Vday prep
[2009.01.08 18:57:31] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2009.01.08 18:57:31] shopaholic chick has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:57:31] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2009.01.08 18:57:44] wheedesign has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:57:45] NiftyGaloot has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:57:54] Kippy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:57:55] horselovergurl has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:58:03] SagArt has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:58:04] boldavenue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:58:21] TexasFiddler has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:58:21] preggoprincess has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:58:26] Dooni Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:58:42] DafnaCP: Hi everybody, welcome!
[2009.01.08 18:58:44] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 18:58:48] shopaholic chick: hi everyone!
[2009.01.08 18:58:50] SagArt: Good evening!
[2009.01.08 18:58:51] bikerchick: Hi Dafna!
[2009.01.08 18:58:59] boldavenue: hola!
[2009.01.08 18:59:00] wheedesign: Hey all!
[2009.01.08 18:59:04] AlienShack: howdy all
[2009.01.08 18:59:05] horselovergurl: hi!
[2009.01.08 18:59:06] DafnaCP: Did you all enjoy the holidays? I went to Tennessee to visit my Sister-in-Law who just moved there. It was cold!
[2009.01.08 18:59:12] TexasFiddler: Dooni, Nifty, Kippy, Sag! Good to see you! You to Dafna!
[2009.01.08 18:59:24] Dooni Designs: hi hi hiiiiii
[2009.01.08 18:59:34] SagArt: You came to TN and didn't visit me??? I am crushed!!!!
[2009.01.08 18:59:44] Cyndi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 18:59:49] DafnaCP: I know, I know. I only had 3 days though!
[2009.01.08 18:59:52] NiftyGaloot: Are we all ready for... LOVE!!!
[2009.01.08 19:00:11] dreamup has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:00:19] LittleLizzyLou Josh has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:00:22] SagArt: LOVE:bow:
[2009.01.08 19:00:38] DafnaCP: Welp, let’s get started then:
[2009.01.08 19:00:45] upatree has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:00:47] Kate@LittleLizzyLou has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:00:53] DafnaCP: As always, this chat will be moderated. This means that you will not immediately see your responses posted. Instead, they will go into a queue and the moderators will do their best to get all the response posted live. The benefit is that moderated chats help us stay on subject and are easier to keep up with.
[2009.01.08 19:01:28] DafnaCP: In Prep for Valentines Day, here are the topics I’d like to cover today:
[2009.01.08 19:01:56] DafnaCP: V-Day Overview
What we’re doing at CP
Popular V-Day themes
Products to Pimp (pardon the expression)
[2009.01.08 19:01:56] DDKnight has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:02:06] GalaxyGirl has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:02:17] cyi has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:02:32] DafnaCP: Does everyone have plans to celebrate V-Day in some way? I know I do!
[2009.01.08 19:02:48] SagArt: Of Course!
[2009.01.08 19:02:50] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:02:56] shopaholic chick: i don't celebrate vday.....i do enjoy the $ i make on it normally though
[2009.01.08 19:03:00] bikerchick: My daughter's b-day is the day before, so we will do something
[2009.01.08 19:03:11] matisse: Nope!
[2009.01.08 19:03:14] wheedesign: I'm one of those single ones just going out with friends.
[2009.01.08 19:03:22] DafnaCP: Well, according to the US Census Press, a lot of people plan to celebrate Valentines Day.
[2009.01.08 19:03:38] boldavenue: shop celebrates about 45 days later...when the check comes thru! ;)
[2009.01.08 19:03:44] bikerchick: I hope to sell something this year, because I haven't had any luck in the past
[2009.01.08 19:03:55] DafnaCP: GL bikerchick, I'm sure you will!
[2009.01.08 19:03:59] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:04:07] Annek has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:04:08] shopaholic chick: bold oh so very true....but by then i am celebrating the st pats sales too LOL
[2009.01.08 19:04:28] kunstrxns has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:04:32] DafnaCP: It's true, the holidays really stack up on one another don't they?
[2009.01.08 19:04:57] DafnaCP: Anyway, here are the household participation rates as listed by the US Census Press:
[2009.01.08 19:05:03] comesaidmysoul has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:05:19] Annek: If customers show up for the holidays, they can go ahead and stack up all they'd like! Ka-ching!
[2009.01.08 19:05:25] DafnaCP: Greeting Cards 64%
Date Night 44%
Candy 38%
[2009.01.08 19:05:43] DafnaCP: Flowers 32%
Gift Cards 29%
Other Gifts 17%
[2009.01.08 19:05:53] DafnaCP: Plush 12%
Perfume/Cologne 12%
Jewelry 11%
[2009.01.08 19:06:13] baconation has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:06:16] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:06:21] horselovergurl: Good for us, lots spent on greeting cards
[2009.01.08 19:06:27] shopaholic chick: my teddy bears do well normally - as do keepskae boxes and oddly buttons
[2009.01.08 19:06:30] boldavenue: so it sounds like cards are the best thing to push as far as our shops go
[2009.01.08 19:06:52] DafnaCP: Well, this does give us a good idea about which products we might try
[2009.01.08 19:06:55] matisse: What are CPs most popular selling products for VD?
[2009.01.08 19:07:52] Annek: But go after things like bears and other things opportunistically...
[2009.01.08 19:07:56] LittleLizzyLou Josh: New Product: Candy Boxes! :-)
[2009.01.08 19:08:23] DafnaCP: LizzyLou, what about the keepsake boxes merchandised as candy boxes?
[2009.01.08 19:08:38] Cyndi: Or candy bowls! LOL
[2009.01.08 19:08:43] terraformtees has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:08:49] DafnaCP: The main thing to remember is that above all, Valentines Day happens in February, when most of our customers are cold.
[2009.01.08 19:09:06] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:09:10] Kate@LittleLizzyLou: We haven't tried marketing the keepsake boxes or pet bowls as candy keepers yet, but we might have to! Good idea!
[2009.01.08 19:09:12] shopaholic chick: i marekt my dog bowls as perfect for candy dishes
[2009.01.08 19:09:18] LittleLizzyLou Josh: chocolate wouldn't do too well in a wooden box? *speculating*
[2009.01.08 19:09:35] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:09:44] Cyndi: Yeah, the pet bowls
[2009.01.08 19:09:47] shopaholic chick: the keepsakes boxxes are too small for candy it hink - but the dog bowls are HUGE
[2009.01.08 19:09:51] SagArt: Or the Keepsake box as a gift box with an engagement ring inside or a necklace or braclet for your gal! Uh-huh!
[2009.01.08 19:09:54] DafnaCP: Great idea!
[2009.01.08 19:10:11] AlienShack: maybe the Pet Bowls should be relabled as 'Multi-Purpose Bowls' or something like that
[2009.01.08 19:10:12] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:10:20] terraformtees has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:10:30] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:10:35] DafnaCP: that's probably not something we would do on the CP end but you could certainly rename the product
[2009.01.08 19:10:50] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:10:50] kunstrxns: pets need love too!
[2009.01.08 19:11:00] shopaholic chick: danfa with 9600 designs i cannot rename them all
[2009.01.08 19:11:13] DafnaCP: nope, agreed. I'd just rename the ones that pertain to V-Day
[2009.01.08 19:11:23] boldavenue: alienshack: i have pet bowls in houseware sections just named "bowl" and dupes in my pet sections named "pet bowl"
[2009.01.08 19:12:28] DafnaCP: So just to get back to the question from Matisse....
[2009.01.08 19:12:47] Annek: No tank tops...
[2009.01.08 19:13:04] DafnaCP: right, warm weather garments are key for this holiday. So are Mugs and the Ceramic travel mugs.
[2009.01.08 19:13:20] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:13:34] DafnaCP: For your apparel you’ll want to feature Valentines colors like the red and the pink t-shirts and the pink zip-up hoodie.
[2009.01.08 19:13:49] DafnaCP: If it looks good, consider changing the default product color on your V-Day related products to red for men or pink for women.
[2009.01.08 19:14:11] DafnaCP: Other popular products for V-Day:
[2009.01.08 19:14:31] wheedesign: Are those (travel mugs) back in stock again? One I had in pending since before Christmas finally completed, but there is still one there.
[2009.01.08 19:14:34] DafnaCP: I think they are
[2009.01.08 19:14:39] SagArt: Yep, you can take a mug, line it with pretty food wrapping, fill it with Valentine candy and tie it up with a bow as a gift for anyone. Kids love it too.
[2009.01.08 19:14:51] bikerchick: Don't forget the thong! :)
[2009.01.08 19:14:54] kischitsch has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:15:00] DafnaCP: How could I forget the thong?!
[2009.01.08 19:15:02] wheedesign: I actually sold quite a few boxers and thongs last year.
[2009.01.08 19:15:12] DafnaCP: Yes, they do well.
[2009.01.08 19:15:27] DafnaCP: Obviously there are also the greeting cards -- singles
[2009.01.08 19:15:31] SagArt: Oh and the thong!!!! :bow: and matching boxers :bow::-D
[2009.01.08 19:15:35] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:15:46] DafnaCP: so cute! Could do matching t-shirts also!
[2009.01.08 19:15:50] shopaholic chick: i sold a lot of thong cami or thong tank top combos last year
[2009.01.08 19:16:08] DafnaCP: Yes, a special V-Day outfit maybe
[2009.01.08 19:16:17] DafnaCP: Then there is the Teddy Bear
[2009.01.08 19:16:33] DafnaCP: and strangely, the Tote Bag
[2009.01.08 19:16:51] LittleLizzyLou Josh: do some people have designs that are complimentary, to make sets, or is it common for people to buy the two that have the same design featured.
[2009.01.08 19:17:05] DafnaCP: I think you could do a matching set with different images
[2009.01.08 19:17:09] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:17:10] hazeleyes7 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:17:12] matisse: tote bag?
[2009.01.08 19:17:15] shopaholic chick: tote bags make good giftbags they stuff them with items
[2009.01.08 19:17:20] Annek: SagArt - do you promote your mug that way in your shop? I mean, suggest ways for people to "gift" their love?
[2009.01.08 19:17:26] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:17:38] shopaholic chick: 2 of the same design normally a matching pair....ladies like matching Pj's....
[2009.01.08 19:17:46] SagArt: Yeah, and I have pictures of how they are put together too.
[2009.01.08 19:17:49] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:18:11] DafnaCP: That's a great idea! The easier you can make it for the customer to visualize all of the unique things they can do with your products, the better.
[2009.01.08 19:18:47] kischitsch has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:18:55] DafnaCP: Am I forgetting any products or are we ready to move on?
[2009.01.08 19:19:23] matisse: keepsake boxes?
[2009.01.08 19:19:29] DafnaCP: yes, I think we talked about them
[2009.01.08 19:19:39] LittleLizzyLou Josh: is too late to get snuggly warm sweatshirts? I love the grey hooded sweatshirt!
[2009.01.08 19:19:47] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:19:53] DafnaCP: Nope, February is still cold so sweatshirts do well!
[2009.01.08 19:19:58] boldavenue: anyone sell lots of something unusual (out of the box) around val day?
[2009.01.08 19:20:01] shopaholic chick: framed prints
[2009.01.08 19:20:15] AlienShack: love or heart themed flip minos for that 'perfect gift for valentines'
[2009.01.08 19:20:29] DafnaCP: oh that's a good one!
[2009.01.08 19:20:53] horselovergurl: love that idea!
[2009.01.08 19:21:12] bikerchick has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:21:57] SagArt: You guys can google gift mugs and get ideas for how to present your mugs online with your own products if you want to do that.
[2009.01.08 19:22:04] DafnaCP: So some more thoughts on V-Day sales...
[2009.01.08 19:22:25] DafnaCP: Valentines Day is a procrastinator’s holiday. The heaviest shopping time is usually the 5th and 6th weeks after Christmas.
[2009.01.08 19:22:51] DafnaCP: This year that should be Jan 25th through Feb 8th with the majority of cards being bought in brick and mortar stores the week preceding the holiday.
[2009.01.08 19:23:46] DafnaCP: Though Valentines Day is a procrastinator’s holiday, don’t let that stop you from planning for it and getting those designs up now.
[2009.01.08 19:23:51] NiftyGaloot has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:24:02] DafnaCP: Like you, here at CP we’re working on our campaign at the moment so I don’t have details about what we’re going to do.
[2009.01.08 19:24:18] DafnaCP: However, in years past we’ve done both a Pro and an Anti push and it’s been successful so we’ll likely do something similar this year.
[2009.01.08 19:24:25] matisse: How big is the VD sales for CP?
[2009.01.08 19:24:40] DafnaCP: Matisse, you know I can't answer financial information. We do well.
[2009.01.08 19:25:09] bikerchick: I notice that CP is sponsoring a contest, Anti V-day. How well does the anti v-day theme do?
[2009.01.08 19:25:22] LittleLizzyLou Josh: I got an email today about an Anti- contest?
[2009.01.08 19:25:40] DafnaCP: Yes, back by popular demand is our Anti Valentines Contest.
[2009.01.08 19:25:50] DafnaCP: This year we have three categories. The single life, anti-love, boycott valentines day.
[2009.01.08 19:26:05] matisse: bah humheart!
[2009.01.08 19:26:13] DafnaCP: To participate, you’ll need to upload and tag your designs with the appropriate tag no later than Jan 22nd.
[2009.01.08 19:26:49] DafnaCP: These are the tags:
[2009.01.08 19:27:17] DafnaCP: The Single Life: AVCsingle
Anti-Love: AVClove
Boycott Valentine’s: AVCboycott
[2009.01.08 19:27:30] GalaxyGirl: For contest-we can enter as many designs as we want, right?
[2009.01.08 19:27:51] DafnaCP: Yes but I ask that you please only enter each image for the category(ies) that seem appropriate.
[2009.01.08 19:28:18] DafnaCP: For more information be sure to check out the official guidelines and rules here: http://community.cafepress.com/?p=562
[2009.01.08 19:29:01] AlienShack: do they have to be new images or can they be existing images that have been entered in other v-day contests?
[2009.01.08 19:29:32] DafnaCP: They can be existing images but I'm hoping that y'all will design a few new ones specifically for the 3 categories
[2009.01.08 19:30:19] DafnaCP: buyers' taste evolves so updating your product offering to meet the "in" design style is a good idea now and then
[2009.01.08 19:31:01] DafnaCP: Any questions on the contest?
[2009.01.08 19:31:07] DafnaCP: Are you all entering?
[2009.01.08 19:31:27] Annek: Yeah!!!!
[2009.01.08 19:31:40] kunstrxns: yep
[2009.01.08 19:31:52] DafnaCP: Great!
[2009.01.08 19:32:08] GalaxyGirl: Instantly got an idea!
[2009.01.08 19:32:09] Cyndi: Yup
[2009.01.08 19:32:12] wheedesign: Already have one design up and going to do a bunch more.
[2009.01.08 19:32:43] DafnaCP: So next let’s talk about popular topics and themes.
[2009.01.08 19:32:53] DafnaCP: We already know that Anti V-Day is one theme.
[2009.01.08 19:33:09] DafnaCP: We also know about the famed I heart… stuff.
[2009.01.08 19:33:40] DafnaCP: Last year we also talked about the different kinds of love from true love, to companionship to pure lust. You can create designs for a any kind of relationship.
[2009.01.08 19:33:47] SagArt: Valentine gifts for teachers
[2009.01.08 19:33:49] SagArt: Valentine gifts for friends - friends forever kind of thing
[2009.01.08 19:33:56] matisse: We all heart Dafna!
[2009.01.08 19:34:00] DafnaCP: Excellent, yes!
[2009.01.08 19:34:09] SagArt: Valentine gifts for family members - mom, dad etc.
[2009.01.08 19:34:10] Dooni Designs: hmm i gotta make some baby's 1st vday stuff =)
[2009.01.08 19:34:27] DafnaCP: Yup Sag. Over the years we’ve even seen an increase in V-Day gifts for non romantic relationships such as gifts for Best friends, Moms & Dads, your children, coworkers
[2009.01.08 19:34:34] LittleLizzyLou Josh has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:34:42] DafnaCP: Am I missing anybody?
[2009.01.08 19:35:59] boldavenue: pets?
[2009.01.08 19:36:03] wheedesign: There's always the teacher vday card in the packs at the store.
[2009.01.08 19:36:18] SagArt: You know the tiles on a tiny easel and ornaments on an individual ornament holder are great gifts for Valentines Day and cherished by many who get them.
[2009.01.08 19:36:27] blackunicorn has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:36:29] LittleLizzyLou Josh has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:36:47] DafnaCP: Those are all good ideas.
[2009.01.08 19:37:10] DafnaCP: The point that you want to impress upon your customers is that Valentines Day is not just about your significant other; it’s about all of the people you love most.
[2009.01.08 19:37:31] DafnaCP: In addition to designing for all kinds of love, I also recommend that you target niches instead of creating more of those generic valentine heart designs.
[2009.01.08 19:37:36] SagArt: Give your heart to anyone when you place it on an ornament and give it to a friend, teacher or loved one. They really like that.
[2009.01.08 19:37:55] DafnaCP: We’re seeing a trend toward things that seem more “special” because they represent who the giftee is: what’s important to them and what they’re all about.
[2009.01.08 19:38:09] upatree: ...or those you tolerate - (joke) anti valentines for the inlaws, etc...
[2009.01.08 19:38:36] DafnaCP: :)
[2009.01.08 19:38:41] SagArt: Everyone sells the common generic stuff, it has to be different to sell.
[2009.01.08 19:38:58] DafnaCP: Agreed. This is truly a movement in the vein of “it’s the thought that counts”.
[2009.01.08 19:39:07] DafnaCP: We saw this over the holidays and I expect this trend will continue for as long as the economy slumps.
[2009.01.08 19:39:20] GalaxyGirl: And a good time to make things right with people you've hurt or offended-I'M SORRY!
[2009.01.08 19:39:51] DafnaCP: You know, that's a fantastic idea. You could certainly promote V-Day as a time to make ammends with people you care about.
[2009.01.08 19:41:35] DafnaCP: Your shop can be a place where someone on a limited budget, who perhaps can't afford that new violin for his girlfriend (I don't know why I'm using that as an example but hey)
[2009.01.08 19:42:10] DafnaCP: he can come to your shop and find the perfect shirt that speaks to his girlfriends love of orchestra without breaking his budget
[2009.01.08 19:42:35] DafnaCP: and it's still really special because it demonstrates how well he know her and that he really thought about what to get her
[2009.01.08 19:42:40] SagArt: If you can keep it unique and use lower cost items to promote, I think they will sell better in this economy.
[2009.01.08 19:44:14] SagArt: You can also promote non-traditonal designs as gifts for valentines day as they can be utilized all year long. Favorite sport, love of pets, etc. It doesn't have to have hearts plastered all over it to be a Valentines Day Gift and it is money well-spent for the long term.
[2009.01.08 19:44:58] DafnaCP: Yes! That goes back to the whole niche thing. Think about what they might use year round because they love it that much
[2009.01.08 19:45:52] DafnaCP: Okay, so while we’re still on the topic of themes, does anybody want to share some of their own clever ideas?
[2009.01.08 19:46:48] boldavenue: a really beautiful design (landscape painting or nice calligraphy, etc.) can be marketed as a romantic gift - doesn't have to necessarily be pink hearts
[2009.01.08 19:47:03] Annek has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:47:06] DafnaCP: Mhmm
[2009.01.08 19:47:07] Annek has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:47:41] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:48:02] GalaxyGirl: Yes, some people might be tired of all the hearts, hearts, hearts!!!
[2009.01.08 19:48:16] SagArt: Note cards are a nice gift for anyone and can be promoted during as a Valentine gift.
[2009.01.08 19:48:16] Kippy has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:48:23] DafnaCP: As stationary you mean?
[2009.01.08 19:49:09] SagArt: Yeah, stationary. Brain fart!:-D
[2009.01.08 19:49:12] wheedesign: Wedding/engagemenet stuff for people proposing this Valentine's Day.
[2009.01.08 19:49:18] wheedesign: Valentine Anniversary designs for those married on Vday
[2009.01.08 19:49:29] DafnaCP: It is a popular day for weddings isn't it
[2009.01.08 19:49:36] AlienShack: i made a design of a green heart with red alien shaped eyes, and then made a whole bunch of unique 'I heart' designs with it also (love.alienshack.com)..something different i guess
[2009.01.08 19:49:44] horselovergurl: don't forget about goth valentine's! dark hearts and love! my friends love that type of stuff, so I'm sure there must be buyers out there...
[2009.01.08 19:50:16] DafnaCP: yep, there is a market for that kind of dark, pretty, gothy stuff. Even little skulls with hearts and things of that nature.
[2009.01.08 19:50:27] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:50:32] shopaholic chick: my goth love stuff is under anti-valentines
[2009.01.08 19:50:41] SagArt: Goth is great, so are the will you marry me stuff. Lots of guys get down on bended knees.:-D
[2009.01.08 19:50:45] boldavenue: think about your target audience. what would they buy for val day?
[2009.01.08 19:51:09] horselovergurl: twilight valentine's day! haha
[2009.01.08 19:51:16] DafnaCP: That might do very well!
[2009.01.08 19:51:33] DafnaCP: Edward is my Valentine...that kind of thing
[2009.01.08 19:51:42] DafnaCP: :)
[2009.01.08 19:51:59] horselovergurl: Just what I'm thinking :)
[2009.01.08 19:52:00] wheedesign has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:52:17] DafnaCP: So we're getting down to the time limit
[2009.01.08 19:52:27] wheedesign has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:52:42] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:52:44] DafnaCP: are there any burning questions?
[2009.01.08 19:53:07] shopaholic chick: good chat dafna!
[2009.01.08 19:53:17] SagArt: One more, a love poem on a pillow for a girlfriend. Oh my oh my!
[2009.01.08 19:53:22] DafnaCP: that's awesome!
[2009.01.08 19:53:27] kunstrxns: great chat! Thanks a bunch
[2009.01.08 19:53:31] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:53:39] SagArt: great chat!
[2009.01.08 19:53:40] shopaholic chick: can u reopen the lobby before you go so we can keep chatting over there about ideas?
[2009.01.08 19:53:43] DafnaCP: will do!
[2009.01.08 19:53:54] cyi has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:54:08] boldavenue: sag = genius
[2009.01.08 19:54:17] AlienShack: yeah...do you recommend or know of any software to handle all of the social networks? i just set up twitter and squidoo sites today...there's too many!
[2009.01.08 19:54:18] mamm has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:54:19] DDKnight has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:54:30] Cyndi has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:54:33] DafnaCP: There was something called addthis or addme
[2009.01.08 19:54:36] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:54:37] DafnaCP: you might Google it
[2009.01.08 19:54:44] shopaholic chick: alien not really it is a lot to run them all
[2009.01.08 19:54:50] Dooni Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2009.01.08 19:54:50] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2009.01.08 19:54:53] Kippy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2009.01.08 19:55:01] shopaholic chick: alien come to the lobby when it reopens we will discuss it further
[2009.01.08 19:55:03] SagArt: I believe it's addthis
[2009.01.08 19:55:16] boldavenue: thanks for the chat dafna!
[2009.01.08 19:55:17] matisse: Thanks Dafna!