Holiday Prep CP Chat 10-18-2007
[2007.10.18 18:59:32] Welcome to the CafePress Chat Room
[2007.10.18 18:59:32] Dooni Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 18:59:32] All users in this room have been allowed to talk
[2007.10.18 18:59:37] peon: I'm having a "deck your shop's halls" promo. AM I allowed to mention that here?
[2007.10.18 18:59:43] AngelaCP: Sure!
[2007.10.18 18:59:48] SFFriar has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 18:59:49] BabyDave has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 18:59:59] AngelaCP: We want to keep this interactive so throw out tips and experiences for the rest of the SKs in chat :)
[2007.10.18 19:00:16] AngelaCP: okay, so we're ready to begin....
[2007.10.18 19:00:17] AngelaCP: Thank you for joining us for chat today. Today’s chat topic is Holiday Shop Navigation.
[2007.10.18 19:00:19] BrittaCP: You can give more detail at the end of the chat, if you'd like - peon
[2007.10.18 19:00:26] magadog1 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:00:48] AngelaCP: What we’re really sharing with you are the best practices of shop layout/navigation to make sure you’re doing all you can to help conversion over the holidays. We all know that’s the biggest shopping season of the year!
[2007.10.18 19:01:03] AngelaCP: Before we begin, this is a reminder that this chat is moderated. For those new to chat, your questions or comments will be put in a queue and will only be posted once we push it live. We do get a lot of posts coming in and we’ll do our best to get to as many questions and comments possible.
[2007.10.18 19:01:12] AngelaCP: sooo.... So let’s get started.
[2007.10.18 19:01:32] Trevor has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:01:44] AngelaCP: There are two main things to think about for shop navigation. We'll cover two and later you can toss out more ideas...
[2007.10.18 19:01:53] AngelaCP: The first one is making sure what you want your customers to see is above the fold.
[2007.10.18 19:02:04] AngelaCP: Dedicate at least the top ½ or 1/3 of your shop to the Holidays. This is called placing things above the fold or above the scroll– “folds” meaning that part of a screen where you have to start scrolling down.
[2007.10.18 19:02:19] AngelaCP: This is where you want to have keep the stuff that you want people to see first, and in this case that would be your most festive and awesome Holiday designs.
[2007.10.18 19:02:32] AngelaCP: Since this is the place that customers will see first, use it as a starting spot to get them excited about not only Holiday shopping, but holiday shopping in YOUR shop. Get your customers in and get them clicking on the goods all the way to checkout.
[2007.10.18 19:02:38] sanetv has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:02:41] magadog1: Move holiday items and 2008 calendar sections to the top of your shop in its own sections?
[2007.10.18 19:02:46] peon2 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:03:02] AngelaCP: Yes, that would be a good idea! We'll have a chat to go over top products and content over the holidays...
[2007.10.18 19:03:22] AngelaCP: but calendars are definitely one of the better selling holiday items... it's calendar season
[2007.10.18 19:03:26] Blonde Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:03:46] rametta has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:04:01] sanetv has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:04:01] Blonde Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:04:02] dtdgoomba has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:04:03] AngelaCP: For those that attended last week’s Holiday SEO chat, you’ll know this is also the area to put your shop intro. Be sure to add keywords that are relevant to your shop towards the top.
[2007.10.18 19:04:10] saneTV has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:04:18] dtdgoomba has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:04:25] ninaPA has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:04:30] AngelaCP: Search Engines places a higher priority on content found in the header/top of your site
[2007.10.18 19:04:48] AngelaCP: I'll be honest and say that's what I learned today... but most of you may already know this fact
[2007.10.18 19:05:01] doh has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:05:07] AngelaCP: SEO content is most beneficial on the top of the site vs footer
[2007.10.18 19:05:10] saneTV: In the < head>?
[2007.10.18 19:05:29] AngelaCP: Does anyone know? I don't know the details of the code as I do the general placement?
[2007.10.18 19:05:34] peon2: so, as far as navigation goes, which is more effective - links n a sidebar or a dropdown menu?
[2007.10.18 19:05:47] AngelaCP: Links in a side bar
[2007.10.18 19:05:48] peon2: yes, that would be the head
[2007.10.18 19:06:13] AngelaCP: Thanks peon2. So add your SEO copy in the head
[2007.10.18 19:06:16] magadog1: If there is too much copy in the description, is that detrimental
[2007.10.18 19:06:18] AngelaCP: Yes
[2007.10.18 19:06:33] AngelaCP: Since this is the visible area to your customers, do not use all your space on the shop intro. I have seen shops that have LONG shop intros. That may be good for SEO, but not a very good customer experience…
[2007.10.18 19:06:57] AngelaCP: you guys have seen THOSE shops right ;)
[2007.10.18 19:07:10] AngelaCP: where the content is over and beyond the "above the fold" area?
[2007.10.18 19:07:13] Lekker Jen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:07:14] saneTV: Knowing if SEO content goes best in the head or body would help enormously
[2007.10.18 19:07:21] Lekker Jen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:07:31] AngelaCP: Good to know... yes, head is optimal SEO area
[2007.10.18 19:07:36] saneTV: I find that some of what usually goes into shop intros can go into other parts, even product descriptions
[2007.10.18 19:07:39] Karen has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:08:00] AngelaCP: So back to long shop intro: Customers may see and leave because they are not enticed to move on and explore your shop further.
[2007.10.18 19:08:04] BabyDave: There is no BEST in SEO ther is only "better" or "Not as good"
[2007.10.18 19:08:17] AngelaCP: thanks for correcting me BabyDave ;)
[2007.10.18 19:08:43] roro1279 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:08:49] AngelaCP: I'll say I know my SEO from learnings from SKs, experts, and what I read
[2007.10.18 19:08:56] maryo has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:09:05] AngelaCP: I think if we can all share our thoughts...that would help everyone here :)
[2007.10.18 19:09:20] rametta: I think you have mistaken the head for the header section
[2007.10.18 19:09:34] peon2: does putting a lot of text in an "alt" work then?
[2007.10.18 19:09:48] AngelaCP: Putting good keywords in Alt Tags definitely work
[2007.10.18 19:09:49] palmetto has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:09:51] dtdgoomba: Head tags like keywords, descriptions are treated no differently than normal page content. Don't go overboard, or you'll be seen as a spammer. Just write a nice short clean description, and use some keywords that really describe the content on the page. Then try to keep important elements in your initial opening content like H1, H2 Tags. Just make it user readable, be concise with keywords.
[2007.10.18 19:10:05] Lekker Jen: peon - definitely.
[2007.10.18 19:10:13] BabyDave: well, ALL text is useful formthe SEO side, but some text is more useful and too much of anything is not a good buyer experience
[2007.10.18 19:10:51] dtdgoomba: Alt tags help search engines, people with slow connections loading images, and people that are visually impaired, so it's all win.
[2007.10.18 19:10:55] peon2: doesn't google ignore the meta tag - keywords though?
[2007.10.18 19:11:16] AngelaCP: I don't believe so...but I'll let the SEO experts here weigh in
[2007.10.18 19:11:24] magadog1: extra prepositions, adjectives, adverbs should be minimized?
[2007.10.18 19:11:34] roro1279 has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:11:43] Lekker Jen: I don't think they ignore it - they just don't rank it as important as other stuff. Yahoo seems to like them.
[2007.10.18 19:11:48] AngelaCP: No because there is more than SEO. There's customer experience, conversion, etc.
[2007.10.18 19:11:49] dtdgoomba: google will ignore some things, but it won't hurt you for all other engines. As long as you don't spam them, you can't be hurt by it
[2007.10.18 19:12:00] saneTV: More words are not better than the *right* words :)
[2007.10.18 19:12:06] AngelaCP: bingo :)
[2007.10.18 19:12:11] cowpie: When is the best time to move our Christmas items to the forefront? After halloween? Now?
[2007.10.18 19:12:54] AngelaCP: after halloween will be good...but you can even do it now if you are ready. Make halloween your highlight and the holiday as a lowlight
[2007.10.18 19:12:55] ninaPA: I've started moving my Christmas sections front and center
[2007.10.18 19:13:10] saneTV: I have too
[2007.10.18 19:13:20] ninaPA: Also adding Christmas text to shop description and section description areas where appropriate
[2007.10.18 19:13:20] AngelaCP: Once halloween is over, you're ready to make holidays your highlight and have gotten the SEO out while you're waiting
[2007.10.18 19:13:30] cowpie: I know some people get turned off if you start pushing Christmas too soon.
[2007.10.18 19:13:33] BabyDave: Now is the bet time to write SEO oriented text for holiday shoppers -- we are not likely to get more than one more visit form google bots before years end
[2007.10.18 19:13:37] AngelaCP: so lowlight will work
[2007.10.18 19:13:55] AngelaCP: get your sectoins all ready, but no need to put on all the festive dressings for your shop
[2007.10.18 19:14:09] peon2: so is using google's keyword suggestor not the best way to find the "right" words then?
[2007.10.18 19:14:20] peon2: me like-y the festive dressings
[2007.10.18 19:14:23] AngelaCP: me too!
[2007.10.18 19:14:35] AngelaCP: any questions about above the fold?
[2007.10.18 19:14:55] AngelaCP: this is really important in terms of shopping experience
[2007.10.18 19:15:08] AngelaCP: Make the “above the fold” area visually appealing and display what you have to offer. This is a first impression for your first time visitors.
[2007.10.18 19:15:08] Blonde Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:15:10] ninaPA: I'm getting a lot of holiday shoppers already, based on what they are buying. Personally I think internet shoppers may start early, wanting to make sure they get things shipped to them in time.
[2007.10.18 19:15:22] AngelaCP: Based on data... they start as early as 10/28
[2007.10.18 19:15:29] AngelaCP: oops 10/23
[2007.10.18 19:15:38] cynthia.nicole has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:15:45] boldavenue has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:16:02] AngelaCP: so, i guess it's never too early... but that doesn't mean the full package early on...
[2007.10.18 19:16:09] magadog1: Do we remove the holiday keywords from every level after the holidays and "store" them?
[2007.10.18 19:16:16] bridey has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:16:26] Blonde Designs has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:16:34] AngelaCP: What I've seen SKs do is hide or lowlight their holiday seasons but leave the keywords for SEO
[2007.10.18 19:16:58] AngelaCP: On your storefront, definitely remove holidays if i'ts not relevant. You can keep a link on the side bar for holiday
[2007.10.18 19:17:21] AngelaCP: So no more questions on above the fold? We'll move on to how to organize your shop.
[2007.10.18 19:17:26] BrittaCP: There are several different ways to organize your shop.
[2007.10.18 19:17:51] designsbyshawn has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:17:52] BrittaCP: With your premium shops you can create sections. Have all of you created a Holiday section in your shop yet?
[2007.10.18 19:18:08] Butterfly: yep!
[2007.10.18 19:18:21] cowpie: Yep!
[2007.10.18 19:18:22] peon2: that's a big 10-4 ghostrider
[2007.10.18 19:18:24] BrittaCP: sweet
[2007.10.18 19:18:28] magadog1: Yes. Separated into cards, gifts, calendars.
[2007.10.18 19:18:35] BrittaCP: To reiterate - make sure you have this section above the fold.
[2007.10.18 19:19:03] BrittaCP: You can create your sections according to...
[2007.10.18 19:19:23] BrittaCP: (and I have some examples that i will be showing you in a seconf
[2007.10.18 19:19:24] Kate @ LittleLizzyLou has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:19:33] BrittaCP: Design
[2007.10.18 19:19:57] Karen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:20:01] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.10.18 19:20:21] camobabygifts has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:20:31] BrittaCP: So when you click on the sectio, you'll see all the prodcuts with that same design
[2007.10.18 19:20:44] BrittaCP: I think this is the most common way that SK's will create thier sections
[2007.10.18 19:21:04] BrittaCP: Occasion
[2007.10.18 19:21:05] maryo has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:21:13] scarebaby has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:21:44] BrittaCP: I don't have a picture for occasion, but what it means is creating sections like: Birthday, Wedding, Congrats!
[2007.10.18 19:22:03] Mr. Spaceman has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:22:21] BrittaCP: or if you're doing holiday perhaps: Xmas, Kwanza, Winter Solitice
[2007.10.18 19:22:26] AngelaCP: Hanukkah
[2007.10.18 19:22:50] magadog1: What if you have TONS of designs?
[2007.10.18 19:22:55] AngelaCP: She's share more...
[2007.10.18 19:22:58] AngelaCP: or we'll cover that ;)
[2007.10.18 19:23:14] BrittaCP: Product type
[2007.10.18 19:23:29] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.10.18 19:24:05] BrittaCP: here you're breaking your sections down in Stationary, ornaments, hoodies...
[2007.10.18 19:24:14] Syzygy has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:24:16] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:24:19] BrittaCP: Demographic: women, men, baby
[2007.10.18 19:24:26] SlackerPlanet: What do you suggest should be put in a Holiday Section? My shop does not have Holiday Themed designs.
[2007.10.18 19:24:51] AngelaCP: So slackerplanet, for a shop that will not have holiday themed designs this is what you should do
[2007.10.18 19:25:01] chm has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:25:04] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:25:20] AngelaCP: You can still festive your shop and get your customers to buy gifts for the family, friends, and loved ones for the holiday
[2007.10.18 19:25:36] AngelaCP: organize by putting a his/her/baby/pet section
[2007.10.18 19:26:18] AngelaCP: You can also add some product stuff such as ornaments or stationary. You can add a Happy Holidays copy to your existing designs and add it on cards for the holidays.
[2007.10.18 19:26:28] BrittaCP: With Demographic, you can create sections "For Her," "For Him"
[2007.10.18 19:26:37] peon2: stress what great gifts your non-holiday designs would be
[2007.10.18 19:26:40] BrittaCP: get all your girly stuff in one section
[2007.10.18 19:27:04] rametta has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:27:04] magadog1: That works, Britta?
[2007.10.18 19:27:19] BrittaCP: it creates another form of easy navigation for your cutomers
[2007.10.18 19:27:49] BrittaCP: it's helps in making browsing easier... for instance I know i want to get something for my mom
[2007.10.18 19:27:55] Dusty has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:28:05] ninaPA: it works for us!
[2007.10.18 19:28:18] BrittaCP: so I may look under the :for her" section, or if you have a "For Mom" section
[2007.10.18 19:28:29] magadog1: That is probably my worst problem-- keeping up with the products and keeping them organized.
[2007.10.18 19:28:41] Ophelia: The "browse by type" menu links are a great way to pull up all of one item like say ornaments, even if you have your shop organized by design
[2007.10.18 19:28:44] ninaPA has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:29:01] BrittaCP: exactly.... you can place one of these in your shop if you don't currently use one
[2007.10.18 19:29:05] BrittaCP: Ang is pulling up the code
[2007.10.18 19:29:33] AngelaCP:
[2007.10.18 19:29:39] AngelaCP: it's on that page
[2007.10.18 19:29:53] photographz: Do you move the products out of the regular sections or "mirror" them somehow?
[2007.10.18 19:30:20] BrittaCP: So eevn if your shop is organized by design, or demographic.... and perhaps I don't care who I'm giving the gift to... i just know i want to buy a bunch of ornaments for coworkers... the drop down menu will help me find them in your shop in a snap
[2007.10.18 19:30:48] BrittaCP: Ok... next organization method: Category: Hot sellers, new arrivals, special deals
[2007.10.18 19:30:51] AngelaCP: Photographz, it's hard to manage so the Product Pull down is your best bet. Does anyone have an example you can share? I'll see if I can pull one up
[2007.10.18 19:31:12] BabyDave: mirror them only -- don't move products from standard sections
[2007.10.18 19:31:13] Mr. Spaceman has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:31:20] peon2: is there a product type number for the new products?
[2007.10.18 19:31:30] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.10.18 19:31:31] AngelaCP: The buttons and yardsigns?
[2007.10.18 19:31:35] Blonde Designs has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:31:58] BrittaCP: Catagories means things like : "What's hot," "What's New" "limited Edition"
[2007.10.18 19:32:22] BrittaCP: Now... if you have a whole bunch of designs... you can also create subsections
[2007.10.18 19:32:42] BrittaCP: so your 1st section is perhaps Design Type
[2007.10.18 19:32:54] BrittaCP: like "retro" or "gothic"
[2007.10.18 19:33:15] BrittaCP sent a picture:
[2007.10.18 19:33:35] BrittaCP: Or in the case of Garfield, Attitude designs, and vintage designs
[2007.10.18 19:34:06] BrittaCP: when you go inside, you'll see the sub sections with the designs inside
[2007.10.18 19:34:06] saneTV: Britta, I have a "Best sellers' section that is just that: designs that have proved to be classics. Word-of-mouth sends people to my shop, and people want to see these popular designs right away
[2007.10.18 19:34:09] BrittaCP: make sense?
[2007.10.18 19:34:15] SFFriar: BabyDave, How do you mirror a section?
[2007.10.18 19:34:17] photographz: @ babydave-how do you mirror them?
[2007.10.18 19:34:19] boldavenue: photographz you can use "import" to copy objects into your holiday section
[2007.10.18 19:34:24] BrittaCP: Great Sane
[2007.10.18 19:34:33] bridey: can you set up a link in the side bar to just ornaments, or just greeting cards where it will just pull up the results as if the clicked on one of the items in the pull down menu?
[2007.10.18 19:34:38] dtdgoomba has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:34:41] AngelaCP: Yes and SKs have done that.
[2007.10.18 19:35:36] saneTV has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:35:38] AngelaCP: I love seeing the shops that put their product specific categories in the top navbar. Does anyone here have that?
[2007.10.18 19:35:46] BrittaCP: so with all the different methods to organize, think about which one will work best for you. Do you have a few designs, many? how can they bundled into a nice package?
[2007.10.18 19:36:06] Lifeinazoo has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:36:18] AngelaCP: To an earlier question about the product type:
[2007.10.18 19:36:20] Ophelia: 3.5 button = 203, 10 pack=204, 100 pack=205, yard sign = 206
[2007.10.18 19:36:27] AngelaCP: Thanks Ophelia
[2007.10.18 19:36:34] CYI: Most of my search engine traffic lands in one of my sub-sections (motorcycles, Halloween, etc). I put banners in each of these subsections as well to make them more visually appealing to buyers.
[2007.10.18 19:36:44] AngelaCP: That's a great idea CYI... thanks for sharing
[2007.10.18 19:36:48] photographz: I believe someone told me Google base doesn't like duplicate information (same name, description).
[2007.10.18 19:36:54] peon2: sorry, Ang. Yes, buttons and yard signs. Those yard signs are going to make some cool holiday decorations.
[2007.10.18 19:37:15] AngelaCP: yes. These election geared products will work for the holidays or any occasion
[2007.10.18 19:37:19] peon2: has done that
[2007.10.18 19:37:54] AngelaCP: nice! thanks for sharing peon
[2007.10.18 19:38:11] saneTV: Get all the arm-weather sweats and long sleevesd in one area for a winter section -- even mugs, for hot cocoa!
[2007.10.18 19:38:28] AngelaCP: That's a great idea Sane
[2007.10.18 19:38:59] AngelaCP: Let us know if you have any questions... we'll go back and answer some of the unanwered questions earlier....
[2007.10.18 19:39:14] peon has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:39:25] BrittaCP: I like that idea... you don't neccisarly need "holiday" items, but can still sell your winter themed stuff
[2007.10.18 19:39:32] AngelaCP: we are focusing on these two areas so your shop for the holidays are optimized for the big rush of shopping :)
[2007.10.18 19:39:52] BabyDave: SKs worried about sending duplicate info to google base can nirror products into holiday sections and give them new names.
[2007.10.18 19:40:37] BabyDave: These special sections should be IN ADDITION to the normal design based sections, not replecements -- don't mess up affiliates that link to your design sections
[2007.10.18 19:40:52] Ophelia: You'll probably want different descriptions in the holiday section anyway... more holiday-ish text
[2007.10.18 19:40:59] BrittaCP: for sure
[2007.10.18 19:41:23] AngelaCP: Looks like we got most of the questoins answered... if not, feel free to post again
[2007.10.18 19:41:40] designsbyshawn has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:41:54] AngelaCP: I know there are some SEO questions before we moved on... so we're more than happy to answer questions about that now... seems like that's an area you all want to focus on
[2007.10.18 19:42:11] peon2 sent a picture:
[2007.10.18 19:42:16] bearabull7 has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:42:29] peon2: oops
[2007.10.18 19:42:32] AngelaCP: haha
[2007.10.18 19:42:35] AngelaCP: we were lost...
[2007.10.18 19:42:42] AngelaCP: anything to share peon?
[2007.10.18 19:42:47] BrittaCP: well... now you have to explain, young lady
[2007.10.18 19:42:52] scarebaby has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:42:58] AngelaCP: your holiday logos?
[2007.10.18 19:43:00] Lekker Jen: those are great, girl!
[2007.10.18 19:43:05] peon2: um, I'm offering holiday makeovers for cafepress shops.
[2007.10.18 19:43:11] AngelaCP: haha
[2007.10.18 19:43:16] peon2: details at
[2007.10.18 19:43:45] AngelaCP: we have 15 minutes left...and it's fairly quiet... no questions coming in or comments
[2007.10.18 19:43:49] cynthia.nicole has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:43:54] peon2: I'm giving seven makeover options, $20 each or 3 for $50
[2007.10.18 19:44:04] peon2: and the logo makeover is one option
[2007.10.18 19:44:15] SlackerPlanet has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:44:19] AngelaCP: If there are no more, we can get everyone in open chat in the lobby to brainstorm and chat...
[2007.10.18 19:44:29] SFFriar: Angela ~ is there a group within CP that analyzes your website and gives suggestions... or, can you recomend any software that is best for doing this?
[2007.10.18 19:44:34] Sag: put me down, Audrie!
[2007.10.18 19:44:45] AngelaCP: Are you talking about for a SK shop?
[2007.10.18 19:44:50] peon2: no waiting list for this one, sag!
[2007.10.18 19:44:54] SFFriar: Yes
[2007.10.18 19:44:55] AngelaCP: you mean critiquing?
[2007.10.18 19:45:19] SFFriar: Yes LOL
[2007.10.18 19:45:29] AngelaCP: I would suggest the CafePress Community Forums
[2007.10.18 19:45:34] bridey has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:45:49] AngelaCP: There's a forum for shop/design feedback:
[2007.10.18 19:46:10] peon2: hmmm - I smell a new service. Guess I need to improve my SEO skills a bit
[2007.10.18 19:46:13] bearabull7: angela, any chance for a quick synopsis?
[2007.10.18 19:46:28] AngelaCP: We'll have a transcript up by early next week...
[2007.10.18 19:46:53] Ophelia: Another nice thing theme to do for holidays is "gifts under $20", "gifts under $10" etc.
[2007.10.18 19:46:56] AngelaCP: Some SKs may already have the chat notes so you can review
[2007.10.18 19:47:07] BrittaCP: that's an excellent idea... during the holidays, everyone loves a deal
[2007.10.18 19:47:17] AngelaCP: Yes Ophelia! I like the stocking stuffer section
[2007.10.18 19:47:17] BabyDave: I suggest SK do a lot of reading in the forums -- many MANY questions have been answered very well already
[2007.10.18 19:47:19] Message sent to moderator(s)
[2007.10.18 19:47:26] photographz: No one has mentioned count down banners yet
[2007.10.18 19:47:38] BrittaCP: I've been seeing these a lot this year
[2007.10.18 19:47:38] Lekker Jen has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:47:38] Mr. Spaceman: One suggestion I have to Mr. SFFriar is to study the shops of more experienced SKs. I've looked at several including Lekker Designs.
[2007.10.18 19:47:47] BrittaCP: care to share where you can find one photo?
[2007.10.18 19:47:50] peon2: oh - great idea! i will add that to my options
[2007.10.18 19:48:22] photographz: Here's a URL:
[2007.10.18 19:49:08] SFFriar: Does anyone use a specific software to SEO your site?
[2007.10.18 19:49:20] Fricka: funny sharing related to the countdown:
[2007.10.18 19:49:24] AngelaCP: Not the actual seoing... that's all in your brain ;)
[2007.10.18 19:49:35] BrittaCP: the cheapest software of them all
[2007.10.18 19:49:38] AngelaCP: There are tools you can use to help you come up with more keywords, etc
[2007.10.18 19:49:47] BabyDave: There is no such thing as SEO software -- SEO is all about writing
[2007.10.18 19:49:54] Butterfly: Fricka: Haaaaaaaaa!:-D
[2007.10.18 19:50:02] peon2: um, my software must be obselete
[2007.10.18 19:50:09] BrittaCP: i know that feeling... mine needs an upgrade
[2007.10.18 19:50:14] photographz: lol fricka
[2007.10.18 19:50:33] bearabull7: will there be holiday banners that cafepress will make available for SK's?
[2007.10.18 19:50:58] AngelaCP: we are working on a few things and hope to have banners....
[2007.10.18 19:51:08] peon2: [I'll be offering custom banners for your individual shop to offer to your affiliates]
[2007.10.18 19:51:12] SFFriar: It sure is nice using all you guys software! :whistle:
[2007.10.18 19:51:23] magadog1: or templates?
[2007.10.18 19:51:40] AngelaCP: we probably won't have templates.
[2007.10.18 19:51:47] Ophelia: i liked the promotion calendar last year, is CP doing that again this year?
[2007.10.18 19:51:54] BrittaCP: we don't genreally have holiday templates... but it sounds like peon has some goodies
[2007.10.18 19:52:09] AngelaCP: We're working on a few things. Are you asking about the sweepstakes or the calendar about dates to remember?
[2007.10.18 19:52:15] peon2: SFFriar is piratin software! somebody stop him!!!
[2007.10.18 19:52:25] peon2: I'll try to add a few to cplayouts if I can
[2007.10.18 19:52:39] CYI: Now you have to tell about the sweepstakes for us newbies!
[2007.10.18 19:52:53] AngelaCP: Last year we had a sweepstakes for the 12 day of holiday
[2007.10.18 19:53:11] AngelaCP: it was more for buyers...they come to our site and get a chance to win the prize for that day.
[2007.10.18 19:53:31] photographz: There's a cany cane stripy template on CP in the Holidays & occasions part
[2007.10.18 19:53:37] Ophelia: There was a calendar of promotions... free shipping such and such dates, shipping free upgrade these dates, maybe that was the year before?
[2007.10.18 19:53:49] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:53:51] DDKnight has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:54:06] AngelaCP: We might have... my memory isn't too clear :') but will have some things for this year
[2007.10.18 19:54:08] magadog1: photographz, where is that??
[2007.10.18 19:54:10] photographz: Sample shop url:
[2007.10.18 19:54:38] Winter has entered the room "CafePress Chat Room"
[2007.10.18 19:54:41] AngelaCP: So the hour is up and we want you to continue chatting so we'll open up the lobby
[2007.10.18 19:54:46] Winter has left the room (logged out)
[2007.10.18 19:54:46] AngelaCP: we do hope the chat today helped
[2007.10.18 19:54:57] AngelaCP: We hope to see lots of great holiday shops :)
[2007.10.18 19:55:06] bearabull7: where do we find peon2's info at?
[2007.10.18 19:55:08] AngelaCP: as all the seasoned SKs know...holidays are BIG!!!
[2007.10.18 19:55:13] photographz: Go to Customize, templates, by topic, holidays & occasions
[2007.10.18 19:55:29] AngelaCP: so thank you everyone for attending!
[2007.10.18 19:55:43] AngelaCP: The week after...we'll have a holiday sharing chat
[2007.10.18 19:56:03] BabyDave has left the room
[2007.10.18 19:56:03] AngelaCP: basically an open chat with holidays as the main topic
[2007.10.18 19:56:06] chm: Thanks, Angela, Britta, and all! :)
[2007.10.18 19:56:06] CYI: Thank you Ang & Britta!
[2007.10.18 19:56:07] cowpie: Thanks Angela....thanks Britta!
[2007.10.18 19:56:08] magadog1: thanks
[2007.10.18 19:56:11] peon2:
[2007.10.18 19:56:14] peon2: off to the lobby
[2007.10.18 19:56:17] AngelaCP: bye everyone!
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