10 18:26:32] BrittaCP: I have a feeling that many of you have entered the world of blogging.
[2008.01.10 18:26:48] BrittaCP: I’ve heard some shopkeepers mention that they think about it, but don’t know what to talk about…
[2008.01.10 18:27:03] nanabijou: sorry, not me
[2008.01.10 18:27:04] BrittaCP: personally I think with Vday there is TONS to talk about.
[2008.01.10 18:27:18] BrittaCP: It’s a day about love, and that affects everyone in some way.
[2008.01.10 18:27:29] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:27:39] BrittaCP: Start throwing your thoughts on love up on a blog, and work in matching merch.
[2008.01.10 18:27:53] BrittaCP: Say you’ve been heartbroken, create an Anti-Vday design and let it out on your blog.
[2008.01.10 18:28:06] BrittaCP: Or even talk about the world of dating. The ideas are endless.
[2008.01.10 18:28:20] TexasFiddler: anybody running a blog or two that they could share as an example?
[2008.01.10 18:28:33] kiwi2 has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:28:48] AngelaCP: Also, blogging helps your SEO. It's fresh content and if you keep the content relevant... you should get some sales that way.
[2008.01.10 18:28:58] ShopaholicChick: i have a blog about my travels that has a link to my shop i get hits from http://chasingthegnome.blogspot.com
[2008.01.10 18:28:58] nanabijou: don't know how
[2008.01.10 18:29:00] BrittaCP: don't know how to create or start a blog?
[2008.01.10 18:29:34] happyface: where do you do that and who reads it...?
[2008.01.10 18:29:36] nanabijou: yes...don't knowhow to create OR start one
[2008.01.10 18:29:50] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:30:08] riahsworld_2 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:30:10] BrittaCP: Well there are tons of free and easy to use blog sites out there
[2008.01.10 18:30:12] ShopaholicChick: www.blogspot.com it is easy to use and simple - and it indexes well in searchengines - and supplies you with interested parties thru it's own promotion
[2008.01.10 18:30:57] BrittaCP: by creating a blog and using keywords in it... you're creating content to be picked up in search engines
[2008.01.10 18:31:21] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:31:31] matisse has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:31:34] BrittaCP: someone does a search, finds your blog, and your blog interests them and connects them to your shop... boom! you've created a possible cutomer
[2008.01.10 18:31:40] tropicando: When things are sold in the Marketplace, is that independent of SEO tags we enter for our shops?
[2008.01.10 18:31:49] AngelaCP: Showing up in the CafePress Marketplace is purely Tags that you've entered on your images. SEO, is using content on your site/shop optimized in a way it shows up high in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.... Today, these two things are separate... but each important in its own way.
[2008.01.10 18:32:14] Winter: This may be a dumb question, but do you need to pay for a blog if it has "commercial" content in it....would that be considered commercial if we blogged and included our products in it?
[2008.01.10 18:32:44] BrittaCP: anyone... know about this?
[2008.01.10 18:32:51] AngelaCP: There are many blog services that are free
[2008.01.10 18:32:55] ShopaholicChick: you can place ads on your blogspot blog it is free
[2008.01.10 18:32:56] AngelaCP: I believe Blogger is free.
[2008.01.10 18:33:25] Winter: Okay, thanks...I wasn't sure if you had to pay if you included commercial content...good to know
[2008.01.10 18:33:27] brainlint: I use blogger and never had a problem. Wordpress (free) is another story, though. I got booted :(
[2008.01.10 18:33:34] boldavenue: yeah blogger is free and you can put whatever you want in it commercial or not
[2008.01.10 18:33:43] Winter: cool, thanks!
[2008.01.10 18:33:53] AngelaCP: Another other free blog services anyone can throw out?
[2008.01.10 18:33:56] NiftyGaloot: Blogspot - no, Wordpress on their site - no affiliate links, Wordpress on your host - Whatever you want
[2008.01.10 18:34:01] riahsworld_2: whoot
[2008.01.10 18:34:02] AngelaCP: I just know Blogger is pretty good and free.
[2008.01.10 18:34:02] nanabijou: Great into... thanks
[2008.01.10 18:34:13] AngelaCP: There's Squidoo too
[2008.01.10 18:34:23] AngelaCP: Not really a traditional blog
[2008.01.10 18:34:46] riahsworld_2: i use my live journal and the groups i am in to have people take a look
[2008.01.10 18:34:53] AngelaCP: But you can start a lense on Valentine's Day or Anti-Valentine's Day
[2008.01.10 18:34:54] carboneau has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:35:09] riahsworld_2: yeah thats what i am starting to do
[2008.01.10 18:35:14] AngelaCP: and fill it with all the great facts and fun stuff....such as your merchandise
[2008.01.10 18:35:16] SterlingSmith has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:35:18] BrittaCP: Alright... let's move on to the next method...
[2008.01.10 18:36:03] brainlint: There's always the blogs on myspace and such, but blogger seems to get picked up by search engines the most.
[2008.01.10 18:36:12] BrittaCP: Message boards
[2008.01.10 18:36:25] BrittaCP: Wherever your target audience hangs out online, that’s where you want to be.
[2008.01.10 18:36:32] BrittaCP: Get your shop link in a signature and starting making friends.
[2008.01.10 18:36:37] riahsworld_2: yup
[2008.01.10 18:36:38] riahsworld_2: thats just common sense
[2008.01.10 18:36:49] BrittaCP: You know many of those folk have loved ones in their lives that they want to buy for this year.
[2008.01.10 18:37:01] riahsworld_2: i have my signature link in my email
[2008.01.10 18:37:04] NiftyGaloot: Just be careful not to spam!
[2008.01.10 18:37:06] BrittaCP: right
[2008.01.10 18:37:15] riahsworld_2: spam bad
[2008.01.10 18:37:16] BrittaCP: get engaged in a conversation
[2008.01.10 18:37:20] AngelaCP: Definitely bad
[2008.01.10 18:37:34] happyface: please explain how the mess boards work...
[2008.01.10 18:37:58] BrittaCP: we have one here at CafePress... http://forums.cafepress.com/eve/ubb.x
[2008.01.10 18:38:18] BrittaCP: Usually Forums or message boards are used to unite people of a common interest
[2008.01.10 18:38:27] BrittaCP: they talk, aske questions, help each other out
[2008.01.10 18:38:46] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:38:51] BrittaCP: You can find a forum on just about anything
[2008.01.10 18:39:06] happyface: sounds like a helpfull place to be...
[2008.01.10 18:39:18] NiftyGaloot: Whirled Peas ? ? ?
[2008.01.10 18:39:26] BrittaCP: i'll betcha a dollar!
[2008.01.10 18:39:31] SterlingSmith: The Communities are very strong...and loyal
[2008.01.10 18:40:00] BrittaCP: So when you find a forum that's relevant to your shop or section or a place that you think your target market will habg out
[2008.01.10 18:40:33] BrittaCP: everytime you post (not spam) make sure your shop link in is in your siggy... readers will see it and possibly click out of curiousity
[2008.01.10 18:40:40] NiftyGaloot: You're on, Britta!
[2008.01.10 18:40:43] BrittaCP: right-o
[2008.01.10 18:40:55] BrittaCP: On thing that I’ve been think about is dating forums.
[2008.01.10 18:41:21] BrittaCP: Whether it be a forum for giving dating advice, or for finding your soul mate… folk already have love on the brain.
[2008.01.10 18:41:32] riahsworld_2 has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:41:43] BrittaCP: If you have single life designs, or content about dating (looking for Mr. Right), maybe even “online love” this could be a great place to get some exposure.
[2008.01.10 18:42:41] BrittaCP: ok... next idea
[2008.01.10 18:42:46] BrittaCP: Fliers and Business Cards
[2008.01.10 18:42:54] BrittaCP: Print some up and distribute locally.
[2008.01.10 18:43:01] pc5303: ive also placed adverts on the university sites
[2008.01.10 18:43:13] BrittaCP: Think about where do couples and single folk hang out?
[2008.01.10 18:43:46] BrittaCP: Coffee Shops, Laundromats, bars... church?
[2008.01.10 18:44:15] nanabijou: I leave them at restaurants and beauty salons, etc.
[2008.01.10 18:44:55] BrittaCP: ooooh... salons... awesome place to target ladies with mushy love and flowers
[2008.01.10 18:44:57] KC Graphics: don't forget dog parks!
[2008.01.10 18:45:15] ShopaholicChick: i leave them with my tip at reastraunts
[2008.01.10 18:45:34] KC Graphics: man's or woman's best friend can definitely help with finding love.
[2008.01.10 18:45:36] nanabijou: Exactly!
[2008.01.10 18:45:42] JoeCat has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:45:51] Frank has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:45:53] BrittaCP: If you’re a part of a club, or social group take some along and pass to other members, or place them on a table.
[2008.01.10 18:46:10] matisse has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:46:14] happyface: these advert...how are they just directing to your shop? out...like a flyer...? a handbill?
[2008.01.10 18:46:25] NiftyGaloot: You gotta target men, they buy more.
[2008.01.10 18:46:41] AngelaCP: You can do fliers, postcards, post them on bulletin boards
[2008.01.10 18:46:50] AngelaCP: whatever you do, please be sure to check the rules of what you can
[2008.01.10 18:47:04] AngelaCP: some cities may not allow you to simply post on public places
[2008.01.10 18:47:24] AngelaCP: in college dorm or campus...those are great places to post fliers
[2008.01.10 18:47:37] KC Graphics: if you are part of a meetup for a candidate in your area....you may find singles....
[2008.01.10 18:47:42] ShopaholicChick: i leave busines cards
[2008.01.10 18:47:43] Fricka has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:47:44] nanabijou: I travel a lot and always have them to give to about anyone I see
[2008.01.10 18:47:47] nanabijou: Yes, men do buy more. Christmas was an eyeopener for me!
[2008.01.10 18:47:47] NiftyGaloot: Saloon's would work better for targeting men, than salons.
[2008.01.10 18:48:03] BrittaCP: Heh… Slip them into the Romance Section of your local bookstore, video store, or library.
[2008.01.10 18:48:05] Amere Mortal has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:48:12] pc5303 has left the room
[2008.01.10 18:48:40] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:48:41] KC Graphics: it depends. more men are going to salons than saloons or barbar shops.
[2008.01.10 18:48:46] AngelaCP: Lastly, for those that have emails of your customers, send out a communication. Use email as a channel to reach out to your loyal customers and prospects.
[2008.01.10 18:48:58] AngelaCP: Showcase your hot V-day designs.
[2008.01.10 18:48:58] TexasFiddler: Don't you think retailers would get a little upset at that?
[2008.01.10 18:49:05] JoannOS has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:49:24] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:49:27] BrittaCP: probably... it's more of a funny thought
[2008.01.10 18:49:44] TexasFiddler: Why doesn't CP allow us to see the email addresses of folks that sign up for our newsletters?
[2008.01.10 18:49:48] AngelaCP: Privacy policy
[2008.01.10 18:50:07] tropicando: I have seen animal shelter flyers at PETCO. If you can swing it, maybe you can soup up their flyers for URL space on the same flyer. And sell dog shirts.
[2008.01.10 18:50:13] AngelaCP: We have a newsletter subscribing system you can use
[2008.01.10 18:50:20] KC Graphics: how can you check if someone signed up for a newsletter?
[2008.01.10 18:50:28] BrittaCP: you can see how many people have subscribed
[2008.01.10 18:50:35] AngelaCP: or you can subscribe to one... I know there are other services out there that can help you collect email addresses
[2008.01.10 18:50:39] BrittaCP: go into the newseltter section of your account
[2008.01.10 18:50:55] ShopaholicChick: KC there is a link above where you enter the orums from the your account page it will tell u how many subscribers you have
[2008.01.10 18:51:00] KC Graphics: thanks. I'm still new to newsletters.
[2008.01.10 18:51:28] karen has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:51:28] AngelaCP: Remind them to purchase for their loved ones, beyond their SO such as BFFs, Sister, Mom, Dad, children’s Teacher, etc…
[2008.01.10 18:51:37] nanabijou: Newsletters are GREAT!
[2008.01.10 18:51:44] AngelaCP: Communicating with customers and prospects is a great way to keep in touch.
[2008.01.10 18:51:50] KC Graphics: lol!
[2008.01.10 18:51:57] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:52:04] AngelaCP: It also keeps you in the mind of your customers... and help you build a brand/awareness
[2008.01.10 18:52:11] JoannOS has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:52:49] AngelaCP: Does anyone have any suggestions for promoting for Vday that we didnt cover?
[2008.01.10 18:53:16] CYI: Will you be announcing what this year's V-Day contest will be soon?
[2008.01.10 18:53:26] BrittaCP: sorry... we don't have one planned for his year
[2008.01.10 18:53:43] AngelaCP: We covered the main areas of promoting your shop this Vday.... we have SKs that do promote in creative and unusual ways... if you're one of those, please share!
[2008.01.10 18:54:12] BrittaCP: *this
[2008.01.10 18:54:30] tropicando: video. I have contemplated making entertaining video relating to a shirt design.
[2008.01.10 18:54:32] Frank has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:54:37] leah has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:54:38] NiftyGaloot: I ain't tellin' my unusual ways! ;)
[2008.01.10 18:54:47] AngelaCP: Ah... using YouTube as a channel for branding and awareness isn't a bad idea.
[2008.01.10 18:54:48] BrittaCP: fair enough ;)
[2008.01.10 18:54:53] tropicando: Like youtube I mean
[2008.01.10 18:55:16] CYI: When will the CP have the V-Day portal up and what will the main tag be?
[2008.01.10 18:55:22] BrittaCP: within the next week or so
[2008.01.10 18:55:48] BrittaCP: There is no special tag. just make sure that you tag your vday designs appropriatly
[2008.01.10 18:55:58] AngelaCP: You should Tag your images to what's appropriate for your design
[2008.01.10 18:56:25] Amere Mortal: I got 'stumbled upon' somehow lol, but it was nothing that I did.
[2008.01.10 18:56:33] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 18:56:43] nanabijou: What is a Vday portal
[2008.01.10 18:57:13] AngelaCP: It's a sitelet for Valentine's Day designs. Similar to the Election "portal" : http://www.cafepress.com/cp/buy/elections08?cmp=BAC_20071101_elections_smhpban
[2008.01.10 18:57:32] Blonde Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:57:32] mandy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 18:57:34] NiftyGaloot: I've heard of folks doing a podcast
[2008.01.10 18:57:37] TexasFiddler: does cp police the tagging at all? I see lots of really irrelevant merchandise in the marketplace fairly frequently.
[2008.01.10 18:58:17] AngelaCP: We need every Shopkeepers help in making sure that they tag their images appropriately.
[2008.01.10 18:58:25] mamm has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:58:52] AngelaCP: Don't tag your image with "Gift" if it makes a perfect gift... you want to use Tags that DESCRIBE your image.
[2008.01.10 18:59:15] KC Graphics has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 18:59:26] AngelaCP: We have SKs putting Christmas and Gift and Valentine's Day on images that may work for these occasions, but doesn't describer the image.
[2008.01.10 18:59:58] AngelaCP: Basically, any image/product will be a good "gift" so... there's no need to Tag it gift
[2008.01.10 19:00:06] allcreative: I've seen a few that shouldn't be allowed. How can people report them?
[2008.01.10 19:00:26] AngelaCP: You can send it to cup@cafepress.com
[2008.01.10 19:00:41] ShopaholicChick: we have shopkeepers who put christmas on ALL of thier designs!
[2008.01.10 19:00:44] AngelaCP: yes :(
[2008.01.10 19:00:49] AngelaCP: Please don't do that!
[2008.01.10 19:01:16] nanabijou: should I be looking at the numbers that show as I am tagging? Because when gift is used the numbers zoom up.
[2008.01.10 19:01:44] graphicdeeziner: are various spellings of a word ok?
[2008.01.10 19:01:47] Hina has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2008.01.10 19:01:48] BrittaCP: yes
[2008.01.10 19:01:48] AngelaCP: that just shows how many time that tag was searched..
[2008.01.10 19:01:54] BrittaCP: and misspellings
[2008.01.10 19:02:45] boldavenue: nana: the numbers help you know what people are looking for. it helps if you have too many keywords and you need to narrow it down.
[2008.01.10 19:02:59] boldavenue: * i said keywords but i meant tags
[2008.01.10 19:03:16] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2008.01.10 19:03:22] AngelaCP: Okay everyone... looks like time is up
[2008.01.10 19:03:22] BrittaCP: Well folk... we've got to wrap things up now
[2008.01.10 19:03:37] AngelaCP: We hope you found some of these ideas helpful for your Vday campaign
[2008.01.10 19:03:46] happyface has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:03:54] AngelaCP: Feel free to chat it up with each other after this room shuts down....
[2008.01.10 19:03:57] CYI: Thanks
[2008.01.10 19:03:58] nanabijou: thanks for the help
[2008.01.10 19:04:01] AngelaCP: or on the CafePress community forums!
[2008.01.10 19:04:05] goatlady has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:04:07] Hina: how can i be part of chat rooms
[2008.01.10 19:04:18] AngelaCP: The Lobby is now open
[2008.01.10 19:04:21] Fricka has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:04:30] allcreative has left the room
[2008.01.10 19:04:33] AngelaCP: Simply double click the room "Lobby" found in the right had side....
[2008.01.10 19:04:33] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:04:44] AngelaCP: This room will be closing up in a minute
[2008.01.10 19:04:45] boldavenue has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:04:49] AngelaCP: have a great evening everyone
[2008.01.10 19:04:50] NiftyGaloot: It's been fun, as always! Thanks Britta and Angela! :)
[2008.01.10 19:04:52] Heni has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:04:55] brainlint has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:05:03] AngelaCP: Go get 'em for Valentine's Day
[2008.01.10 19:05:06] SterlingSmith has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:05:12] AngelaCP: and happy selling for 2008!
[2008.01.10 19:05:15] NiftyGaloot has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:05:16] graphicdeeziner: when will the transcript be available for our review?
[2008.01.10 19:05:20] AngelaCP: Next week....
[2008.01.10 19:05:23] AngelaCP: bye everyone
[2008.01.10 19:05:25] Hina has left the room (logged out)
[2008.01.10 19:05:31] The room has been closed by the system